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My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon....
#410460 - 05/02/10 05:04 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I posted this same story My Grow Journal already, but I wanted to post it somewhere more public so others can learn from my mistakes, and avoid this horrible ending to a grow.
I don't want this grow to be a total failure, so I hope someone out there learns something important from all this...
The story is long, but there is a shorter version of what happened toward the end , about 2/3rds down the page...please read and learn from my stupid mistakes...
= = = == = = = === = = = == = = == === = = == = = = = = = == = =
Very Critical, Very Sad news today for my plant....
     *** Plant Status: SEIZED AND DESTROYED BY COPS ***        
No smiley/germilin can really describe how I feel, but those will have to do....
Here's what happened...
Last night there was an outdoor rave near my town. I packed a lot of things for the camping party, such as a 2.5 gallon water jugs, food, warm clothes, etc. and some fresh cut budz (underdeveloped, from the lower canopy), and one hit of acid, with little paper towels wrapped in tin foil in case there was a liquid dealer....
Anyway, it was around 11:30pm and I was nearing the site on a dark, winding road.
There, I saw a car pull up behind me and turned their blue/red lights on. It was the cops. It was a fucking Cop trap right by the rave! Fuck!
I got really nervous, pulled over and they came to the door. They said they pulled my over because I had a missing/broken license plate light , that I was unaware of. I do remember the oil mechanic saying something about when I got my oil change, but I had completely forgot about it.
So, as they were checking my things, one officer was checking my car with a flash light.
The first cop asked: "Where are you going tonight?" I said "I'm going to the city up ahead to meet some friends." (which was lie #1, I was really going to the rave).
Then he said "You are not going to that rave tonight, are you?" I was really nervous at the time, and my acting skills are in no shape to pull this off. I said "No" (Lie #2). Then he said "Would you mind stepping out of the car". I did.
Then he said the "We have reason to search your car, are we going to find anything?". Its almost like time stopped. I knew I was screwed. I was going to jail, but I said "No, you are not going to find anything." (Lie #3).
I looked at the rear bumper, and realized why they had reason to search my car: I had a bumper sticker that said "Drugs lead nowhere, but at least its the Scenic Route!". It was one of my favorite drug-related stickers, because it had a mostly balanced message. I was too cocky about the stickers, and never thought it would cause any problems, so I left it on there....Biggest mistake of the night. 
The other stickers that basically say "I smoke weed officer!" were these stickers "Are you a Blazer?" around my Blazer logo, the type of car I own. And this other one that says "Hawaiian Smoke Shop" in reggae colors. I bought it in Maui, and put it right above the "Blazer" logo.
I've had these stickers on for years, and never really had any problems. A couple cops did pull me over for minor traffic things, but never to search my car. I should have known they likely pulled me over because of those weed-related stickers.
- In retrospect, these stickers were the worst idea EVER to put on the car when I am currently growing a controlled plant. How could I be so blindly proud, and stupid...
So like 2 cops searched my car as another 2 asked me questions, found the fresh-cut budz and my acid container, an Altoids metal container. One officer asked me "Where did you get this fresh buds from?" I said "From a friend, he grows." (Lie #4). Then the officer said "We have reason to search your home now, where do you live?". Like a compliant citizen, I told them. I knew I was ruined: there was no way out of this. I was thinking I was done, my plant was done....I'm going to jail.
Then they say "If you just tell the truth, it will make this a lot less worst for you. Are we going to find anything in your apartment?" or something to that nature. I just came clean, because I knew lying would only make things worst for me "Yeah, I have one marijuana plant and some mushroom mycelium growing in there. And some weed paraphernalia, like a bong and a scale."
Then they found my camera, and said "What's on here, your plant?" They turned it on, and the first photo that came up was my plant.
After that, they said "We're going to take you to your place and search it while you are there. We are towing your truck to a place in south part of your town. Now, put your hand behind your back." Then I was hand-cuff and loaded into the cop car, which is quite uncomfortable with plastic seats and a cramp foot spacing....start of the worst night of my life.
The ride back was not so bad. The guy driving me was actually quite nice. He was new, and kept asking me questions about acid and what it does, and what mushroom mycelium was. I told him, willingly...anything to get my mind off the fact that I'm going to jail, and my plant is dead. In fact, the whole time they were questioning on the side of the road, they were all nice and considerate, and never acted like dicks. But what they did was unforgivable.
So we get back to my place, and he lets me out, hand-cuffed. We went into my small apartment, and he asked me where the illegal stuff is. I told him, and he found the mushroom jars, Mushroom Fruiting Chamber, and most important my beautiful girl, just 2 weeks from harvest....
The other cops came and raided my whole place, leaving a huge mess as they ripped out my grow light, wires, power-strips, water jugs, and my precious girl. One of the first things they put in the living room was my plant: it was soo top-heavy, it drooped and almost broke the bottom of the stem. It looked so sad. I had betrayed her. I was practically handing her over to the enemy....it was over.
Right after all my grow stuff and my plant was loaded into the cop cars while outside, some cop said "Lets go get something to eat: I got the munchies" They all laughed. I was SOO ANRGY at his joke, I just wanted to do something to retaliate, but I didn't freak-out, because I know violent crimes are not handled well in the court system. So I said/did nothing, and tried to forget he said that. Pissed me off that a cop could think this was funny.....he was basically laughing at my defeat, and my plant being seized.
After they took everything, I was loaded back in the car, and just by chance or fate, my plant was in the front seat, behind the iron bars. I could smell her and look at her as we rode back to the station. I said my last good-byes to her in my head, since I will never see her again.
Then we got to the station, and I was processed, which I have never been thru before.
I won't bore you with the details, and it was a horrible, dehumanizing feeling, when they locked me up in the small grey cell. I was no longer a person, but a thing. Locked up.
But there was one cool thing about this shitty experience: the finger-printer. It was all digital, and I could watch as the tiny lines on my hand appeared on a screen in real-time. It was pretty trippy to watch. Kinda wish I ate that acid. But I was also glad I was 100% sober. It was cool to watch, and provided a little happiness in this depressing situation.
Another cool thing I realized was the perfect irony I was in. You see, right now I am in a group project for college, in which we argue for or against something. The topic of out group project is "War on Drugs". Our next meeting is this Tuesday. If I would of missed it because I was in jail, that would be the most ridiculous thing ever for me....
So in the perfect irony of my situation, I am doing a school project on the "War on Drugs", and I just got arrested for possession of different drugs, including of course MJ.
Right before I was put into jail, during the paper part, the cop who drove me home was in the room, and he said something that kinda cheered me up. He said "You were so close to harvest, and you never even got to smoke it." Then I said, "Acutally, I smoked a little a couple weeks ago. They were far from finished, but I can say I did get to smoke a little bit.
After that, I slept in jail until early Sunday morning, and they said I was almost going to stay until Monday, but another officer saw my charges and gave me a citation, which I guess is good, because I'm free right now. But the cops said that my charges were so severe, that I almost didn't get that.
The charges were "unlawful possession of less than an ounce of MJ" (now I know about how much I had), "possession of LSD and shrooms", and the license plate light thing, the first thing I got pulled-over for and what caused this horrid chain-of-events....
They got a lot of intel from my place, but luckily nothing about the Growery. They never seized my PC, but they said, if the wrong guys had raided my place, they would of took that too because its considered evidence. I got luckily there, because all my photos are on here.
Although, I got most of my stuff back like wallet and such, they still have my camera, my cellphone and my car at the pound. Not sure what I am going to do to get them back.
I have a court date in 3 weeks, and I think I'm going to jail. For how long, I don't know. I have no lawyer, so I don't know what I am going to do. Last night was the worst day of my life.....
So, to recap my really long story, here's what happened in short....
- Drove to an outdoor rave last night and brought some fresh bud clippings.
- Got pulled over from a stealthy cop just a block from the outdoor rave (I could hear the music), hiding without his lights on near the outdoor rave. I got questioned and lied about my intentions to protect myself.
- They said they had a reason to search my car, likely from the weed-related stickers on my rear bumper, and searched my car from illegal substances...
- Found my fresh budz, I was questioned then arrested. They found my camera, turned it on, and the first photo that came up was my plant. They said they had a reason for "Searching your place", which they did later....
- Was driven to my place, I pointed out where my illegal stuff was.
- They took my plant, all my grow supplies, and all my other mushroom related things and I was brought downtown to the slammer.
- Spent last night in jail. Was released this Sunday Morning....the bail at the time was $170,000! Holy Shit!
- They gave me back my wallet, lighters, and belt. The cops still have my cell phone, digital camera, and my car at the pound. I have to pay the towing bill.
- Court date is 3 weeks from now. And it looks like I'm going to spend jail time if I get convicted on "intent to distribute" or even just "having less than an ounce".
- Worst night of my life.
Lessons Learned?
- Stealthing does NOT end with the grow-room: Do not put anything such as stickers or symbols on you like clothing, your car as in bumper stickers (that's what I did stupidly), or anything you own or carry with you that relates you to weed or other drugs.
- Don't think you are smarter than the cops. They will catch you at any moment you make a mistake.
- Do NOT carry around photos of your plant on your camera. Delete them, or move them elsewhere.
- Do NOT lie to the cops. If you know you are caught, this will only make you look worst.
- Lastly and most importantly, Do NOT take growing cannabis lightly! It is serious, and illegal for most of us growers, and the consequences can be great. This was my mistake, and never again will I do it....
The Good: 
- At least I got to smoke some of it during April 20! It wasn't really full potency, and I took the bottom budz, which weren't as dank, but hey, I can't say I never smoked her. So at least I can say I got a little taste of her, and it wasn't a complete failure...that kinda makes me feel good.
- They never seized my PC as evidence, which they could of. Thank goodness. I need this PC for school, it would be so much worst it they took it too.
The Bad: 
- I think I'm going to jail. Actually, I'm sure of it, I just don't wanna think about it.
- My plants gone forever, and I never got to complete the flowering which I was *almost* done with. She's dead now. All that money, all that effort, all that love I gave her....gone forever.
- My car, cell-phone, and camera are still in the hands of cops. I have to get them back....
' ' ''' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' '' ' ''' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' '' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' '' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' '
Worst day of my life, but at least I have you guys for support....
Now, I gotta figure out a way to call my Dad and break the sad news....time to find some quarters I guess....
This War on Drugs needs to stop, I was just "harming" myself....
When will this nonsense end, and why must I be punished for it....
Only time will tell what will happen to me. Don't let this happen to YOU.
I should of just stayed home. 
They took her away, And I think I'm going to Jail. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
Lord of the Flies

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal] 2
#410462 - 05/02/10 05:09 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
You did the wrong thing every step of the way man.
Lord of the Flies

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410468 - 05/02/10 05:15 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Don't be a fool. Get a lawyer if this is your first offense. You don't want to go in representing yourself on possession of MJ, LSD, and Shrooms.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410469 - 05/02/10 05:17 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
DungenessDank said: You did the wrong thing every step of the way man.

Yes he did, but I can understand getting nervous.
Get yourself a lawyer man, although really the cops have all the evidence in the world that you were growing. Because you admitted to everything.
1.) Dont let them search your car 2.) Dont tell them where you got the bud 3.) Dont tell them you grow 4.) Dont tell them you grow 5.) Dont tell them you grow 6.) Dont tell them you grow

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410470 - 05/02/10 05:19 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbalCrystal Should have said:
I want my Lawyer
then you would be a free man, no charges or anything and you could have went home to your girl
Uncertified Oregrowian

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harlz]
#410475 - 05/02/10 05:23 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
But I don't even have a lawyer. Tell them another lie?
I guess I did say the wrong thing at every turn. I felt so pressured: there were like 4 cops all around me searching my car, I was lost for words. Scared, hopeless, clueless, not know what to say, the truth, a lie, or be vague. So I told the truth. Now I'm finished and my girls gone.
What have I done? ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410477 - 05/02/10 05:25 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
They will ask you if you want a lawyer to represent you when you go in to court. And if you cant afford one you can get a free one. But they are shitty.
Psycho Pete

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harlz]
#410478 - 05/02/10 05:26 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |

I'm so glad I don't drive.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harlz]
#410479 - 05/02/10 05:28 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Yeah i really feel bad for you trueherb but to be honest you did the wrong thing every step of the way and dug your own grave. You learned the complete wrong lessons from it as well, what you should have said is as little as possible and asked to speak to a lawyer.
When you do go to jail they will tell you everything you did wrong and if you pay attention to what goes on in there you will at least learn how to not get caugh this time. The cops were probably laughing to each other about how easy you made it for them.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410489 - 05/02/10 05:35 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbCrystal said: But I don't even have a lawyer. Tell them another lie?
I guess I did say the wrong thing at every turn. I felt so pressured: there were like 4 cops all around me searching my car, I was lost for words. Scared, hopeless, clueless, not know what to say, the truth, a lie, or be vague. So I told the truth. Now I'm finished and my girls gone.
What have I done? ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
No you say, I dont give you permission to search anything, and I am pleading my 5th right and remianing silent until I speak to my lawyer.. they probably would have said fuck it and let you go
Uncertified Oregrowian

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410490 - 05/02/10 05:40 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Thanks DoItAgain, I guess.
I hope I do learn the right lessons in court. Or jail. Or where ever.
So can you, or someone tell me, step by step, what I should of said in all the events that happened in the story? Any story out there I can read and learn on what I *should* have done?
Yeah, and the cops did all seem like they were in a happy, cheerful mood, which only made me more depressed. At least they weren't totally dicks: the one that actually drove me everywhere was nice and actually gave me some advice: "If you ever do this again, do not put this on your computer. They will take it away along with everything". Which was weird because he was basically helping me not get caught as bad next time or something....
It was horrible, but I think it could have been worst, even thou this is about as worst as it gets. At least I got a citation, and the court date is awhile from now. It feels weird really, like I'm free then in 3 weeks, I'm doomed, nothing in between.
But now I'm going to be clean, no nothing. I can't get caught before my court hearing, that would be the worst.
Can't Make More Fuck-Ups. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~

Registered: 06/13/08
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410492 - 05/02/10 05:43 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
You wont get jail time I dont think. If you are going to they would have put you in jail already.
And for advice on what you should have said look at your other thread I tell you there.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410493 - 05/02/10 05:47 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
wow sorry to hear man. U will have plenty of time in jail to think this over though. Just get a court app lawyer and try to settle a plea bargain. They have everything they need to convict u of some harsh crimes man. they had no warrant to search ur place but u just led them right in to take everything.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: m3kgt]
#410494 - 05/02/10 05:49 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I dunno I bet he wont go to jail.....
But if he does I think its going to be more for the mushrooms than the weed.
Grease Wizard

