Psycho Pete

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thread that degraded into a bunch of pseudo science. 5
#527554 - 02/15/11 03:35 PM (14 years, 2 days ago) |
Edit: Have fun 
this is the second scumbag this year who left his dog out in subzero weather and had it almost freeze to death. i wanna be an animal cop and beat the fuck out of people who neglect their pets. im disgusted.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
Edited by RasJeph (02/25/11 04:54 PM)

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph] 2
#527586 - 02/15/11 05:46 PM (14 years, 2 days ago) |
people who abuse animals should be abused the same way

Registered: 07/06/10
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph] 2
#527592 - 02/15/11 06:09 PM (14 years, 2 days ago) |
disgusting indeed, my mum adopted a collie cross called ellie from a shelter. she was just skin and bones, scars on her legs where they beat her, and even now she is still scared of some people, and just chooses to hide a lot of the day. it enrages me
i wish the shelther would of told us where the owners lived. justice would be sweet.
Psycho Pete

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Shaggy420]
#527602 - 02/15/11 06:31 PM (14 years, 2 days ago) |
i love my pets sooo much. even my asshole cats i like. i dont know how people could treat their animals like that and sleep at night.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#527607 - 02/15/11 07:04 PM (14 years, 2 days ago) |
Same with children also. People treat kids like that, as well as animals. And both make me sick. I plan on adopting a dog and cat when i get my own place. or when the ones i have now pass away. I volunteer regularly at shelters.

Registered: 02/13/11
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner]
#527609 - 02/15/11 07:09 PM (14 years, 2 days ago) |
animal abuse is terrible, i would have no problem in blowing someones head off clean if there was no consequences.
even tho i have no pets and probably never will.
The Feminizer

Registered: 04/21/08
Posts: 6,634
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: chicharron]
#527641 - 02/15/11 10:07 PM (14 years, 2 days ago) |
I'm pretty bad when it comes to this issue. I've never been stabbed in the back by a animal or lied to or ripped off and any of the other things that come along with the human race.
I can say this, if someone were to tell me "ok here are your choices. You have to kill either the homeless man or the homeless dog or your daughter gets it" wellllllll lets just say I wouldn't want to be the homeless man in that situation.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
Join us at the Growery!
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Big_tiggy]
#527679 - 02/16/11 01:15 AM (14 years, 2 days ago) |
Big_tiggy said: people who abuse animals should be abused the same way
I hate that shit with a passion. Fuckin sickens me.
Psycho Pete

Registered: 01/14/09
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Loc: Bumfuckt Egypt
Last seen: 1 year, 3 months
i would also choose to kill a person over an animal any day. people are smart enough to know right from wrong and have the ability to lie cheat and steal. i can understand murder in a lot of cases.
however, i have never met an animal that is inheritly bad. maybe high strung, maybe protective, etc.....but never just mean because it was born mean. theyre made that way by people.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner]
#527831 - 02/16/11 04:00 PM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
what kind of shelter do you volunteer at, working with animals has always been in the back of my head, (along with many other plans) but I havnt gotten off my lazy ass and put some effort into helping to change this world, atleast I can say I'm ready to help tho, Theres a no kill shelter outside of town, and I'm really thinkin that doin something for another being besides myself is really what I need. I don't mean stuff like holding a door open or picking up something that someone dropped, but putting your heart and soul in it, the payoff can be generous.

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#527861 - 02/16/11 05:05 PM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
RasJeph said:
however, i have never met an animal that is inheritly bad. maybe high strung, maybe protective, etc.....but never just mean because it was born mean. theyre made that way by people.
something that pisses me off to no end, is when people say staffordshire teriers or pitbull terriers are born aggressive and vicous. these people are retardedand need to understand that, if a dog is brought up and trained properly, it would give its own life rather than attack anyone.
too many dogs are needlessly put to sleep because of fucktard people not caring for and treating a dog how it deserves to be treated. the law needs to come down harder on these selfish heartless pricks.
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Shaggy420]
#527866 - 02/16/11 05:33 PM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
Yer I don't get how people can neglect animals. They bring me so much joy.
Just goes to show how far we've drifted from nature.
Good thing that'll all chance come 2013
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song