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410495 - 05/02/10 05:50 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Damn so you are gonna be a felon now and shit with the mushroom charges.
That sucks. It could have been prevented if you were prepared.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410497 - 05/02/10 05:52 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
you're not under 18 are you TrueHerb? if that's the case you could get some leniency.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410501 - 05/02/10 05:54 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Doitagain said: you're not under 18 are you TrueHerb? if that's the case you could get some leniency.
Like he's gonna admit to being under 18 on here lol.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410504 - 05/02/10 05:56 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Even if you said no they would have got a drug dog to search your car.
Chances are it would have sensed the weed in the car and you still would have gotten arrested.
They tricked you into letting them search your house.
Should have told them you found it growing along side the road.
Sucks man, I feel sorry for ya but we've all been there.
I'm sure you learned a valuable lesson from this.
I didn't learn until I got busted. Now I never drive with the stuff and If I do I always do a walk around my vehicle to make sure it's 100% legal.
PS - If he was under 18 his dad would already know because they need a legal guardian when he signs for being aware of his rights.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DoPeYsMuRf]
#410506 - 05/02/10 06:00 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I got threatend with a search dog once, but the guy never brought it around my car. If he would have, he would have found a couple of oz. of weed.
Stupid pigs.
Gang Green Gang

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: m3kgt]
#410508 - 05/02/10 06:04 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
m3kgt said: they had no warrant to search ur place but u just led them right in to take everything.
Shouldn't have let them push you around Herb.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410513 - 05/02/10 06:07 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Triptonic said:
Doitagain said: you're not under 18 are you TrueHerb? if that's the case you could get some leniency.
Like he's gonna admit to being under 18 on here lol.
you'd be surprised some people don't know or forget but i've gotten at least a couple underage users banned
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410518 - 05/02/10 06:12 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Sourced from Norml:
Manufacturing any amount of marijuana is a very serious offense. 'Manufacturing' means growing even one plant and packaging, repackaging, labeling or relabeling marijuana. Manufacturing marijuana is a class A felony punishable by a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a $100,000 fine.
ORS 475.856 A Felony Unlawful manufacture of marijuana.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: m3kgt]
#410529 - 05/02/10 06:20 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
hmm and since he had it in a bag that means distribution too

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410536 - 05/02/10 06:23 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: ltd]
#410539 - 05/02/10 06:25 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
ltd said:

Dead Dictator

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: matt]
#410548 - 05/02/10 06:37 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
Grease Wizard

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410549 - 05/02/10 06:39 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
This thread should be stickied so all the noobs can see what NOT to do when being confronted by the cops.
True Herb, you are a True American Idiot and I mean that in the best way possible. It's like those Darwin Awards. After reading those I now know not to connect my dick to an electrical socket. You might save a life someday because of this.
Lord of the Flies

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Tangerines]
#410550 - 05/02/10 06:39 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Tangerines said: This thread should be stickied so all the noobs can see what NOT to do when being confronted by the cops.
True Herb, you are a True American Idiot and I mean that in the best way possible. It's like those Darwin Awards. After reading those I now know not to connect my dick to an electrical socket. You might save a life someday because of this.
Grease Wizard

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410552 - 05/02/10 06:42 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
DungenessDank said:
Tangerines said: This thread should be stickied so all the noobs can see what NOT to do when being confronted by the cops.
True Herb, you are a True American Idiot and I mean that in the best way possible. It's like those Darwin Awards. After reading those I now know not to connect my dick to an electrical socket. You might save a life someday because of this.
Smoothie therapist

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Tangerines]
#410559 - 05/02/10 06:46 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
lol yeah so many lessons can be learned from this that's the only redeeming factor here.
A) don't talk to the cops B) don't let them search your car C) if they find a little weed don't tell them "it's from a friend who grows" make some shit up about copping it at a concert or a bar D)don't let them search your house or tell the cops exactly what llegal shit you have inside your house. god damn at least make them work for it.
there's probably many more but these ones stand out the most.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain] 1
#410564 - 05/02/10 06:50 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I got weak in the knees and spilled the beans.. and that's the way the cookie crumbles! ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410565 - 05/02/10 06:50 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Every time the cop asks you a question, Don't automatically incriminate yourself further.
Grease Wizard

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: ltd]
#410566 - 05/02/10 06:52 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Your rhymes flow like tub's tear ducts.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410567 - 05/02/10 06:52 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
DungenessDank said: Every time the cop asks you a question, Don't automatically incriminate yourself further.
lol yeah and if a cop asks you what mushroom mycelium is don't tell him that its the first steps in manufacturing a schedule I controlled substance.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410570 - 05/02/10 06:56 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Doitagain said: lol yeah so many lessons can be learned from this that's the only redeeming factor here.
A) don't talk to the cops B) don't let them search your car C) if they find a little weed don't tell them "it's from a friend who grows" make some shit up about copping it at a concert or a bar D)don't let them search your house or tell the cops exactly what llegal shit you have inside your house. god damn at least make them work for it.
there's probably many more but these ones stand out the most.
E) Don't drive around with bumper stickers advertising that you use illegal substances. F) Don't drive around with drugs in the vehicle whilst the light above your rear license plate is out.
... especially whilst headed to a rave which the cops are known to stake out and look for any reason to harass you.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: matt]
#410574 - 05/02/10 06:58 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
matt said:
Doitagain said: lol yeah so many lessons can be learned from this that's the only redeeming factor here.
A) don't talk to the cops B) don't let them search your car C) if they find a little weed don't tell them "it's from a friend who grows" make some shit up about copping it at a concert or a bar D)don't let them search your house or tell the cops exactly what llegal shit you have inside your house. god damn at least make them work for it.
there's probably many more but these ones stand out the most.
E) Don't drive around with bumper stickers advertising that you use illegal substances. F) Don't drive around with drugs in the vehicle whilst the light above your rear license plate is out.
... especially whilst headed to a rave which the cops are known to stake out and look for any reason to harass you.
yeah well also you gotta fault the rave organizers as well, if you throw your shit properly the cops have no idea it's going down.
Way to over-promote an underground to the point where cops stake it out. That would never happen at a party i threw
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Tangerines]
#410584 - 05/02/10 07:09 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Tangerines said: True Herb, you are a True American Idiot and I mean that in the best way possible. It's like those Darwin Awards. After reading those I now know not to connect my dick to an electrical socket. You might save a life someday because of this.
I hope so. If anything comes out of this, is others learning from what I did wrong, and the right thing.
I getting really scared now reading these laws, and some of these news stories with similar circumstances....
No more reading for now. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410585 - 05/02/10 07:09 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
sorry man that sucks! buuut always say no or nothing at all. never tell the truth in a sitchieation like that.
Grease Wizard

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410586 - 05/02/10 07:09 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Go get a hooker and an 8 ball to calm yourself down a little.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410589 - 05/02/10 07:11 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Doitagain said: yeah well also you gotta fault the rave organizers as well, if you throw your shit properly the cops have no idea it's going down.
Way to over-promote an underground to the point where cops stake it out.
That's a moot point as far as I'm concerned. You should always be on your toes and prepared for the worst whilst rolling up to a rave and/or fest with drugs in the vehicle regardless of how discretely you believe it was promoted. Hell you should be on your toes and prepared for the worst anytime you're driving around with drugs in the vehicle, period.
Who rolls up to a rave with a back license plate light out and bumper stickers that essentially read "hello officer, i am drug user, feel free to search my vehicle."? Apparently TrueHerbCrystal does.
Get a ride or take a goddamn cab to a nearby location for fucks sake.
Ballin out at all cost

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410590 - 05/02/10 07:14 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
and then stand there calmly if they still arrest you
dont say shit and say, "suck my balls i need an attorney."
-------------------- Suck my balls America

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: matt]
#410591 - 05/02/10 07:15 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
its not like you check your licenses plate light everytime you start the car. genuine mistake. po po get folks around here alll the time for cocaine with that excuse for pulling over.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: matt]
#410592 - 05/02/10 07:15 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Doitagain said: lol yeah so many lessons can be learned from this that's the only redeeming factor here.
A) don't talk to the cops B) don't let them search your car C) if they find a little weed don't tell them "it's from a friend who grows" make some shit up about copping it at a concert or a bar D)don't let them search your house or tell the cops exactly what illegal shit you have inside your house. god damn at least make them work for it.
there's probably many more but these ones stand out the most.
matt said:
E) Don't drive around with bumper stickers advertising that you use illegal substances. F) Don't drive around with drugs in the vehicle whilst the light above your rear license plate is out.
... especially whilst headed to a rave which the cops are known to stake out and look for any reason to harass you.
Here's the list so far.
A) Its hard when they pull you over.
B) Yes, should of made them get a warrant.
For C) very true. I should of said something different. But its the only one that made sense. But these were very fresh budz, like a couple hours clipped. What could I say? Yeah, I just got them, and now I on my way to a friends house. I don't know, I'm an idiot. I just hate lying to the cops. Seems like it will only hurt me later because nothing I say will have value if they do find something.
D) - Reason why I did that was they were going to find it anyway, so I didn't wanna be hostile like "No! I won't tell you!". They could charge me for that right, getting hostile and defensive? They could use that in court, me saying "Yeah, I don't have anything in my place. Go look." and I do.
E) - Definitely, that was stupid of me. And yes, "F)". I would like to add something thou.
F) Make sure everything on your vehicle is completely legal before even thinking about carrying drugs.
There's more lessons, I hope. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
Edited by TrueHerbCrystal (05/02/10 07:17 PM)
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: matt]
#410593 - 05/02/10 07:16 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
matt said:
Doitagain said: yeah well also you gotta fault the rave organizers as well, if you throw your shit properly the cops have no idea it's going down.
Way to over-promote an underground to the point where cops stake it out.
That's a moot point as far as I'm concerned. You should always be on your toes and prepared for the worst whilst rolling up to a rave and/or fest with drugs in the vehicle regardless of how discretely you believe it was promoted. Hell you should be on your toes and prepared for the worst anytime you're driving around with drugs in the vehicle, period.
Who rolls up to a rave with a back license plate light out and bumper stickers that essentially read "hello officer, i am drug user, feel free to search my vehicle."? Apparently TrueHerbCrystal does.
Get a ride or take a goddamn cab to a nearby location for fucks sake.

Oh yeah it's definitely totally his own fault, but since i'm in the business i'm just looking at it from the organizers point of view, it's bad for business if your crews partys have cops staking it out.
But it could have easily been avoided.
The guy who was working our security last night, and usually, is an off-duty copy so if the cops to come to bust it he just tells them that it's cool and they will respect that since he is their work buddy and they don't wanna step on his toes and have him not get paid.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
Edited by Doitagain (05/02/10 07:20 PM)
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410596 - 05/02/10 07:22 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
yea...and you arent going to jail you dick wrinkle
-------------------- Suck my balls America

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410598 - 05/02/10 07:23 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I think it's only fair we try to provide the most help we possibly can.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: mhbound]
#410599 - 05/02/10 07:23 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
mhbound said: yea...and you arent going to jail you dick wrinkle
yeah definitely not, manufacture of marijuana, psilocybin and possesion of lsd he's going to pound-me-in-the-ass prison.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410600 - 05/02/10 07:26 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
The truth is that when you put me on ignore for being an "Imperial Wizard Racist", you failed to understand that the internets is srs business.
I used my connections within the Order to find a branch of the Imperial Knights local to your area, several members of that branch happened to be law enforcement officers. God bless them.
I informed them of your ethnicity and they sprung into action. Death Dealer Dave, a elder of our group, cut the wires leading to light above your license plate.
He rejoined his fellow officers and they simply waited for you to leave your residence, and the rest is history.
Death Dealer Dave is going to receive a Silver Star for his valiant efforts in this drug bust.
Hopefully you learned the real lesson here..

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: ltd]
#410601 - 05/02/10 07:27 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Lieutenant Dan said: The truth is that when you put me on ignore for being an "Imperial Wizard Racist", you failed to understand that the internets is srs business.
I used my connections within the Order to find a branch of the Imperial Knights local to your area, several members of that branch happened to be law enforcement officers. God bless them.
I informed them of your ethnicity and they sprung into action. Death Dealer Dave, a elder of our group, cut the wires leading to light above your license plate.
He rejoined his fellow officers and they simply waited for you to leave your residence, and the rest is history.
Death Dealer Dave is going to receive a Silver Star for his valiant efforts in this drug bust.
Hopefully you learned the real lesson here..
Grease Wizard

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: ltd]
#410603 - 05/02/10 07:28 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Tangerines]
#410606 - 05/02/10 07:29 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Tangerines said:

-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410607 - 05/02/10 07:30 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Dear everyone;
Stop trolling THC right now. This is the smoke lounge.
Grease Wizard

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#410608 - 05/02/10 07:30 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
But I'm still laughing.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Tangerines]
#410611 - 05/02/10 07:31 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
laugh quietly, and through your mouth rather than your fingers.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#410614 - 05/02/10 07:33 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Oh okay. haha.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#410616 - 05/02/10 07:33 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
OK it is time for serious business.
THC, this is what you do. You scrounge up all the money you can from family friends whoever. You get yourself a lawyer. And you go from there. Worrying any further than that will just take years off your life until you start pissing out kidney stones on the reg.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#410617 - 05/02/10 07:34 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Well I want to say, in the interest of providing as much help as we can, if THC admits to being under 18 I won't ban him until this issue is resolved. I think it's only fair we try to provide the most help we possibly can.
I agree. I promise you guys that I am NOT 18. I am 22. You have my word on that. I was born in 1987.
I know I may *type* like an 18 year old, but thats just my personality: I act younger than I am (in this case, it was a very bad thing).
I don't wanna give too much details. But remember when I made that thread about going to a strip club? Well, you have to be at least 18 to go in there, I was *at least* 18. I was 22 at the moment. And I was carded at the strip club. Its a true story.
You guys are like family to me. I know it sounds weird and pathetic, but its real. Even thou we never saw each other in real life, thats how I feel. Some of you aren't helping, but Harry, Trip and DoItAgain plus many others are in some ways.
I don't wanna go to prison. Is this really my only destination? Is there no hope for me????
Should I get some people to testify for me? Kinda like Witnesses?
Is there a drug legal handbook I can read for help?
Can I save myself from Prison time? ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
Grease Wizard

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Tangerines]
#410619 - 05/02/10 07:34 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
And I know a thing or three about kidney stones. I collect them.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410621 - 05/02/10 07:36 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Dude honestly spend some money on a lawyer. none of us here have gone to law school. We can give you limited help, but the actual answers, applicable to your specific location can only be had by speaking with a lawyer. Most good lawyers will give you a free initial consultation by phone anyway.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410624 - 05/02/10 07:36 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
As Tang just told you. Seek the best attorney that you can afford. Contact NORML & MPP and let them know of your situation. They have been known to help people find good local attorneys and even donate $$ in some cases. Good luck.
Grease Wizard

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#410626 - 05/02/10 07:37 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Getting a good lawyer is the ONLY thing that can help this kid now. The legal system WANTS you to spend money or they will look at you in a different way. Play their game, get your penalty, and go on living.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410627 - 05/02/10 07:37 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbCrystal said:
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Well I want to say, in the interest of providing as much help as we can, if THC admits to being under 18 I won't ban him until this issue is resolved. I think it's only fair we try to provide the most help we possibly can.
I agree. I promise you guys that I am NOT 18. I am 22. You have my word on that. I was born in 1987.
I know I may *type* like an 18 year old, but thats just my personality: I act younger than I am (in this case, it was a very bad thing).
I don't wanna give too much details. But remember when I made that thread about going to a strip club? Well, you have to be at least 18 to go in there, I was *at least* 18. I was 22 at the moment. And I was carded at the strip club. Its a true story.
You guys are like family to me. I know it sounds weird and pathetic, but its real. Even thou we never saw each other in real life, thats how I feel. Some of you aren't helping, but Harry, Trip and DoItAgain plus many others are in some ways.
I don't wanna go to prison. Is this really my only destination? Is there no hope for me????
Should I get some people to testify for me? Kinda like Witnesses?
Is there a drug legal handbook I can read for help?
Can I save myself from Prison time? ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
honestly theres no way of knowing for sure, you live in a pretty liberal state. You need to get presentable as fuck for court, that measn clean shave short neat haircut neat dress the works. If you have any community leaders that can vouch that you're a good kid who just into some not so good stuff that would help.
If you're lucky you could get into a drug diversion program which could mean only a couple months of jail/prison time and then be sent to rehab. Rehab sucks but its better than jail/prison.
Say you have problems with drugs and alcohol and you would like to get help for them, since you are young if you get a liberal judge you could get off easy that way.
Other than that get a lawyer and hope for the best.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410632 - 05/02/10 07:43 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Uncertified Oregrowian

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410639 - 05/02/10 07:48 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Thank you all you guys SO MUCH. It means so much to me for you to help me out like this.
That is all good advice. If you don't mind, I am going to print out this thread for help on how I should act, and what I should do.
Thank you again. You have no idea how much it means to have someone on my side.
Your troubled very scared friend, ~ T.H.C. ~
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410640 - 05/02/10 07:49 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Look for a local attorney who has a good record. These guys make a living off being chummy with the judges and getting people good deals. You have to get your cultivation and manufacturing charges lowered to something else or you're gonna go to prison.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410641 - 05/02/10 07:54 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Ok, I'll look into that.
What about referring the Growery? My thoughts are NOT to even mention it anywhere, to protect this community and all the great people who make it what it is....
...But what if it helped in my case? Do you think my Grow Journal could be used in my benefit? Or would it be worst to reference it?
Could it lower my cultivation/manufacturing charges?
I guess I should ask a lawyer about it.
Gotta do A LOT of Research Now. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
Grease Wizard

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410643 - 05/02/10 07:55 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Are you retarded? I am not flaming, just trying to figure you out. I can not understand how you giving them more evidence ala the Growery shit will benefit you in any way.
That is like giving the cops the reciept to the gun you purchased to kill someone.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410644 - 05/02/10 07:56 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbCrystal said: Ok, I'll look into that.
What about referring the Growery? My thoughts are NOT to even mention it anywhere, to protect this community and all the great people who make it what it is....
...But what if it helped in my case? Do you think my Grow Journal could be used in my benefit? Or would it be worst to reference it?
Could it lower my cultivation/manufacturing charges?
I guess I should ask a lawyer about it.
Gotta do A LOT of Research Now. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
nah dude that's not gonna do anything except give them more evidence than they already have. Pictures of your grow and talking abotu techniques to increase yield, seriously not a good idea.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit

Registered: 08/13/09
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410646 - 05/02/10 07:59 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Since he told the cops that he grew weed I'm sure if he was under 18 he would have told us all by now.
I'll also say this again. He mentioned being nervous about having to tell his folks and if he was underage they would have been the first to know.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DoPeYsMuRf]
#410648 - 05/02/10 08:01 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
DoPeYsMuRf said: Since he told the cops that he grew weed I'm sure if he was under 18 he would have told us all by now.
I'll also say this again. He mentioned being nervous about having to tell his folks and if he was underage they would have been the first to know.
yeah i'm not accusing him of being underage i was just asking if he was, and i believe that he's not.
Though for his own sake it's too bad that he isn't.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
Ballin out at all cost

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DoPeYsMuRf]
#410651 - 05/02/10 08:02 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
youll just get probation
-------------------- Suck my balls America
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410653 - 05/02/10 08:04 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Beg your parents to loan you cash. If they have the money to spare, and they are half-way decent human beings, they will help you out with the lawyer. Families got to look out for their own.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410654 - 05/02/10 08:05 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Doitagain said:
TrueHerbCrystal said: Ok, I'll look into that.
What about referring the Growery? My thoughts are NOT to even mention it anywhere, to protect this community and all the great people who make it what it is....
...But what if it helped in my case? Do you think my Grow Journal could be used in my benefit? Or would it be worst to reference it?
Could it lower my cultivation/manufacturing charges?
I guess I should ask a lawyer about it.
Gotta do A LOT of Research Now. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
nah dude that's not gonna do anything except give them more evidence than they already have. Pictures of your grow and talking abotu techniques to increase yield, seriously not a good idea.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410655 - 05/02/10 08:05 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Being his first offense he'll be able to plead guilty and get a deferred judgment.
That means no felony, no jail time, just a bunch of community service and not being able to get a decent job for 7 years.
Just make sure you stay clean until your probation is over or else your getting charged with everything and will be sent away for a long time.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410657 - 05/02/10 08:06 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
OK. I agree. No Growery reference.
I might have to delete my account then....but I really don't wanna. I love it here. I hope the cops don't take my PC. Even if I delete my files connected to here, I heard that hard-drives leave an imprint of the files you save on the disk. Should I get rid of all evidence, including digital ones?
I mean, they already have charges, and did a search of my place. Do you think they will do another *after* court? Man....this is getting too complex.
The good thing is that on my camera, there is no photos of the Growery website. There's photos of raves, and girls at raves, vacation stuff like in the snow, but no Growery, that I can remember. I'm really sure there is no photos of the website.
I think Grwy Ok on that one. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410663 - 05/02/10 08:23 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
no you dont ill teach you to beat the pigs on the internet....bunch of fools
-------------------- Suck my balls America
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: matt]
#410666 - 05/02/10 08:24 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Lieutenant Dan said: The truth is that when you put me on ignore for being an "Imperial Wizard Racist", you failed to understand that the internets is srs business.
I used my connections within the Order to find a branch of the Imperial Knights local to your area, several members of that branch happened to be law enforcement officers. God bless them.
I informed them of your ethnicity and they sprung into action. Death Dealer Dave, a elder of our group, cut the wires leading to light above your license plate.
He rejoined his fellow officers and they simply waited for you to leave your residence, and the rest is history.
Death Dealer Dave is going to receive a Silver Star for his valiant efforts in this drug bust.
Hopefully you learned the real lesson here..
To tell you the truth Lieut Dan, that kinda cheered me up.
It was kinda mean, and not helpful in anyway, but to say I was set-up by imperial wizards, which I discussed back in the Thunderdome, was a pretty good joke. You're an awesome writer. Not helpful in anyway, but I did enjoy your crazy-linked story that goes all the way back to the time I called you an "imperial wizard". What a story.
You're officially off the ignore list. Just please, keep it semi-clean in here Lieut Dan....thanks
And shame on all of you for laughing at that! Just kidding. 
Not helpful, but entertaining. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#410674 - 05/02/10 08:31 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Harry_Ba11sach said: Dear everyone;
Stop trolling THC right now. This is the smoke lounge.
Took you long enough.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410675 - 05/02/10 08:32 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Woah good input there buddy. Way to be. That helped so much and added so much humor to this thread. You should get an award for your hard trying abilities. It would be great.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410677 - 05/02/10 08:32 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
are you joking right now? I can't be on here every second of the day trip. I'm the only mod online right now, and I just happened to get to this thread. I don't even understand what you're trying to say by that, a 15 second response time isn't snappy enough for you?
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#410680 - 05/02/10 08:34 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Can someone tell me what he is bitching about now? His presence is beginning to annoy me even when he's on ignore.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410682 - 05/02/10 08:38 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I'm pissed that someone who is in a lot of trouble is getting trolled in TSL. We should be here for support not for telling him he's a dumbass.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410684 - 05/02/10 08:40 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
We have supported him. We told him what he should do and what he did wrong. He can discern between a joke and real advice.
[edit: flames removed]
Edited by geokills (05/06/10 12:02 PM)
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410686 - 05/02/10 08:41 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I say ban trip for trolling this thread.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410688 - 05/02/10 08:42 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
[edit: flames removed]
Edited by geokills (05/06/10 12:03 PM)
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#410691 - 05/02/10 08:43 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
DungenessDank said: I say ban trip for trolling this thread.
agreed, telling a mod Took you long enough when he was on this thread and banning LTD in no time at all is in fact trolling.
It's not about him defending THC but his vendetta against ballsach.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410694 - 05/02/10 08:46 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Triptonic said: I'm pissed that someone who is in a lot of trouble is getting trolled in TSL. We should be here for support not for telling him he's a dumbass.
Agreed! Thanks Trip! You're always doing the right thing in these situations. I can't respect that enough.
I know I did some stupid things when I talked to the cops, and I regret that entirely. I didn't know what to do. I've never really dealt with cops before, so I didn't how to handle the situation. Figured "Honesty is the best Policy" right? Buty what I learned here is "Silence is the best policy" Should of remember that Dave Chappelle episode about the 5th Amendment. What a fool I was.
Thats why I'm here to ask you guys what I should of done, and you did. Mostly.
But I understand that Harry can't be here to moderate all day. Its not actually a conversation, its a busy job being a moderator, the only mod on, I would assume.
I really should try get my stuff back now. Thanks for calming me down guys.
Time to get something done now. - T.H.C.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410695 - 05/02/10 08:47 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
For real. I'd like to see harry flex is ballsach on this one.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410704 - 05/02/10 08:54 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Triptonic said: I'm pissed that someone who is in a lot of trouble is getting trolled in TSL. We should be here for support not for telling him he's a dumbass.
Sometimes telling somebody that they're a dumbass, and explaining why/how, is the best type of support you can give. It's called tough love and it helps to build character, something you seriously lack. No offense of course. You have me nigged anyway.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: matt]
#410707 - 05/02/10 08:58 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I haven't seen anyone trolling until you, trip, came in here and continue to take the thread off the course that bitch was supposed to run Jesus trip you were only unnigged for like 12 hours...
back on topic: Respect your opposing force
No matter if its the police, the bloods from the westside or maybe the granny next door...Respect them, they can and will and have the right to bust you.
-------------------- Suck my balls America
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410717 - 05/02/10 09:15 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
THC, sorry to hear about this.
Wish you the best man.
-------------------- Child of the 60's, Tripping ever sence.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410720 - 05/02/10 09:19 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Doitagain said:
DungenessDank said: I say ban trip for trolling this thread.
agreed, telling a mod Took you long enough when he was on this thread and banning LTD in no time at all is in fact trolling.
It's not about him defending THC but his vendetta against ballsach.
Actually no, I dont have anything against anyone on this site. I'm just sick of people trolling me and THC in TSL. Nothing about "took you long enough" was meant to be trolling at all or mean.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410724 - 05/02/10 09:20 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
How did you just make that post AFTER I banned you from TSL?

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#410728 - 05/02/10 09:23 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I dont know but I'm still able to for some reason. Dont ban me I havent done anything wrong man. I'm just upset about THC getting trolled by dicks.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410734 - 05/02/10 09:27 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Triptonic said: I'm just upset about THC getting trolled by dicks.
There he goes flaming people again after hax0ring his way back into TSL. I'd give him a sitewide ban.
Anyhow, THC, have you sent out emails to MPP and NORML explaining your situation?
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410737 - 05/02/10 09:29 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Triptonic said: They will ask you if you want a lawyer to represent you when you go in to court. And if you cant afford one you can get a free one. But they are shitty.
I don't know how it works in the states. In Canada they're not shitty, lawyers need to represent so many clients they're appointed to through the court. So you could very well end up with the shittiest lawyer on earth or a $600 a hour lawyer and get what would be a several thousand dollar fee waved. I believe lawyers not being paid by their clients tend to not put forward as many resources in defending you though.
A friend of mine got a lawyer to defend his DUI appointed by the court that would have charged $8000 normally.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410741 - 05/02/10 09:36 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbCrystal said:
I might have to delete my account then....but I really don't wanna. I love it here. I hope the cops don't take my PC. Even if I delete my files connected to here, I heard that hard-drives leave an imprint of the files you save on the disk. Should I get rid of all evidence, including digital ones?
If you're worried, just zero your harddrive and start fresh. Zeroing you harddrive is to basically reformat it when all else fails. If someone decides to put some nerdy encryption on your computer and fuck with your partitions so you can't reformat you have the option of zeroing your harddrive. When this is done I highly doubt anything can be retrieved from before but I'm not up to date on computer forensics.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: captain.koons]
#410742 - 05/02/10 09:36 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Wow, That is totally unamerican- But sounds like a far superior system.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410743 - 05/02/10 09:37 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Triptonic said:
Doitagain said:
DungenessDank said: I say ban trip for trolling this thread.
agreed, telling a mod Took you long enough when he was on this thread and banning LTD in no time at all is in fact trolling.
It's not about him defending THC but his vendetta against ballsach.
Actually no, I dont have anything against anyone on this site. I'm just sick of people trolling me and THC in TSL. Nothing about "took you long enough" was meant to be trolling at all or mean.
Yeah except his response was within minutes after the infractions occurred making a sarcastic "took you long enough" completely off base and a blatant troll.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Triptonic]
#410748 - 05/02/10 09:51 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Triptonic said: I dont know but I'm still able to for some reason. Dont ban me I havent done anything wrong man. I'm just upset about THC getting trolled by dicks.
also you don't need to be upset for him, in fact you could learn from the dude.
notice how he just laughed about it, and the trolling stopped. You could have done that a long time ago and people probably would have left you alone.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
Card Holder. Not really
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#410759 - 05/02/10 10:08 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Ok, since when does a cop have the right to search your home because of something they found in your CAR on the street not even at your house!?! Thats absolutely ridiculous! Should have said nothing. Cultivation of mushrooms is what is going to get you bad. They had NO right to search your place of residence UNTIL you took them there and let them in.
If a cop tells you they have reason to search your home tell them "theres the door, kick it in" If they have reasonable doubt they will kick that fucking door in. If they do not, they will try their hardest to convince you to say "Im not hiding anything" or "yeah i have some stuff, its here here and here and oh here is the key go on in" They are still gonna charge you with whatever they find.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: brifunforme]
#410770 - 05/02/10 10:45 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Very good point.
I should of also mentioned that these cops were specialized in the "narcotics division" as the newer cop who drove me home told me. So I'm guessing they know their stuff....That could have been it. They saw the fresh bud in the car, I was alone in the car, so they made the assumption that I was growing. Seems like good logic to me. I should of saw it before. But seriously, I rarely see cops at raves, but I forget that I usually see them at OUTDOOR raves, which is where the problem is. I didn't learn from last year.....too forgetful for my own good.
And I didn't really take them there, I was in the cop car and they drove me there. If I had the option to just go straight to jail, and not by my place, I would have took that route. But at the time, it looked it was going to happen anyway, so in my mind, why not just get it over with and end the lies.
If they would have gave me a consent form to sign, giving them permission to search my place, theres no way in hell I would sign that. No way. But there was never a form, nothing officially. Just questions then answers. And if they kicked the door in, I would have to pay for that, since I don't own the place, I rent it.
>>> To matt:
matt said:
Anyhow, THC, have you sent out emails to MPP and NORML explaining your situation?
Haven't done that yet, but I just bought one of those pre-paid cell phones to make calls that I need to make, just to the Police Dept about my cell phone and to the tow service (not sure which one) about my vehicle.
Next, I'm going to send a message to both MAPP and NORML real soon.....should I just send my OP, with some edits?
Gotta Rewrite It. ~ TrueH.C. ~
Edited by TrueHerbCrystal (05/02/10 10:47 PM)