Registered: 07/06/10
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whats happening in 2013?
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Shaggy420]
#527914 - 02/16/11 06:35 PM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
I will post in 1 - 6 hours explaining everything and I will provide links
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song

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uh oh maybe its the growery gathering @ my house...lolz
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Shaggy420]
#527972 - 02/16/11 08:31 PM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
OK, explain time. Here's about 3/4 of all the info on the topic that i know of.
I'm sure you've all heard that something drastic will happen on December 21 2012. Well that's just not true. There will be many drastic things happening on that day! All independant of eachother.
I have to start with the basics for y'all to understand it well. I will make an outrageous claim then provide a website or Youtube video which explains it in depth. Most of the videos i post will have many parts so i will only post the first part and you can easily find the rest on Youtube.
Aliens have been visiting the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. They have been helping us and will continue to do so
There is another planet in our solar system called Niribu. Here live the Annunaki. They are aliens. There are many different kinds of them. The aliens are trying to comunicate with us. Yours truely comunicates with aliens. They are very friendly so don't fear them. Embrace them.
Mary Rodwell knows a lot about aliens due to her line of work so here are the first parts to some of her other interviews. Don't forget, the other parts are on Youtube
Here's another interview. Pretty sure the whole thing is in the one vid
As i mentioned earlier, there is a planet called Niribu. This planet passes very close to earth every 3,600 years. As it passes, Mother Nature will get her revenge
From memory the above vid explains the pole shift. In case it doesn't, here's the first part of a vid explaining the pole shift. Oddly, it doesn't mention Niribu. This is weird because as far as i know, Niribu will be causing the pole shift. O and fellas, don't tell me Niribu doesn't exist. Soon you'll all be able to see it for yourselves. It's the size of Jupiter. We're not told about it for obvious reasons.
Here's part one of the best presentation on 2012 i have ever seen. Deffinatly worth watch. Explains the most out of all the vids i've seen on the topic
Here's one last vid. In it someone explains how to increase you're chances of surviving the events of Dec 21 2012 (there is at least one other thing happening on that day however i don't know enough about it to explain it and cbf'd finding the vid). You can watch it but i don't recomend making a bunker. Below i explain what i think is the best thing to do
Now i will tell you a little about my alien experiences.
First was in a mushie trip, second was in a San Pedro trip and third was in a dream.
We comunicated for ages. Tomorrow night they will hopefully take me to their planet or at least their space ship for a week.
I was actually planning on making a thread on aliens, Niribu and 2012 after my next trip (tomorrow night) because the aliens will fill me in on all the details then.
My advice for survining 2012 is this. Prepare to be 100% self sufficient: - grow your own food - collect your own water - arm yourselves to the teeth - stockpile drugs esspecially entheogens
I think (i'll hopefully know for sure tomorrow night) that the aliens will save the wise ones. How do you become wise enough to comunicate with aliens hence be saved from the events of 2012? Trip in a shamanic way. To increase your chances of experiencing aliens, read The Psychedelic Experince and The Secret. The Secret explains the Law of Attraction. This knowledge is needed since you must use it to attract the alien into you life. Spontanious alien experiences are possible, but to increase your chances, take my above advice. Feel free to PM me with any alien, Niribu or 2012 questions btw.
Terence explains aliens quiet well in this very short video
TrippyStoner420 said:
whats happening in 2013?
In 2013, the earth will be very differnet. A lot of coastal areas (even whole countries) will be under water, new mountain ranges and other formations would be created. O and just about everyone will be dead.
This means we will have a fresh start. And this time we will get it right. The aliens will make sure of this
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Edited by Sir Smokes A-Lot (02/16/11 09:44 PM)
King Koopa

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-------------------- Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Dead Dictator

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#527983 - 02/16/11 08:50 PM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
RasJeph said: i love my pets sooo much. even my asshole cats i like. i dont know how people could treat their animals like that and sleep at night.
That's why me and my dad took the time to put some of that blue foam insulation in out dog's house. They don't sleep outside, but the sure could. When it's freezing cold they sure as hell know both of them curling up in their house is warm as hell.
People that won't take the time to give their outdoor dog a warm house don't care about them nearly enough. I mean the materials are not even that expensive when you compare the money you already spend on a dog.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
Dreams of Oceans