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410779 - 05/02/10 11:09 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
what happens when you tell them about it?
Free yourself from yourself

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410781 - 05/02/10 11:15 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Damn, that's terrible! I don't have the time to read this whole thread now but i will later. I hope you come through OK on this.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410783 - 05/02/10 11:17 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbCrystal said: Very good point.
I should of also mentioned that these cops were specialized in the "narcotics division" as the newer cop who drove me home told me. So I'm guessing they know their stuff....That could have been it. They saw the fresh bud in the car, I was alone in the car, so they made the assumption that I was growing. Seems like good logic to me. I should of saw it before. But seriously, I rarely see cops at raves, but I forget that I usually see them at OUTDOOR raves, which is where the problem is. I didn't learn from last year.....too forgetful for my own good.
And I didn't really take them there, I was in the cop car and they drove me there. If I had the option to just go straight to jail, and not by my place, I would have took that route. But at the time, it looked it was going to happen anyway, so in my mind, why not just get it over with and end the lies.
If they would have gave me a consent form to sign, giving them permission to search my place, theres no way in hell I would sign that. No way. But there was never a form, nothing officially. Just questions then answers. And if they kicked the door in, I would have to pay for that, since I don't own the place, I rent it.
>>> To matt:
matt said:
Anyhow, THC, have you sent out emails to MPP and NORML explaining your situation?
Haven't done that yet, but I just bought one of those pre-paid cell phones to make calls that I need to make, just to the Police Dept about my cell phone and to the tow service (not sure which one) about my vehicle.
Next, I'm going to send a message to both MAPP and NORML real soon.....should I just send my OP, with some edits?
Gotta Rewrite It. ~ TrueH.C. ~
That is YOU giving THEM permission to search. Just telling them "yeah its there" Is GRANTING permission to search. Thats why everyone says dont talk. You would have just been facing the possession of the lsd,nug,and the license plate light thing. But now you have much more serious charges awaiting you.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Tina]
#410784 - 05/02/10 11:17 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
You mean when I tell NORML and MAPP about what happened or tell the Police that I contacted MAPP/NORML?
The latter sounds no so good.
I'm actually working on the editing right now....
Might have to ask you guys to peer-review it, to make sure it sounds alright....I'll censor my name and location to protect my identity.
Hopefully those organizations can help. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410813 - 05/03/10 12:09 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Hey dude, I guess I'm a bit late since this has been posted, but I'm sure everything will work out okay, its gonna be a rough road, but I've had friends whom have been busted with worse, and I'm sure that you'll be fine. Two things to remember, its your first offense, you'll definatly get parole and this will blemish your record, but you'll survive. My suggestion, get your lawyer, play it straight, be good for a year. You'll be back in no time.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410820 - 05/03/10 12:28 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Damn trueherb, I'm really sorry to hear about that. That's the worst thing that could happen. The same shit could happen to me. I use to carry photos around in my iphone with me, just because it synced all my photos in iphoto. It got stolen but it had a password and of course when you steal an iphone you don't give a shit what's on it, you just want to wipe it and use it. So I got kind of lucky, but that experience taught me exactly that, never carry around photos. That's fucked up shit trueherb I'm so sorry.  
-------------------- andyistic said:
Ok so let me bring you idiots up to speed.
The admins are tired of this shitfest being made the joke of the weed community on the Internet.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410834 - 05/03/10 01:22 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
get off the forum sketchball. Actions always speak louder than words
[edit: flames removed]
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The ultimate source of happiness, successful life, is within ourselves. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. - Buddha
Edited by geokills (05/06/10 12:10 PM)

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: elaspeinreason]
#410843 - 05/03/10 02:02 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Dude who are you talking to? THC is perfectly fine.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: elaspeinreason]
#410847 - 05/03/10 02:33 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
[edit: quoted flames removed]
Edited by geokills (05/06/10 12:10 PM)

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: elaspeinreason]
#410850 - 05/03/10 02:38 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Are you speaking to me or trueherb?
-------------------- andyistic said:
Ok so let me bring you idiots up to speed.
The admins are tired of this shitfest being made the joke of the weed community on the Internet.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TomCollins]
#410852 - 05/03/10 02:54 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I'm 99.9% sure he's talking about Trueherb.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410855 - 05/03/10 03:04 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Why not use a pay phone for communicating with the police, the impound etc, rather than that lovely new anonymous (possibly) prepaid cell phone you have?

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal] 1
#410856 - 05/03/10 03:22 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
this story hurt to read but at least you learned a lesson. follow everyone's advice and get a lawyer asap.
and i tend to be extra cautious, but i don't see how keeping your growery account around is going to help. i wouldn't want to risk them finding it. i know on shroomery they don't delete accounts so if they won't do it here then just delete all your pics/logs.
guess it doesn't matter if they have pics already though.
good luck!
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: elaspeinreason]
#410884 - 05/03/10 07:38 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
[edit: quoted flames removed]
If that is to THC then you are getting a -5 right now.
If it wasn't I'll change my mind but that is just rude
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
Edited by geokills (05/06/10 12:11 PM)
Farmer Joe

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Thebooedocksaint]
#410889 - 05/03/10 08:08 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Shitty man. Hope things pan out for ya.
-------------------- "Marijuana may not be addictive, but growing it is" - ED Rosenthal
Maine Caregiver In 100% compliance with Maine state laws.
Crusty Ass Bastard
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Farmer Joe]
#410891 - 05/03/10 08:19 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Any of you that live in the USA and haven't watched this yet need to:

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Crusty Ass Bastard]
#410909 - 05/03/10 09:20 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
206 said: Any of you that live in the USA and haven't watched this yet need to:
thanks for posting that, watched the whole thing, gooood info indeed
Monster Plant Creator

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harlz]
#410960 - 05/03/10 10:49 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
As people have said none of us have law degrees, Now I don't know what state your in or your local laws but cops have to have probable cause to search your car. they have to prove there is a reason why its likely you have drugs in your car, like smelling marijuana, roaches in the ash tray..etc.. now LYING to the cops is NOT a reason to search your car, drug related bumper stickers are not a reason to search your car. At best they could give you a ticket for the burnt out license light, Do like everybody is telling you and get a lawyer, you might have to suck it up and tell your family or relatives or if you have to take out a loan. anything to get some money for a lawyer, because a public defender is going to seriously not give a shit what happens to you. Alright man good luck keep us posted.
Uncertified Oregrowian

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Crusty Ass Bastard]
#410965 - 05/03/10 10:54 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Thanks 206. I wish I had watched that Friday night....man, so many mistakes I've made that could have been avoided if I only knew my actual rights in these types of situations.
Couldn't sleep well last night....kept thinking about all the things the cops did to me that night, and all the bad decisions I made that lead to the seizer...
Well, called towing department (with my pre-paid phone, much easier than a pay-phone), they said I need to sign a release form at the police department to get my car back. I might have to pay the intinial licenses plate light ticket right? I wish I knew. Don't have enough money for the ticket and the towing cost....its not looking good.
Well, I got to get ready to leave. Just wanted to say thanks to you guys from providing help and posting supportive comments.
Gotta go, ~ TrueH. ~
Crusty Ass Bastard
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#410968 - 05/03/10 11:04 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Dress and act professionally at court and don't accept everything your lawyer tells you at face value. Do your homework and ask the right questions and just generally make sure he works more than 1/2 an hour on your case.
Call the lawyers listed on NORML or local places and try to get someone to take your case pro bono. There are cool, honest lawyers out there you just have to find one.
CNC Machinist/Greenthumb

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Lucid]
#410974 - 05/03/10 11:21 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Lucid said: As people have said none of us have law degrees, Now I don't know what state your in or your local laws but cops have to have probable cause to search your car. they have to prove there is a reason why its likely you have drugs in your car, like smelling marijuana, roaches in the ash tray..etc.. now LYING to the cops is NOT a reason to search your car, drug related bumper stickers are not a reason to search your car. At best they could give you a ticket for the burnt out license light, Do like everybody is telling you and get a lawyer, you might have to suck it up and tell your family or relatives or if you have to take out a loan. anything to get some money for a lawyer, because a public defender is going to seriously not give a shit what happens to you. Alright man good luck keep us posted.
Well put man, I'm glad WE have had many run-ins in our youth that allowed us to prepare for situations such as that.
I learned the hard way just as you have, but trust me, they ALWAYS make it sound worse than it really is.
What I have learned is that no matter what a cop SAYS, you should never ever trust them. Of course they are going to tell you that telling them everything will get you off the hook, thats the oldest line in the book.
Every time I've been suspected of a crime since then, I just tell them if they have the evidence to charge me then do it, otherwise I'm on my merry way home. Guess what, I have a CLEAN record, minus small MJ posession which is just a 150 dollar ticket here. It works to keep your mouth shut, or just tell them straight up that they don't have shit and if they want they have to arrest you NOW with the current evidence. They are so used to people turning over and giving up that almost everyone does it. I just don't get it. I've become so smooth and accustomed to talking to the police that it's second nature to think about EVERY FUCKING WORD before you choose to release any information.
Think before you speak, Will anything I say in this sentence incriminate myself or lead me back to the crime? Most people don't think about this because the police KNOW they have to rush you and keep you on your toes, otherwise you will actually calm down and rationally think it through... Just some thoughts/experience I thought I'd share...
-------------------- Don't criticize what you can't understand
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#411019 - 05/03/10 01:10 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
aw man that sucks! i probably would have made the same mistakes you made just from being nervous. but now you know what to say for next time. ill be hoping you dont go to jail and just get off with some fines or something. youll probably be just fine, esp since its your 1st offense. i guess well see in a few weeks here. let us know how court goes.
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#411067 - 05/03/10 03:45 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
THC, I am truly sorry about what happened to you.
You are one of the greatest and nicest guys on this forum and you don't deserve this. 
I don't think they had any right to search your car or home, but too late now. 
You are another fallen soldier in the war for peace and the rights for the expansion of consciousness.
And those cops seemed pretty crazy, kind of nice and kind of assholes.ll
I will tell the legend of TrueHerbCrystal to my children and children's children... well only my children because kids shouldn't be having sex. Okay maybe just my friends because I might forgot this by the time I have kids.
Keep your head up and keep us updated.
Smile on!
Keep your head up and your time low... FRACTALife

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#411188 - 05/03/10 07:37 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbCrystal said: You mean when I tell NORML and MAPP about what happened or tell the Police that I contacted MAPP/NORML?
The latter sounds no so good.
I'm actually working on the editing right now....
Might have to ask you guys to peer-review it, to make sure it sounds alright....I'll censor my name and location to protect my identity.
Hopefully those organizations can help. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
when you tell norml and mapp.
Uncertified Oregrowian

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: FRACTALife]
#411438 - 05/04/10 02:28 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Inverted said:
Lucid said: As people have said none of us have law degrees, Now I don't know what state your in or your local laws but cops have to have probable cause to search your car. they have to prove there is a reason why its likely you have drugs in your car, like smelling marijuana, roaches in the ash tray..etc.. now LYING to the cops is NOT a reason to search your car, drug related bumper stickers are not a reason to search your car. At best they could give you a ticket for the burnt out license light, Do like everybody is telling you and get a lawyer, you might have to suck it up and tell your family or relatives or if you have to take out a loan. anything to get some money for a lawyer, because a public defender is going to seriously not give a shit what happens to you. Alright man good luck keep us posted.
Well put man, I'm glad WE have had many run-ins in our youth that allowed us to prepare for situations such as that.
I learned the hard way just as you have, but trust me, they ALWAYS make it sound worse than it really is.
What I have learned is that no matter what a cop SAYS, you should never ever trust them. Of course they are going to tell you that telling them everything will get you off the hook, thats the oldest line in the book.
Every time I've been suspected of a crime since then, I just tell them if they have the evidence to charge me then do it, otherwise I'm on my merry way home. Guess what, I have a CLEAN record, minus small MJ possession which is just a 150 dollar ticket here. It works to keep your mouth shut, or just tell them straight up that they don't have shit and if they want they have to arrest you NOW with the current evidence. They are so used to people turning over and giving up that almost everyone does it. I just don't get it.
I've become so smooth and accustomed to talking to the police that it's second nature to think about EVERY FUCKING WORD before you choose to release any information.
Think before you speak, Will anything I say in this sentence incriminate myself or lead me back to the crime? Most people don't think about this because the police KNOW they have to rush you and keep you on your toes, otherwise you will actually calm down and rationally think it through... Just some thoughts/experience I thought I'd share...
-> Its good to know you went thru some similar situations Inverted, but with much better outcomes. That makes me happy that you made it out clean. Inverted, you seriously are my Idol man. You seem like you do the right things, and I wish I was more like you.
I shouldn't incriminated myself like that. I was so naiive, stupid, blind, nervous, intimated, scared, all of it...
I wish I could have been smooth and normal around those cops. I disclosed so much information about random things, looking back, I feel like a stupid child. I was so clueless, its almost too much to bare...
If I only knew the proper way to handle these situations, I would not be in this situation I am now. I wish I could of taken a class, a real-world education class, where I could practice on a "actor" cop, on what to say in a position like this. But thats the past now, no sense dwelling on what I *should* of done: gotta think about whats next.....gotta stay focused....
Inverted, you really are the best at giving advice, cultivation and otherwise. I wish I could meet you one day, you are one of the few of the best here on the boards.
ShroomieGirl said: aw man that sucks! i probably would have made the same mistakes you made just from being nervous. but now you know what to say for next time. ill be hoping you dont go to jail and just get off with some fines or something. youll probably be just fine, esp since its your 1st offense. i guess well see in a few weeks here. let us know how court goes.
Thanks for the support ShroomieGirl. I see you can relate to my nervousness. I definitely need to learn how to handle those situations. Nice you to hear you are hopeful of my sentence. I will definitely let you know how court goes, if I am even allowed to come back home to tell you. I don't even wanna think about it.....
But thanks ShroomieGirl. What you say helps, believe me. All this support always picks me up....
FRACTALife said: THC, I am truly sorry about what happened to you.
You are one of the greatest and nicest guys on this forum and you don't deserve this. 
I don't think they had any right to search your car or home, but too late now. 
You are another fallen soldier in the war for peace and the rights for the expansion of consciousness.
And those cops seemed pretty crazy, kind of nice and kind of assholes.
I will tell the legend of TrueHerbCrystal to my children and children's children... well only my children because kids shouldn't be having sex. Okay maybe just my friends because I might forgot this by the time I have kids.
Keep your head up and keep us updated.
Smile on!
Keep your head up and your time low... FRACTALife
Thanks for all that FRACTALife. Reading all that really brings a tear to my eyes, in a happiness kind-of-way. To see someone like yourself FRACTAL say those nice, uplifting things makes me miss this place so much more. I don't wanna leave here.
Its amazing what a little text on a screen can make a person feel. And you FRACTALife have definitely made my day....I could see us being good friends in real life. Thats for sure.
And if my legend lives on, I hope its a good one. But the bad legend must live on, to teach future kids who grow not to fall Victim to their own mistakes and poor choices. And if its completely forgotten, I just hope a person naiive or inexperienced like me, somewhere out there, learns from story and makes the right choices and does the correct actions to avoid this horrible ending to my grow, my happiness, my well-being, my self-confidence and my current life. If I had a time-machine, I would go back and never both those things in my car....I'm still in shock this happened to me. It just doesn't seem real, like I'm still dreaming. But, sadly I did, and must live with this.
There are many lessons to be learned from my mistakes, I just hope those lessons are remembered. I just hope in the future, people read stories like mine and say "Wow, we come a far ways. Now these drugs are decriminalized. Look how much things have changed". Someday, I hope it happens....legalization of all hallucinogens and MJ, or at least decrimialization.
But you're guys storys and comments really made my day today. You have no idea how much help it is to my state-of-mind. Friends, in real-life or even just talking online, are so important for social support. And you guys here, like you Inverted and you FRACTAL have showed me that....
You guys are truely the best.  ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
Drunk Derelict

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#411453 - 05/04/10 05:31 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
may good karma guide you to a safe outcome.
CNC Machinist/Greenthumb

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#411521 - 05/04/10 10:00 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I know you feel stupid, but don't get so down on yourself.
I promise you that you are not the only person that the police have bullied into forfeiting personal and criminal information. That's their job and they are very good at making you think that you have NO RIGHTS.
Luckily (not really, I was a mischievous child) I have been in the situation many times as a minor and eventually researched everything and it makes 180 degree difference in how the case is pursued. You will probably not receive any jail time as this is your first offense. You WILL however probably be put on probation and given state UA's. I can't really see you avoiding that. So smoke up a bunch of weed while you still can, and find a good JWH source cuz' you won't be allowed to toke for at least a couple years...
I feel for you man, but now you know that you can't let them push you around, and that is generally why people have the attitude that they do towards police. They overstep their boundaries on the regular and the average citizen is going to let them go about their business w/out flinching... Stand up for yourself!
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#411530 - 05/04/10 10:18 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
That totally blow. tho you should of never let them search your car. The right thing to do is get out of the car and lock your door. they do not have access to your car with out a valid search warrant
sorry for your luck tho
CNC Machinist/Greenthumb

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Hydro]
#411531 - 05/04/10 10:19 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Yeah except when a k9 is present and "alerts" for the officer.
They'll even make the dog false alert if they need to, and with the dog they DO NOT need a warrant. That is PC enough.
-------------------- Don't criticize what you can't understand
Gang Green Gang

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Inverted]
#411540 - 05/04/10 10:33 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I just can't get over how THC spilt the beans and just told the cops he was growing and let them in his house.
CNC Machinist/Greenthumb

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Cannaboid]
#411543 - 05/04/10 10:43 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I know, but some people just don't know how to deal with the authorities... 
Personally, I would have been at the rave 10 minutes later gettin' my groove on w/ a fix-it ticket in my back pocket.
-------------------- Don't criticize what you can't understand

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Inverted]
#411546 - 05/04/10 10:47 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I highly doubrt they would of brought the dog on site unless it was already there. If this was a trap on the way to the Rave they would either already had the dog on the spot since you can already claim that it he or she was not the only car halted. I ddont know iw asn't there. I jsut assume but i dont understand why you let them in your car to start with.. knowing you had drug in the car. Once you told them you dont have any drug in your car and the door are locked. They normally jsut give you the fine and on your way you are . once again sorry for your lock..
I remember posting a video some time ago about your right as a driver and how to act with the police . You should of watch it. Probably would of save you all that bullshit

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Hydro]
#411548 - 05/04/10 10:50 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Uncertified Oregrowian

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Inverted]
#412791 - 05/05/10 10:15 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Cannaboid said: I just can't get over how THC spilt the beans and just told the cops he was growing and let them in his house. 
I'm back. I wanted to address this first hand. I only "spilled the beans" after they first found my small amount of immature (not fully developed) fresh budz, which was wrapped up in tin-foil, and when they searched me (which I felt like I had no choice, because they found the budz already, so they a reason to search me right?).
When they searched me, they found my camera and turned it on. The *very* last photo on the camera was my plant, in plain sight. I was going to make an update on my grow-log that night, but was running late to the rave, so I never transfered the photos to my computer. When they found my photo, one of the officers said "Got a pretty big plant there". Another reason why they had evidence to say "We have reason to search your place."
After that, I confessed. I figured any lie I said to cover it up would not go well, so I just gave up, and a scared idiot. I learned better now.
I should also note that I get nervous around cops even when I got pulled over for traffic violations. Something about a man in a uniform with a gun and power that makes me uneasy....
But yeah, it wasn't until they found my camera with the photo on it when I couldn't lie anymore. I was done.
Inverted said: I know, but some people just don't know how to deal with the authorities... 
Personally, I would have been at the rave 10 minutes later gettin' my groove on w/ a fix-it ticket in my back pocket.
I know you would have Inverted! You know how to handle these situations, as you told me. I wish I had the ballz to stand-up to those cops and stay calm and collective. I was so intimated by them, especially when there were 5 of them total, 2 searching my car, and 3 standing around me. I nearly lost it. I just wanted to run away. Shittiest moments of my life, that's for sure.
~ TrueH.
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#412795 - 05/05/10 10:21 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
There's a few good videos in the Security Forum over at the Shroomery you should check out. They're in the threads stickied at the very top of the first page. And think a little bit man. Before I put myself into any situation, I think to myself...."How could this go wrong?" and "How can I handle the situation if it does go wrong to make it right?" And if it's too sketch, fuck that. Call me paranoid or whatever, but I used to do some stupid shit in my teenage years, and looking back on it, I should still be in jail. Live and learn.

Registered: 08/13/09
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#412797 - 05/05/10 10:24 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbCrystal said: After that, I confessed. I figured any lie I said to cover it up would not go well
Always remember.
You have the right to remain silent.
You don't have to tell them shit.
They might take you to jail and lock you up but that's their right.
I fuking got arrested and had to spend the weekend in jail for a loud muffler.
They wanted to search my vehicle and I said "why for having a loud muffler?"
They continued to tell me that denying a search is peculiar and it made them believe I was hiding something.
They could not legally search it but after I was arrested they had to do an inventory of everything inside the vehicle before it got impounded.
They found nothing but they are the law.
Moral of the story is just keep your fucking mouth shut.
Uncertified Oregrowian

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#412824 - 05/05/10 11:12 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
But besides that, I saw a lawyer today. She was not a NORML weed-specialized one, but she has dealt with other lawyers on drug cases....
And she told me some great news, and some scary news too....
She really knew her stuff, and knew the law pretty well, according to me listening to her. And I learned quite a few things.
The Bad first:
- The female lawyer said that getting a lawyer would cost between about $5,000 - $10,000. Way more than I expected. It means I have to get a court-appointed lawyer, inside of a private one.
- My Dad is not willing to pay for a lawyer. He said he just can't do it. Business is slow, and he can't afford it. My mom cannot either (they are divorced), so there will be no help in that regard. Other family members I know cannot either. Most are surviving barely in the middle-class zone. So, I cannot afford a lawyer for this case, which is scary.
- The female lawyer said that the citations are so bad that they are serious enough for prison, which scares the shit out of me. I could go to the same place that domestic violent offenders, armed robbery, rapists, and murderers go to? I still can't believe that. I'm just some guy growing his own drugs, then I'm some guy that could be spending his time in prison with *real* dangerous men. I mean, what if I get stabbed, raped or killed in prison? How could I cope with that? It would change me forever for the worst. But there is important hope, in the "Good" Section.
The Good Now
-> The Best First: The female lawyer I talked to told me about this similar story of case a a different lawyer defended of a guy and who was into manufacturing meth and was charged with "possessing precursors to meth manufacture".
She said that he was driving down the road, and a cop pulled him over for a traffic violation, I think it was the same one as mine, broken license plate lamp. So, he got pulled over, and in his car, in plain sight, were several large containers of blue liquid (looks like washer fluid) and lab glassware, like beakers and flasks for chemicals. He was searched by the cops, and they found ibuprofen tablets and other per-cursors to meth synth. So in court, this lawyer defended him with the argument that the cops performed an unlawful search with no enough evidence to initially search his car, and the charges were dropped! He won the case! He did not get the sentence. He likely got some kind of plenty but no jail time.
In some ways, this guy was in a worst position for a search because he had obvious things like a lot of blue washer fluid in the car, in plain sight, and various lab glassware, also in plain sight. To me, those items would appear suspicious, and give a good reason to search, but they threw out the charges....The law system is weird.
In my situation, I had no kinds of drugs or bongs/pipes or anything like that out in plain sight. They were all packed pretty carefully. What I did have in plain sight was 3 black bags filled with clothes and canned food, 2 water jugs (1 was a one gallon, the other a 2.5 gallon), some rope, a small bundle of firewood, some newspaper (for making fires), a Styrofoam cooler filled with ice/raw steaks, a jar of smoothie (I love making fresh smoothies) and bunch of trash and CDs, and such scattered on the floor. But my budz, and my home-made glass pipe thing I made from common parts and head shop glass, was buried pretty deep inside the black bags, not at all in plain sight.
And I told the cops I was going camping, and all those things are used for camping. And like I said before, my budz were wrapped in tin-foil and stuffed into a tupperware, which was screwed tight, and inside one of those black bags with clothes on top of them. And since they were incomplete budz, and not full-grown, full-stinky budz, there could not have been as much smell from them. There's no way the cops could smell it, and despite my stickers, not one cop said "I smell marijuana". So all that is very good news for me.
But I am worst than the meth guy because I was growing my plant and shrooms at home, and I'm not sure if they searched the meth guys house or not. I should of asked her that. The meeting was pretty short.
In Short: The search that the cops did could be shown to be unlawful in court, which means I can get a "wavier to suppress", which basically means "Anything after the search cannot be charged, because the search was illegal". That's the best thing I got going here. And that fact that this is my first criminal offense.
-> The date near the end of the month is called an " Arraignment", and is not my court case yet. They just determine what my charges will be. I have to do some research on what actually happens in Arraignment, and if you need a lawyer for it.
-> The female lady is going to try get that same lawyer. I really hope she succeeds. My future depends on it.
-> The cops who searched my place left a couple dried leaf-only branches for me. Just realized that today. Not sure why. They found them, and just said "Eh, just leave it." Which was weird. So, I have a little momento of my beautiful girl, who is now long gone into Mary Heaven. May she rest in peace.... U.S. drug laws suck a fat one!
-> I really didn't care about my mushroom jars. I actually gave up on it awhile ago. I was having no luck with casing, so I just forgot about it. I had all these colonized jars done for weeks, which were actually starting to go bad, but I never did anything with them. Got lazy, I guess.
-> I've calm-down completely and I am not freaking out anymore like I did before. I can actually sleep sound now, but I still feel like I wake up from nightmares thou....but they are getting less scary every day....
I've actually considered, once I serve this sentence, whatever it may be, I'm thinking of saving up money over many years and moving to Amsterdam. I've always wanted to visit there, or better yet, live there.
I figure this offense is always on my record, and getting a job is going to be hard. So, if I get an OK job, and save money diligently, I could just move to Amsterdam, and live in drug paradise, and smoke all the weed I want in peace, take shrooms once in a while, with no worries of cops or getting arrested....that sounds like utopia to me. I know, not the best goals in the world, but I really wanna live that life. How great would that be: smoke without worries? I love weed, almost as much as women or video games, so that place to me seems like a sublime place to try live. Even if I can't grow it, being there would be awesome beyond my wildest dreams.
But, I would be leaving my family, so that would suck. But it would be an amazing new life. America's drug policy is just not doing it for me anymore....
__> Hey, do you guys know where I can get legal info, like an encyclopedia, for legal terms and laws? Library?
My Future Will Be Determined.... ~ TrueH.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#412827 - 05/05/10 11:17 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Dude, they don't want you in Amsterdam.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#412828 - 05/05/10 11:17 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
man it's going to be pretty much impossible for you to emigrate outside the US if you've got a felony on your record, if you can get your shit expunged then you will be alright.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
Lord of the Flies