Registered: 08/15/10
Posts: 588
Thebooedocksaint said: People that won't take the time to give their outdoor dog a warm house don't care about them nearly enough. I mean the materials are not even that expensive when you compare the money you already spend on a dog.
I hear that. All my animals came from local humane society or other rescue groups, so I paid very little for them. I just dropped $195 on vet bills and medicine this morning. Going to spend $210 next week having a lump removed and biopsied from our 9yo mix breed.
-------------------- I am not a cannabis grower. I find the cannabis growers to be the most open to experimenting and sharing out of all of the different botany groups I enjoy. I frequently use the suggestions that I find to apply to own organic gardening and food production.
The Feminizer

Registered: 04/21/08
Posts: 6,634
Sir Smokes A-Lot said: OK, explain time. Here's about 3/4 of all the info on the topic that i know of.
I'm sure you've all heard that something drastic will happen on December 21 2012. Well that's just not true. There will be many drastic things happening on that day! All independant of eachother.
I have to start with the basics for y'all to understand it well. I will make an outrageous claim then provide a website or Youtube video which explains it in depth. Most of the videos i post will have many parts so i will only post the first part and you can easily find the rest on Youtube.
Aliens have been visiting the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. They have been helping us and will continue to do so
There is another planet in our solar system called Niribu. Here live the Annunaki. They are aliens. There are many different kinds of them. The aliens are trying to comunicate with us. Yours truely comunicates with aliens. They are very friendly so don't fear them. Embrace them.
Mary Rodwell knows a lot about aliens due to her line of work so here are the first parts to some of her other interviews. Don't forget, the other parts are on Youtube
Here's another interview. Pretty sure the whole thing is in the one vid
As i mentioned earlier, there is a planet called Niribu. This planet passes very close to earth every 3,600 years. As it passes, Mother Nature will get her revenge
From memory the above vid explains the pole shift. In case it doesn't, here's the first part of a vid explaining the pole shift. Oddly, it doesn't mention Niribu. This is weird because as far as i know, Niribu will be causing the pole shift. O and fellas, don't tell me Niribu doesn't exist. Soon you'll all be able to see it for yourselves. It's the size of Jupiter. We're not told about it for obvious reasons.
Here's part one of the best presentation on 2012 i have ever seen. Deffinatly worth watch. Explains the most out of all the vids i've seen on the topic
Here's one last vid. In it someone explains how to increase you're chances of surviving the events of Dec 21 2012 (there is at least one other thing happening on that day however i don't know enough about it to explain it and cbf'd finding the vid). You can watch it but i don't recomend making a bunker. Below i explain what i think is the best thing to do
Now i will tell you a little about my alien experiences.
First was in a mushie trip, second was in a San Pedro trip and third was in a dream.
We comunicated for ages. Tomorrow night they will hopefully take me to their planet or at least their space ship for a week.
I was actually planning on making a thread on aliens, Niribu and 2012 after my next trip (tomorrow night) because the aliens will fill me in on all the details then.
My advice for survining 2012 is this. Prepare to be 100% self sufficient: - grow your own food - collect your own water - arm yourselves to the teeth - stockpile drugs esspecially entheogens
I think (i'll hopefully know for sure tomorrow night) that the aliens will save the wise ones. How do you become wise enough to comunicate with aliens hence be saved from the events of 2012? Trip in a shamanic way. To increase your chances of experiencing aliens, read The Psychedelic Experince and The Secret. The Secret explains the Law of Attraction. This knowledge is needed since you must use it to attract the alien into you life. Spontanious alien experiences are possible, but to increase your chances, take my above advice. Feel free to PM me with any alien, Niribu or 2012 questions btw.
Terence explains aliens quiet well in this very short video
TrippyStoner420 said:
whats happening in 2013?
In 2013, the earth will be very differnet. A lot of coastal areas (even whole countries) will be under water, new mountain ranges and other formations would be created. O and just about everyone will be dead.
This means we will have a fresh start. And this time we will get it right. The aliens will make sure of this 
This shit needs to be put up in the Dome so we can give it the answers it deserves.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
Join us at the Growery!
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
Posts: 297
Last seen: 13 years, 10 months
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash] 1
#528045 - 02/16/11 11:06 PM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
What's the Dome?
The aliens will tell me everything tomorrow night. Hopefully i'll be able to spend a week with them.
Either way, i'll deffintaly make a thread about aliens, planet Niribu and 2012. I want my Growery brothers to be safe
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Blazed as