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#412830 - 05/05/10 11:19 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Any American with a DUI can't even get into Canada because its a Canadian felony.
Edited by DungenessDank (05/05/10 11:19 PM)
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My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and could get worst..... [Re: Doitagain]
#412837 - 05/05/10 11:24 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Doitagain said: man it's going to be pretty much impossible for you to emigrate outside the US if you've got a felony on your record, if you can get your shit expunged then you will be alright.
Yeah, you're probably right. So you're saying my whole weed-smoking career is over along with my having a permanent felony on my record? Noooo! So, do you think I cannot get even a Passport, even after many years, because I have a felony charge? What if I severed my sentence? I hope thats not the case. That would be the worst.
Oh well, I guess it could be worst.....
No Amsterdam Dream then....   ~ TrueH.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and could get worst..... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#412843 - 05/05/10 11:30 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
this might be helpful, looks like your traveling days are not necessarily over.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
Card Holder. Not really
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#412850 - 05/05/10 11:36 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbCrystal said: I posted this same story My Grow Journal already, but I wanted to post it somewhere more public so others can learn from my mistakes, and avoid this horrible ending to a grow.
I don't want this grow to be a total failure, so I hope someone out there learns something important from all this...
The story is long, but there is a shorter version of what happened toward the end , about 2/3rds down the page...please read and learn from my stupid mistakes...
= = = == = = = === = = = == = = == === = = == = = = = = = == = =
Very Critical, Very Sad news today for my plant....
     *** Plant Status: SEIZED AND DESTROYED BY COPS ***        
No smiley/germilin can really describe how I feel, but those will have to do....
Here's what happened...
Last night there was an outdoor rave near my town. I packed a lot of things for the camping party, such as a 2.5 gallon water jugs, food, warm clothes, etc. and some fresh cut budz (underdeveloped, from the lower canopy), and one hit of acid, with little paper towels wrapped in tin foil in case there was a liquid dealer....
Anyway, it was around 11:30pm and I was nearing the site on a dark, winding road.
There, I saw a car pull up behind me and turned their blue/red lights on. It was the cops. It was a fucking Cop trap right by the rave! Fuck!
I got really nervous, pulled over and they came to the door. They said they pulled my over because I had a missing/broken license plate light , that I was unaware of. I do remember the oil mechanic saying something about when I got my oil change, but I had completely forgot about it.
So, as they were checking my things, one officer was checking my car with a flash light.
The first cop asked: "Where are you going tonight?" I said "I'm going to the city up ahead to meet some friends." (which was lie #1, I was really going to the rave).
Then he said "You are not going to that rave tonight, are you?" I was really nervous at the time, and my acting skills are in no shape to pull this off. I said "No" (Lie #2). Then he said "Would you mind stepping out of the car". I did.
Then he said the "We have reason to search your car, are we going to find anything?". Its almost like time stopped. I knew I was screwed. I was going to jail, but I said "No, you are not going to find anything." (Lie #3).
I looked at the rear bumper, and realized why they had reason to search my car: I had a bumper sticker that said "Drugs lead nowhere, but at least its the Scenic Route!". It was one of my favorite drug-related stickers, because it had a mostly balanced message. I was too cocky about the stickers, and never thought it would cause any problems, so I left it on there....Biggest mistake of the night. 
The other stickers that basically say "I smoke weed officer!" were these stickers "Are you a Blazer?" around my Blazer logo, the type of car I own. And this other one that says "Hawaiian Smoke Shop" in reggae colors. I bought it in Maui, and put it right above the "Blazer" logo.
I've had these stickers on for years, and never really had any problems. A couple cops did pull me over for minor traffic things, but never to search my car. I should have known they likely pulled me over because of those weed-related stickers.
- In retrospect, these stickers were the worst idea EVER to put on the car when I am currently growing a controlled plant. How could I be so blindly proud, and stupid...
So like 2 cops searched my car as another 2 asked me questions, found the fresh-cut budz and my acid container, an Altoids metal container. One officer asked me "Where did you get this fresh buds from?" I said "From a friend, he grows." (Lie #4). Then the officer said "We have reason to search your home now, where do you live?". Like a compliant citizen, I told them. I knew I was ruined: there was no way out of this. I was thinking I was done, my plant was done....I'm going to jail.
Then they say "If you just tell the truth, it will make this a lot less worst for you. Are we going to find anything in your apartment?" or something to that nature. I just came clean, because I knew lying would only make things worst for me "Yeah, I have one marijuana plant and some mushroom mycelium growing in there. And some weed paraphernalia, like a bong and a scale."
Then they found my camera, and said "What's on here, your plant?" They turned it on, and the first photo that came up was my plant.
After that, they said "We're going to take you to your place and search it while you are there. We are towing your truck to a place in south part of your town. Now, put your hand behind your back." Then I was hand-cuff and loaded into the cop car, which is quite uncomfortable with plastic seats and a cramp foot spacing....start of the worst night of my life.
The ride back was not so bad. The guy driving me was actually quite nice. He was new, and kept asking me questions about acid and what it does, and what mushroom mycelium was. I told him, willingly...anything to get my mind off the fact that I'm going to jail, and my plant is dead. In fact, the whole time they were questioning on the side of the road, they were all nice and considerate, and never acted like dicks. But what they did was unforgivable.
So we get back to my place, and he lets me out, hand-cuffed. We went into my small apartment, and he asked me where the illegal stuff is. I told him, and he found the mushroom jars, Mushroom Fruiting Chamber, and most important my beautiful girl, just 2 weeks from harvest....
The other cops came and raided my whole place, leaving a huge mess as they ripped out my grow light, wires, power-strips, water jugs, and my precious girl. One of the first things they put in the living room was my plant: it was soo top-heavy, it drooped and almost broke the bottom of the stem. It looked so sad. I had betrayed her. I was practically handing her over to the enemy....it was over.
Right after all my grow stuff and my plant was loaded into the cop cars while outside, some cop said "Lets go get something to eat: I got the munchies" They all laughed. I was SOO ANRGY at his joke, I just wanted to do something to retaliate, but I didn't freak-out, because I know violent crimes are not handled well in the court system. So I said/did nothing, and tried to forget he said that. Pissed me off that a cop could think this was funny.....he was basically laughing at my defeat, and my plant being seized.
After they took everything, I was loaded back in the car, and just by chance or fate, my plant was in the front seat, behind the iron bars. I could smell her and look at her as we rode back to the station. I said my last good-byes to her in my head, since I will never see her again.
Then we got to the station, and I was processed, which I have never been thru before.
I won't bore you with the details, and it was a horrible, dehumanizing feeling, when they locked me up in the small grey cell. I was no longer a person, but a thing. Locked up.
But there was one cool thing about this shitty experience: the finger-printer. It was all digital, and I could watch as the tiny lines on my hand appeared on a screen in real-time. It was pretty trippy to watch. Kinda wish I ate that acid. But I was also glad I was 100% sober. It was cool to watch, and provided a little happiness in this depressing situation.
Another cool thing I realized was the perfect irony I was in. You see, right now I am in a group project for college, in which we argue for or against something. The topic of out group project is "War on Drugs". Our next meeting is this Tuesday. If I would of missed it because I was in jail, that would be the most ridiculous thing ever for me....
So in the perfect irony of my situation, I am doing a school project on the "War on Drugs", and I just got arrested for possession of different drugs, including of course MJ.
Right before I was put into jail, during the paper part, the cop who drove me home was in the room, and he said something that kinda cheered me up. He said "You were so close to harvest, and you never even got to smoke it." Then I said, "Acutally, I smoked a little a couple weeks ago. They were far from finished, but I can say I did get to smoke a little bit.
After that, I slept in jail until early Sunday morning, and they said I was almost going to stay until Monday, but another officer saw my charges and gave me a citation, which I guess is good, because I'm free right now. But the cops said that my charges were so severe, that I almost didn't get that.
The charges were "unlawful possession of less than an ounce of MJ" (now I know about how much I had), "possession of LSD and shrooms", and the license plate light thing, the first thing I got pulled-over for and what caused this horrid chain-of-events....
They got a lot of intel from my place, but luckily nothing about the Growery. They never seized my PC, but they said, if the wrong guys had raided my place, they would of took that too because its considered evidence. I got luckily there, because all my photos are on here.
Although, I got most of my stuff back like wallet and such, they still have my camera, my cellphone and my car at the pound. Not sure what I am going to do to get them back.
I have a court date in 3 weeks, and I think I'm going to jail. For how long, I don't know. I have no lawyer, so I don't know what I am going to do. Last night was the worst day of my life.....
So, to recap my really long story, here's what happened in short....
- Drove to an outdoor rave last night and brought some fresh bud clippings.
- Got pulled over from a stealthy cop just a block from the outdoor rave (I could hear the music), hiding without his lights on near the outdoor rave. I got questioned and lied about my intentions to protect myself.
- They said they had a reason to search my car, likely from the weed-related stickers on my rear bumper, and searched my car from illegal substances...
- Found my fresh budz, I was questioned then arrested. They found my camera, turned it on, and the first photo that came up was my plant. They said they had a reason for "Searching your place", which they did later....
- Was driven to my place, I pointed out where my illegal stuff was.
- They took my plant, all my grow supplies, and all my other mushroom related things and I was brought downtown to the slammer.
- Spent last night in jail. Was released this Sunday Morning....the bail at the time was $170,000! Holy Shit!
- They gave me back my wallet, lighters, and belt. The cops still have my cell phone, digital camera, and my car at the pound. I have to pay the towing bill.
- Court date is 3 weeks from now. And it looks like I'm going to spend jail time if I get convicted on "intent to distribute" or even just "having less than an ounce".
- Worst night of my life.
Lessons Learned?
- Stealthing does NOT end with the grow-room: Do not put anything such as stickers or symbols on you like clothing, your car as in bumper stickers (that's what I did stupidly), or anything you own or carry with you that relates you to weed or other drugs.
- Don't think you are smarter than the cops. They will catch you at any moment you make a mistake.
- Do NOT carry around photos of your plant on your camera. Delete them, or move them elsewhere.
- Do NOT lie to the cops. If you know you are caught, this will only make you look worst.
- Lastly and most importantly, Do NOT take growing cannabis lightly! It is serious, and illegal for most of us growers, and the consequences can be great. This was my mistake, and never again will I do it....
The Good: 
- At least I got to smoke some of it during April 20! It wasn't really full potency, and I took the bottom budz, which weren't as dank, but hey, I can't say I never smoked her. So at least I can say I got a little taste of her, and it wasn't a complete failure...that kinda makes me feel good.
- They never seized my PC as evidence, which they could of. Thank goodness. I need this PC for school, it would be so much worst it they took it too.
The Bad: 
- I think I'm going to jail. Actually, I'm sure of it, I just don't wanna think about it.
- My plants gone forever, and I never got to complete the flowering which I was *almost* done with. She's dead now. All that money, all that effort, all that love I gave her....gone forever.
- My car, cell-phone, and camera are still in the hands of cops. I have to get them back....
' ' ''' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' '' ' ''' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' '' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' '' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' '
Worst day of my life, but at least I have you guys for support....
Now, I gotta figure out a way to call my Dad and break the sad news....time to find some quarters I guess....
This War on Drugs needs to stop, I was just "harming" myself....
When will this nonsense end, and why must I be punished for it....
Only time will tell what will happen to me. Don't let this happen to YOU.
I should of just stayed home. 
They took her away, And I think I'm going to Jail. ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
TrueHerbCrystal said:
Cannaboid said: I just can't get over how THC spilt the beans and just told the cops he was growing and let them in his house. 
I'm back. I wanted to address this first hand. I only "spilled the beans" after they first found my small amount of immature (not fully developed) fresh budz, which was wrapped up in tin-foil, and when they searched me (which I felt like I had no choice, because they found the budz already, so they a reason to search me right?).
When they searched me, they found my camera and turned it on. The *very* last photo on the camera was my plant, in plain sight. I was going to make an update on my grow-log that night, but was running late to the rave, so I never transfered the photos to my computer. When they found my photo, one of the officers said "Got a pretty big plant there". Another reason why they had evidence to say "We have reason to search your place."
After that, I confessed. I figured any lie I said to cover it up would not go well, so I just gave up, and a scared idiot. I learned better now.
I should also note that I get nervous around cops even when I got pulled over for traffic violations. Something about a man in a uniform with a gun and power that makes me uneasy....
But yeah, it wasn't until they found my camera with the photo on it when I couldn't lie anymore. I was done.
Inverted said: I know, but some people just don't know how to deal with the authorities... 
Personally, I would have been at the rave 10 minutes later gettin' my groove on w/ a fix-it ticket in my back pocket.
I know you would have Inverted! You know how to handle these situations, as you told me. I wish I had the ballz to stand-up to those cops and stay calm and collective. I was so intimated by them, especially when there were 5 of them total, 2 searching my car, and 3 standing around me. I nearly lost it. I just wanted to run away. Shittiest moments of my life, that's for sure.
~ TrueH.
Ok, I am confused. First it was the very FIRST picture now it is the very LAST picture? And seriously, the cop said "where did you get this fresh bud from?" He seriously said "buds" ?
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and could get worst..... [Re: Doitagain]
#412855 - 05/05/10 11:44 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Doitagain said: http://www.askmehelpdesk.com/criminal-law/international-travel-felon-54240.html
this might be helpful, looks like your traveling days are not necessarily over.
Thanks DoItAgain. Helps me out a lot...
This quote seemed helpful and hopeful....
I went to the website for the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and found the following explanation: SENTENCE: An order of conditional discharge, bound over to keep the peace, be of good behaviour or a probation order REHABILITATION PERIOD: One year or when the order ceased to have effect, whichever is the longer.
And this one was really good too....
Travlin Man Said:
Since asking this question a while ago, I have traveled to Europe several times. Each time I entered thru Germany--3x thru Dusseldorf and once thru Berlin. I had no problem. The immigration people just stamped my passport and never looked me up. They do run your passport thru some sort of reader but there was never a problem. Once in Europe, the borders are open so there is no problem going from country to country. I went by air to France and by car to Amsterdam. I am actually still on probation but I did get permission from my probation officer.
There's some other ones, but these seems the best, especially Travlin Man and his trip to Amsterdam (which as by car, not plane sadly)...
So, there is hope for travel in my far future.....that's good.
Hopefully they accept convicted growers like me...
Thats some good news.  ~ TrueH.

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and could get worst..... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal] 1
#412862 - 05/06/10 12:21 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I am sorry for the loss of your lovely lady.no words can express the sense of loss. Peace and goodluck.
When I perceive a tree, I would no longer be conscious of the tree; I would literally be
the tree.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: brifunforme]
#412868 - 05/06/10 12:50 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
brifunforme said:
TrueHerbCrystal said: They turned it on, and the first photo that came up was my plant. ~ TrueH.
Ok, I am confused. First it was the very FIRST picture now it is the very LAST picture? And seriously, the cop said "where did you get this fresh bud from?" He seriously said "buds" ?
Alright, for clarity. I was kinda confusing about that. On my camera, my plant was the LAST photo I took. But, when you turn on the camera, and press the "review" button, its the FIRST photo to show up on the screen. So the LAST photo taken is the FIRST photo to show up on the screen on the camera.
And yes, the officer said "Where do you get these fresh-cut buds from?". That is an exact quote (from my memory of course). He said fresh-cut, I remember now. To tell you the truth, the officiers sounded like they used to smoke it, because they used some slang words like "plant" and "buds" instead of more technical ones. One officer did say he was in the special drug search unit or something, so its likely they all knew the slang terms...
Its sucks to think that if I did not have those photos are there, they might of not had enough evidence to search my place. But they did find fresh cut bud, so I was under suspicion anyway.
~ TrueH.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and could get worst..... [Re: derelict]
#412869 - 05/06/10 01:03 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
derelict said: I am sorry for the loss of your lovely lady.no words can express the sense of loss. Peace and goodluck.
Thanks Derelict. That's a Pretty funny name in this context...
But yeah, its a sad loss that no amount of words can really express losing my girl so close to completion. When they dragged her out into the living room, I watched as her limp top fell over on her own weight. I almost cried at the sight....it was so sad to see her like that. I wonder what they did with her.
I hope they at least did it "Super Trooper" style and toked her up in private. That would actually make me feel better if they did, just knowing she didn't go to waste. It should be me smokin' her, but if I can't someone should....what a waste....
I hope this NEVER happens to anyone else here growing. I wish that on no one, even ltd and his racist remarks he made back then. No one deserves something so sad and depressing as having their plant taken without their consent, in front of their own eyes, to never be seen again....its just too cruel.
But I do feel good for a couple of things.
1) I still got to smoke her in flower! Its ironic because all you guys who helped me grow her were concerned that I was harvesting budz too early and smoking them, especially on 4-20, where I harvested about a stem and a half. Now looking back, it was the best mistake I ever made. Actually, I wanted to finish flowering on April 20, so if I did that, I would have very little bud, but I could of said "I smoked her when she was done" Oh well. It was still a good grow.
2) I learned a lot from this grow, and since I made a journal, I can look back on what I did right and wrong. But sadly I can't use this "illegal" knowledge again....what a waste. I can say that she was not a total lost. I got a little taste of her. Not a home-run, but at least 3rd base (pardon my pervertedness ).
3) I got to see her flower. She was really close to ending, and I got to see some amazing shiny white crystals on her, and I got all the photos to look back on and be proud of. It would likely hurt me more if she was not flowering. Hurt me in as "what a failure this was!" but benefit me in court, maybe, as there is not very much THC in a vegging plant.
Its not as great as seeing her complete her flowering, to see her actual do it.
So, its not all sadness in my eyes.....there is a silver lining....
As I see it....
It could have been worst. ~ TrueH.C. ~

Registered: 12/04/08
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and could get worst..... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#412886 - 05/06/10 06:20 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Like everyone else said, I'm not a lawyer. But if you don't have any priors you should be able to get off pretty easy. I highly doubt jail time.
My friend was busted with 4 plants and he was able to get knocked to misdemeanor possession, and that was just using their court appointed attorney. But with the mushroom and acid thing it could be a little worse for you.
What state are you in?? Cause that could make a big difference.
-------------------- Dude she isn't as young as she use to be.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and could get worst..... [Re: Hawksresurrection]
#412889 - 05/06/10 07:35 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
They will prolly drop anything marijuana related and go straight for the dose and shrooms. Depends on where you are tho. And thanks for clearing up the photo thing, I was a lil confused.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#412903 - 05/06/10 08:08 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
DungenessDank said: Any American with a DUI can't even get into Canada because its a Canadian felony.
I very much agree with that though.
I hate drunk drivers with a passion.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Thebooedocksaint]
#412904 - 05/06/10 08:16 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Thebooedocksaint said:
DungenessDank said: Any American with a DUI can't even get into Canada because its a Canadian felony.
I very much agree with that though.
I hate drunk drivers with a passion.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#413031 - 05/06/10 11:57 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbCrytal asked:
I hope I do learn the right lessons in court. Or jail. Or where ever.
So can you, or someone tell me, step by step, what I should of said in all the events that happened in the story?
Dealing with the cops is fairly simple if you've thought it out ahead of time. Of course, if you haven't, it can be a completely nerve wracking experience that leaves you open to manipulation.
If you are pulled over and an officer asks whether you know why he pulled you over, you should always say "No, I have no idea." Then if he starts asking prying questions such as "where are you going", just tell him that you are late and in a hurry to [wherever/whomever]. If the officer asks you to step out of your vehicle and/or to search your vehicle, kindly note that unless the officer has a legitimate reason for his request, that you would appreciate being let on your way so that you won't be any later than you already are to whatever engagement/meeting you had first noted. If the officer demands that you step out of your vehicle, step out of your vehicle and calmly but clearly state that you do not consent to any search of your property and that if you are not being placed under arrest or detention, that you would very much appreciate getting on your way.
At this point, if the officer continues to press you or begins to search your car, do not say anything. If directly asked ANY questions, simply state that you are refusing to waive your fourth, fifth and sixth amendment rights (namely: the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, the right to remain silent, and the right to an attorney of your choosing). If the officers don't let you go, say nothing else. You may of course remind them that they are wasting their breath as you are continuing to refuse to waive your fifth amendment right to remain silent.
Then, they can either arrest you or let you go. Inviting them to your home without an official warrant was a grievous error that will probably cost you greatly. Even if they arrest you and impound your car, you still maintain your silence until you can speak with a lawyer. If you do not have or cannot obtain a lawyer, you ask that one be appointed to you before saying anything.
For C) ... these were very fresh budz, like a couple hours clipped. What could I say? Yeah, I just got them, and now I on my way to a friends house. I don't know, I'm an idiot. I just hate lying to the cops. Seems like it will only hurt me later because nothing I say will have value if they do find something.
WRONG!! You don't need to say anything about where you got your weed. Not saying anything is neither lying nor telling the truth.
D) - Reason why I did that was they were going to find it anyway, so I didn't wanna be hostile like "No! I won't tell you!". They could charge me for that right, getting hostile and defensive? They could use that in court, me saying "Yeah, I don't have anything in my place. Go look." and I do.
Who said anything about getting hostile and defensive? Even if you were, there are absolutely NO legitimate charges just for being hostile and defensive. They may not have been as "cheerful" as you've noted, but unless you were threatening their safety or physically assaulting them, it doesn't matter if you tell them to fuck off. Going back, you really shouldn't be saying anything at all at this point except "I am not consenting to your search of my property and I am reserving my 5th amendment right to remain silent."
Since that's all hindsight, what you absolutely must focus on right now is finding appropriate legal representation. If you have time, do some community service and obtain character references from friends, family, and associates (especially from anyone in your community held in high esteem such as doctors/teachers/etc). That's the only thing that's going to help you at this point.
Good luck!
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: geokills]
#413077 - 05/06/10 01:46 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Im pretty sure TrueHerbCrystal knows about his/her rights by now...
Since that's all hindsight, what you absolutely must focus on right now is finding appropriate legal representation.
-------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Rw_1nRuu0
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#413100 - 05/06/10 02:45 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
TrueHerbCrystal said:
Thanks for all that FRACTALife. Reading all that really brings a tear to my eyes, in a happiness kind-of-way. To see someone like yourself FRACTAL say those nice, uplifting things makes me miss this place so much more. I don't wanna leave here.
Its amazing what a little text on a screen can make a person feel. And you FRACTALife have definitely made my day....I could see us being good friends in real life. Thats for sure.
And if my legend lives on, I hope its a good one. But the bad legend must live on, to teach future kids who grow not to fall Victim to their own mistakes and poor choices. And if its completely forgotten, I just hope a person naiive or inexperienced like me, somewhere out there, learns from story and makes the right choices and does the correct actions to avoid this horrible ending to my grow, my happiness, my well-being, my self-confidence and my current life. If I had a time-machine, I would go back and never both those things in my car....I'm still in shock this happened to me. It just doesn't seem real, like I'm still dreaming. But, sadly I did, and must live with this.
There are many lessons to be learned from my mistakes, I just hope those lessons are remembered. I just hope in the future, people read stories like mine and say "Wow, we come a far ways. Now these drugs are decriminalized. Look how much things have changed". Someday, I hope it happens....legalization of all hallucinogens and MJ, or at least decrimialization.
But you're guys storys and comments really made my day today. You have no idea how much help it is to my state-of-mind. Friends, in real-life or even just talking online, are so important for social support. And you guys here, like you Inverted and you FRACTAL have showed me that....
You guys are truely the best.  ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
Sorry I didn't respond earlier I haven't been on the growery.
Thanks for the amazing response I feel the same way about you buddy 
So... I am a little out of confused as to your fate because I haven't read the rest of the updates yet... all I can say is I hope it's a good one.
I just posted a thread about one of my younger friends getting busted to and already passed on your story to him. Check out the thread if you want.
Good Vibes of Love and Freedom FractaLife
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: geokills]
#413314 - 05/06/10 10:45 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
He's like Carlton from Fresh Price of Bel Air or somebody like that. Get pulled over for no seal belt or something and instantly admit every crime you've ever committed in your life n shit. 
I hate it for him, but he pretty much did the same thing when he DID NOT have to. And just invited them back to his house. Blows my mind, but like someone said up there, he's probably had a chance to learn some of his rights by now. There's some great videos in the Security Forum on the Shroomery everyone should watch. I found them on my own and it took me a while, so if you really want to see them, you gotta do it too . I'll tell you they're stickied at the very top of the first page.
Failed Botanist
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#413342 - 05/07/10 12:19 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
And yes, the officer said "Where do you get these fresh-cut buds from?". That is an exact quote (from my memory of course). He said fresh-cut, I remember now. To tell you the truth, the officiers sounded like they used to smoke it, because they used some slang words like "plant" and "buds" instead of more technical ones. One officer did say he was in the special drug search unit or something, so its likely they all knew the slang terms...
~ TrueH.
What's a more technical term for plant?
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: FarBeyondDriven]
#413344 - 05/07/10 12:24 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Your legend will live on man. Ive certainly learned a lot by reading this thread, and am grateful for it because it may someday keep me from getting busted. I hope the best for you man, sorry to hear about your baby, that must have been heart breaking. But you learn from your mistakes. Stay positive bro
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: captain.koons]
#413345 - 05/07/10 12:26 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Good eye Koons, I never even noticed that.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: FarBeyondDriven]
#413360 - 05/07/10 02:11 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I did... 
He must be really flustered
-------------------- Don't criticize what you can't understand
Failed Botanist
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Inverted]
#413362 - 05/07/10 02:12 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Inverted said: I did... 
He must be really flustered
It doesn't seem out of character.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: captain.koons]
#413369 - 05/07/10 02:56 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
captain.koons said:
Inverted said: I did... 
He must be really flustered
It doesn't seem out of character.
not at all out of character, the poor dude. Now no one else will participate in my Psytrance thread which kinda makes me sad.
TrueHerbCrystal one last gem for you if your still out there...
Shpongle with guitar played by the man from pink floyd, David Gilmour, himself.
Seriously bro best of luck to ya in the joint, the one good thing that will probably happen is you will hopefully leave a much more assertive person. Don't let the jail mentality overtake you, you'll have to act the part but make sure you leave that mentality behind when you enter the real world.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
and dazed

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#413373 - 05/07/10 04:33 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Good luck THC!!!
Fight em till the end!
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Fazed]
#413403 - 05/07/10 09:55 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Fazed said: Good luck THC!!!
Fight em till the end!
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: MFDoom666]
#413404 - 05/07/10 09:59 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
MFDoom666 said:
Fazed said: Good luck THC!!!
Fight em till the end!
I hope you win, man best of luck.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Thebooedocksaint]
#413444 - 05/07/10 12:13 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Sorry to hear that from you....you should wright a passionate speach that might sway the judge and jury. = Your only shot.
I had plants up in da mountains last year, and one day my cousin came with me hiking to checkem out. When we were almost there, here comes a police helicopter out of nowhere and it hovers over a site with only one plant. They had to have seen it. The helicopter looked like it was gonna land, but when I got back to the road, there were 6 EPA (I think) officers, a couple armed with automatic rifles...WTF! One was a complete DICK. So much that the other officers seemed pissed at him. He was the skinniest one, trying to intimidate me with his rifle, talkin "Your motorcycle is parked in a no parking zone"
I seriously had to look at the sign...then at my bike...then the sign...then my bike....then him, and say, "REALLY?!? I don't think so.."
Anyway I guess the residents near the entrance of the hiking trail noticed a certain motorcycle there a lot...avid hiker, what can I say.
So my cousing told them some jokes, and the cops were cool I guess....
What do you call a baby turtle????
A whole-new honu. (Honu is hawaiian)
I ended up harvested that one plant they spotted too. It was the largest one of the season.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DJ_avocado]
#413447 - 05/07/10 12:27 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
You harvested somebodies plant!?
Sure sounds like it, if you did you seriously just hit the shit list.
-------------------- Don't criticize what you can't understand
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DJ_avocado]
#413449 - 05/07/10 12:28 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
CNC Machinist/Greenthumb

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: MFDoom666]
#413454 - 05/07/10 12:48 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
-------------------- Don't criticize what you can't understand