Registered: 02/07/11
Posts: 69
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Last seen: 13 years, 6 months
The aliens will tell me everything tomorrow night. Hopefully i'll be able to spend a week with them
Right o'....
I've actually kicked the shit out of someone who kicked my dog, so I feel I've done my part against people who abuse animals.
-------------------- There is no human nature, only human behaviour. - Jacque Fresco
Edited by Blazed as (02/16/11 11:33 PM)
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
Posts: 297
Last seen: 13 years, 10 months
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Blazed as]
#528060 - 02/16/11 11:38 PM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
Do you think i'm kidding?
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Blazed as

Registered: 02/07/11
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I don't know, maybe. Just have to wait and see I guess.
-------------------- There is no human nature, only human behaviour. - Jacque Fresco
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
Posts: 297
Last seen: 13 years, 10 months
Sir Smokes A-Lot said: OK, explain time. Here's about 3/4 of all the info on the topic that i know of.
I'm sure you've all heard that something drastic will happen on December 21 2012. Well that's just not true. There will be many drastic things happening on that day! All independant of eachother.
I have to start with the basics for y'all to understand it well. I will make an outrageous claim then provide a website or Youtube video which explains it in depth. Most of the videos i post will have many parts so i will only post the first part and you can easily find the rest on Youtube.
Aliens have been visiting the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. They have been helping us and will continue to do so
There is another planet in our solar system called Niribu. Here live the Annunaki. They are aliens. There are many different kinds of them. The aliens are trying to comunicate with us. Yours truely comunicates with aliens. They are very friendly so don't fear them. Embrace them.
Mary Rodwell knows a lot about aliens due to her line of work so here are the first parts to some of her other interviews. Don't forget, the other parts are on Youtube
Here's another interview. Pretty sure the whole thing is in the one vid
As i mentioned earlier, there is a planet called Niribu. This planet passes very close to earth every 3,600 years. As it passes, Mother Nature will get her revenge
From memory the above vid explains the pole shift. In case it doesn't, here's the first part of a vid explaining the pole shift. Oddly, it doesn't mention Niribu. This is weird because as far as i know, Niribu will be causing the pole shift. O and fellas, don't tell me Niribu doesn't exist. Soon you'll all be able to see it for yourselves. It's the size of Jupiter. We're not told about it for obvious reasons.
Here's part one of the best presentation on 2012 i have ever seen. Deffinatly worth watch. Explains the most out of all the vids i've seen on the topic
Here's one last vid. In it someone explains how to increase you're chances of surviving the events of Dec 21 2012 (there is at least one other thing happening on that day however i don't know enough about it to explain it and cbf'd finding the vid). You can watch it but i don't recomend making a bunker. Below i explain what i think is the best thing to do
Now i will tell you a little about my alien experiences.
First was in a mushie trip, second was in a San Pedro trip and third was in a dream.
We comunicated for ages. Tomorrow night they will hopefully take me to their planet or at least their space ship for a week.
I was actually planning on making a thread on aliens, Niribu and 2012 after my next trip (tomorrow night) because the aliens will fill me in on all the details then.
My advice for survining 2012 is this. Prepare to be 100% self sufficient: - grow your own food - collect your own water - arm yourselves to the teeth - stockpile drugs esspecially entheogens
I think (i'll hopefully know for sure tomorrow night) that the aliens will save the wise ones. How do you become wise enough to comunicate with aliens hence be saved from the events of 2012? Trip in a shamanic way. To increase your chances of experiencing aliens, read The Psychedelic Experince and The Secret. The Secret explains the Law of Attraction. This knowledge is needed since you must use it to attract the alien into you life. Spontanious alien experiences are possible, but to increase your chances, take my above advice. Feel free to PM me with any alien, Niribu or 2012 questions btw.
Terence explains aliens quiet well in this very short video
TrippyStoner420 said:
whats happening in 2013?
In 2013, the earth will be very differnet. A lot of coastal areas (even whole countries) will be under water, new mountain ranges and other formations would be created. O and just about everyone will be dead.
This means we will have a fresh start. And this time we will get it right. The aliens will make sure of this 
I just remembered some important stuff i should mention.
The sun has these things called solar flares. To my understanding, they are just lil explosions on the sun and the more intense they are they hotter the sun is.
The sun has something like an 11 or 12 year solar flare cycle. This means, they start off smaller and at the end are at their most intense.
NASA scientists predict exceptional intense solar storms around, you guessed it, Dec 21 2012. It is, after all, the end of the 11 or 12 year cycle.
Furthermore, NASA is predicting the sun's magnetic poles to switch. This would send out a very intense wave or energy (or whatever) which would shut down all electronics on Earth and even satelites.
I wouldn't be surprised if the solar storms/flares get so intense that that heppens before December 2012.
There's more!
Niribu could make the Earth spin the other way. It's already expected to shift the Earth's poles about 40 degrees. Jupiter has a massive, never ending storm known as the Red Dot or something like that. Since the 90's, it's been going around Jupiter the other way. This would be due to Niribu (Niribu passes Jupiter before Earth) so it comes as no surprise that Niribu could do something similar to Earth. After all, it is 5 times the size of Earth.
Type in "solar flares" or "solar storms" into google if you want proof.
And there's more.
The Earth will be still for 3 days as Niribu passes. During these 3 days, the sun will be 20 - 30% hotter. I'll let you imagine what that will cause.
I'll let the videos i posted do the rest of the explaining
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
Posts: 297
Last seen: 13 years, 10 months
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Blazed as]
#528067 - 02/16/11 11:45 PM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
Blazed as said: I don't know, maybe. Just have to wait and see I guess.
Word of advice, don't go acting like you know things on topics you have no idea about. Just makes you look like a fucking retard is all
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Blazed as