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Inverted]
#413457 - 05/07/10 12:53 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I think they were his own..
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harlz]
#413459 - 05/07/10 12:55 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Maybe I'm just too high for my own good... yes?
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Inverted]
#413460 - 05/07/10 12:55 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
reminds me I should be hitting a bowl about now
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harlz]
#413462 - 05/07/10 12:57 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
God damnit dude now I have to. I was just thinking how I am due but should put it off. You bastard!
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Inverted]
#413464 - 05/07/10 01:00 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Inverted said: God damnit dude now I have to. I was just thinking how I am due but should put it off. You bastard! 
Haha lets get high together 
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harlz]
#413470 - 05/07/10 01:20 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
this thread makes me feel so smart.
THC - gets pulled over for light, searched for bud, sings like a bird and brings the cops home and hands over the grow. THC goes to jail, gets fucked.
THC says 
YNP- gets pulled over for being on cell phone while on way to pick up 2lbs of weed. YNP gets searched for bud. keeps mouth shut. cop finds tiny bit of bud, 2 bongs, ak-47, and AR. YNP tells the cop whats up. cop gives back bongs, bud, ak-47, but seizes AR. YNP continues along his way to go pick up 2lbs successfully, then goes home and calls lawyer who in just under 6wks gets "assault weapon" returned.
YNP wins the day, 
Edited by yellownotepad (05/07/10 01:20 PM)
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: yellownotepad]
#413471 - 05/07/10 01:21 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: MFDoom666]
#413472 - 05/07/10 01:23 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
MFDoom666 said:

Pharmaceutical Agriculturalist

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Harlz]
#413475 - 05/07/10 01:28 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
the moral of the story
act like a fool and let the cops intimidate you = go to jail, get your shit taken forever
man up and shut up = continue about your day, get your shit back
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: yellownotepad] 2
#413485 - 05/07/10 02:37 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I know this has prolly been said, but i have to reiterate the importance of a few things.
1.) when you get pulled over for anything, always be calm and curtious no matter how much you hate pigs! do not roll the window all the way down. only about half way or less. enough to pass your paper work to him.
2) stickers on the outside of a car maybe reason to search and give probable cause. But obviously not, since he asked you to search the car and then threatened a drug dog if you didn't give consent.
3) when asked to get out of roll your window back up, pocket your keys,lock your doors and proceed to exit the vehicle.
4) when asked to search, flat out tell him NO, not with out a warrant!! He then will make the threat of bring a drug dog. Well i can tell you this about dogs, many police forces do not have k-9's trained in drug recovery and used for intimidation purposes mostly. They are attack dogs mostly. Some dept.s do have drug dogs so it is a gamble but 9 times out of 10 it is just there to scare you into a confession.
5) never believe when they tell you this line! "Telling us where your stuff is will only help you out". That's bull shit to the highest degree!! You will help them out and that is it. Donut eating cops are lazy assholes and would love for you to make their jobs easy. They are NOT going to make the charges go away and you still got charged with manufacturing, so how did this help you any?? This only looks better because you were not resisting or a violent offender.
6) whether you have a lawyer or not, DO NOT VOLUNTEER ANY INFORMATION!! and ask to speak to a lawyer before you do. You built the case for the cops with the way your lips spewed all that info. Never tell them anything!! EVER!
7) If you can pay for a lawyer i advise you do or make a big effort to try anyways. Court appointed lawyers are basically junk and only look out for your rights. They really do not go out of their ways to defend you and get you out of trouble.
8) When in court, dress like your going to a job interview. Suit, tie, jacket, the works. Do not act a fool in court. Defend yourself but do not be mouthy. Your lawyer will do most of the talking, but you need to communicate your wants to your lawyer for him to be effective.
9) if this is your first offense then you will basically get a slap on the hand. Meaning supervised probation. maybe drug program of some sort. and a record.
Do not hold me to anything i say. This is all from experience of my own or of friends of mine. From this point forward though, you are on the pigs radar now! You are going to have to use discretion and be more careful then you ever were. They will be looking for you to fuck up and possibly even harass you any chance they get.
They(cops) will not come back after court unless they have reason to believe your still being a fuck up. But if your put on probation, your probation officer will more then likely come check out your place of residence and may make random stops to check on you.
Entering a drug treatment program can also help you out in this situation. The court looks at as if your trying to help yourself out of your "addiction". I do not believe in this route because i am an active advocate and would never imply that cannabis is addictive or has negative impact on my life or that people need rehab or treatment cause they smoke it.
Be cool my friend and be careful for yourself and the people you associate with.
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: SpaceMonkey]
#413489 - 05/07/10 03:10 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Great post Spacemonkey. 
And if you've got any, offer them an extra hit of crack, it just might help you THC
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: SpaceMonkey]
#413554 - 05/07/10 07:49 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Thanks a lot SpaceMonkey for providing all that important info....I really needed to know that in that comprehensive list like that.
Yeah, opening my mouth was the worst thing to do. When I was in the cop car, talking to the driver, I did it to calm myself down, to not think what would happen to me in the near future. Looking back, I should I said absolutely NOTHING to them, and remained silent. A hard lesson learned, but I now know better....
I've been practicing my speeches and physical actions when I get pulled over. First, I practiced the "Can you step out of the car please" move. First, I would turn off my car, put the keys in my pocket, then open the door Only slightly to let myself out, all while I pressed the electric lock button. I got it down pretty good now.
And I have practiced me speech by saying this over and over in my car...."I do NOT consent to a search of my vehicle....I do NOT consent to a search of my vehicle...I do NOT consent to a search of my vehicle". I've done it enough to where I got it down.
A hard lesson learned....
Never Again. ~ TrueH. ~
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Doitagain]
#413603 - 05/07/10 08:30 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Doitagain said: not at all out of character, the poor dude. Now no one else will participate in my Psytrance thread which kinda makes me sad.
TrueHerbCrystal one last gem for you if your still out there...
Shpongle with guitar played by the man from pink floyd, David Gilmour, himself.
Seriously bro best of luck to ya in the joint, the one good thing that will probably happen is you will hopefully leave a much more assertive person. Don't let the jail mentality overtake you, you'll have to act the part but make sure you leave that mentality behind when you enter the real world.
It funny you posted that music from Shpongle DoItAgain, there's actually a Shpongle Concert in Oregon tonight (Friday, May 7). When I have time, I'll listen to your track....
I'm so excited for tonight, expect the fact I cannot take any psy-drugs with me for the concert. Not any more sadly. Its going to have to be a sober concert for this one. But Shpongle is so good, that it doesn't even matter....
Well, gotta get ready.
Thanks for the cool track DoItAgain...will listen to it later.
Shponglified.  ~ TrueH. ~
Edited by TrueHerbCrystal (05/07/10 08:31 PM)
Krash Kharma
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#413748 - 05/08/10 03:29 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
And I have practiced me speech by saying this over and over in my car...."I do NOT consent to a search of my vehicle....I do NOT consent to a search of my vehicle...I do NOT consent to a search of my vehicle". I've done it enough to where I got it down.
Make sure you do NOT sound aggressive. At all. That would be a horrible mistake.
They're never going to call a dog, dude. Think how long it would take. The guy doesn't want to stand there for fourty-five minutes waiting for some other guy to come to wherever the hell you are with a dog to sniff you out and find a dime bag and give you a ticket or warning.
But he will take the opportunity to take a random look through your shit and throw whatever he can on you, if you let him.
This one time, I got pulled over three times in a row at around 2:30am for having a busted head light.
I didn't have my license on me, I was wearing 65" wideleg Kiks, a wife beater, raver kandi, and was flipping on three sugar cubes and two rolls, and had my girlfriend and her friend in my car even more fucked up than I was.
I was a little nervous, and the first officer wanted to arrest me because he thought I was impersonating my father (I told him my name, he came up with my dad's [Jr/Sr]) I explained that I was a jr and he let me go The next guy just let us go because we told him we just got pulled over. The third and final officer came to the window, we told him we just got pulled over twice, and he said "Well, third time's the charm! "
I'm surprised he didn't arrested us right then and there for the faces we made when our jaws all dropped at once.
But he ended up letting us go. I think this mostly had to do with a nearby college and us obviously not being drunk on anything he could test with any certainty.
If you just don't act more nervous than the situation requires, they're not going to do anything.
The guy doesn't know you have drugs on you. He just wishes you did cuz it'd make him look good. If you just act like it's a routine traffic stop, he's going to treat it like one. These people are trained to know what people act like when they're hiding something.
Remember: Not answering a question is not the same as lying. You never HAVE to answer a question, other than "what's your name/where do you live". You never have to let them touch your personal property.
[gradient:#56A334,#]the number of times I edit my post is directly related to the number of times I've hit the bong[/gradient]

Registered: 12/04/08
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Krash Kharma]
#413749 - 05/08/10 03:33 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Man I didn't know that you were in Oregon. You could get off really easy on this one if you play it well man. My friend was busted with 4 plants and the plead down to misdameanor possesion.
I wish I could have gone to that sphongle show. Alas no money though. Sounds like your in Portland too man. Good to know that there are some other Oregonians on here.
-------------------- Dude she isn't as young as she use to be.
Failed Botanist
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: captain.koons]
#413750 - 05/08/10 03:37 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
captain.koons said:
And yes, the officer said "Where do you get these fresh-cut buds from?". That is an exact quote (from my memory of course). He said fresh-cut, I remember now. To tell you the truth, the officiers sounded like they used to smoke it, because they used some slang words like "plant" and "buds" instead of more technical ones. One officer did say he was in the special drug search unit or something, so its likely they all knew the slang terms...
~ TrueH.
What's a more technical term for plant?
Swimmin in Cyans soon

Registered: 09/25/09
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: captain.koons]
#413893 - 05/08/10 11:40 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
It funny you posted that music from Shpongle DoItAgain, there's actually a Shpongle Concert in Oregon tonight (Friday, May 7). When I have time, I'll listen to your track....
I'm so excited for tonight, expect the fact I cannot take any psy-drugs with me for the concert. Not any more sadly. Its going to have to be a sober concert for this one. But Shpongle is so good, that it doesn't even matter....
Well, gotta get ready.
Thanks for the cool track DoItAgain...will listen to it later.
Shponglified. ~ TrueH. ~
You really live in Oregon? What part...The southwest, or northwest of Oregon? I feel really bad and would like to know the station of pigs that arrested you...I will fuck with them alot with prank calls, rioting in front of their building, ect. idk i just cant accept that shit...What was the cops names? What part of Oregon? 
-------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Rw_1nRuu0
Amanitas for Trade this Oct-Dec^
"Dont gain the world and lose your soul...Wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
Card Holder. Not really
Registered: 04/20/10
Posts: 429
Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Killuminati_420]
#413895 - 05/08/10 11:52 AM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Killuminati_420 said:
It funny you posted that music from Shpongle DoItAgain, there's actually a Shpongle Concert in Oregon tonight (Friday, May 7). When I have time, I'll listen to your track....
I'm so excited for tonight, expect the fact I cannot take any psy-drugs with me for the concert. Not any more sadly. Its going to have to be a sober concert for this one. But Shpongle is so good, that it doesn't even matter....
Well, gotta get ready.
Thanks for the cool track DoItAgain...will listen to it later.
Shponglified. ~ TrueH. ~
You really live in Oregon? What part...The southwest, or northwest of Oregon? I feel really bad and would like to know the station of pigs that arrested you...I will fuck with them alot with prank calls, rioting in front of their building, ect. idk i just cant accept that shit...What was the cops names? What part of Oregon?  
That would be......Just WAY TOO much information! Then any LEO could just track him down to his user name too. (Thats even if they are watching) But still, either way....would be TOO MUCH info!
Dead Dictator

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: brifunforme]
#413897 - 05/08/10 12:03 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
brifunforme said:
Killuminati_420 said:
It funny you posted that music from Shpongle DoItAgain, there's actually a Shpongle Concert in Oregon tonight (Friday, May 7). When I have time, I'll listen to your track....
I'm so excited for tonight, expect the fact I cannot take any psy-drugs with me for the concert. Not any more sadly. Its going to have to be a sober concert for this one. But Shpongle is so good, that it doesn't even matter....
Well, gotta get ready.
Thanks for the cool track DoItAgain...will listen to it later.
Shponglified. ~ TrueH. ~
You really live in Oregon? What part...The southwest, or northwest of Oregon? I feel really bad and would like to know the station of pigs that arrested you...I will fuck with them alot with prank calls, rioting in front of their building, ect. idk i just cant accept that shit...What was the cops names? What part of Oregon?  
That would be......Just WAY TOO much information! Then any LEO could just track him down to his user name too. (Thats even if they are watching) But still, either way....would be TOO MUCH info!
Dude, people post where they are from all the time.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
Swimmin in Cyans soon

Registered: 09/25/09
Posts: 154
Loc: Oregon Coast
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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Thebooedocksaint]
#413901 - 05/08/10 12:16 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Alright, asking "where the police station" is honestly going too far...But what PART of Oregon do you live in...I can say...i live a few miles away from the coast by Eugene...I just told where i live BY not exactly where i live...
So THC, what PART of Oregon are you in?
-------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Rw_1nRuu0
Amanitas for Trade this Oct-Dec^
"Dont gain the world and lose your soul...Wisdom is better than silver and gold" -Bob Marley
Card Holder. Not really
Registered: 04/20/10
Posts: 429
Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: Thebooedocksaint]
#413992 - 05/08/10 02:47 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Thebooedocksaint said:
brifunforme said:
Killuminati_420 said:
It funny you posted that music from Shpongle DoItAgain, there's actually a Shpongle Concert in Oregon tonight (Friday, May 7). When I have time, I'll listen to your track....
I'm so excited for tonight, expect the fact I cannot take any psy-drugs with me for the concert. Not any more sadly. Its going to have to be a sober concert for this one. But Shpongle is so good, that it doesn't even matter....
Well, gotta get ready.
Thanks for the cool track DoItAgain...will listen to it later.
Shponglified. ~ TrueH. ~
You really live in Oregon? What part...The southwest, or northwest of Oregon? I feel really bad and would like to know the station of pigs that arrested you...I will fuck with them alot with prank calls, rioting in front of their building, ect. idk i just cant accept that shit...What was the cops names? What part of Oregon?  
That would be......Just WAY TOO much information! Then any LEO could just track him down to his user name too. (Thats even if they are watching) But still, either way....would be TOO MUCH info!
Dude, people post where they are from all the time.
Ddue, posting the name of the officer who just arrested you and the location of the police station. Would be FUCKING RETARDED! And would pretty much be telling anyone that should NOT know where he is! Now just saying where your at geographically is not so big of a deal. But THAT request I responded to would have been ENTIRELY too much information. I mean come on. Think about it for a couple seconds!
Lord of the Flies

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Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: brifunforme]
#414010 - 05/08/10 03:27 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
This thread is full of 
God Damn Oregonians
Swimmin in Cyans soon

Registered: 09/25/09
Posts: 154
Loc: Oregon Coast
Last seen: 14 years, 5 months
Re: My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon.... [Re: DungenessDank]
#414018 - 05/08/10 03:42 PM (14 years, 9 months< |