Registered: 02/07/11
Posts: 69
Loc: Aussie Aussie Aussiee
Last seen: 13 years, 6 months
Reasonable doubt dude... And I said wait and see if I'm wrong you owe me an I told you so.
-------------------- There is no human nature, only human behaviour. - Jacque Fresco
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
Posts: 13,834
Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Storms? Dude, like the waves on December 21st are gonna be so gnarly man, grab a board let's go brah
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
Posts: 297
Last seen: 13 years, 10 months
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Blazed as]
#528075 - 02/17/11 12:36 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
Blazed as said: Reasonable doubt dude... And I said wait and see if I'm wrong you owe me an I told you so.
Blazed as said:
The aliens will tell me everything tomorrow night. Hopefully i'll be able to spend a week with them
Right o'....
You employed an unneccessarily cynical tone here. Obviously you can't tell so it's good that i pointed it out.
Maybe you didn't mean it. I don't know. I don't care. Be more clear next time
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
Posts: 297
Last seen: 13 years, 10 months
FarBeyondDriven said: Storms? Dude, like the waves on December 21st are gonna be so gnarly man, grab a board let's go brah 
if only...
The tsunamis will be just as big as the ones in the movie 2012
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Psycho Pete

Registered: 01/14/09
Posts: 11,657
Loc: Bumfuckt Egypt
Last seen: 1 year, 3 months
lol i thought an alien was trying to talk to me when i did dmt. but i figured out it was just my dog. so thats kinda relevant i guess.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
Lord of the Flies

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#528096 - 02/17/11 04:52 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
I book marked this thread so I can come back in 2013 and laugh.
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: DungenessDank]
#528101 - 02/17/11 05:19 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
Your right on about the solar flares late this year/ next year that could wipe out everything. but your way off everywhere else.
Lord of the Flies

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner]
#528103 - 02/17/11 05:25 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
If every conspiracy theory/mega-disaster came to fruition on 2012 in some McKenna-esque time-wave zero cluster fuck of Mayan prophecy, I don't think we really have to worry about what comes after that.
Psycho Pete

Registered: 01/14/09
Posts: 11,657
Loc: Bumfuckt Egypt
Last seen: 1 year, 3 months
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: DungenessDank]
#528111 - 02/17/11 06:49 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
Why worry? :alfredeneuman: (< wtf? how is there no alfred E neuman?!)
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
Lord of the Flies

Registered: 05/05/08
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#528112 - 02/17/11 06:51 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
Dead Dictator

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: DungenessDank]
#528121 - 02/17/11 07:31 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
DungenessDank said: I book marked this thread so I can come back in 2013 and laugh.
The idea that a planet-sized object could possibly collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists..... Astronomers point out that such an object so close to Earth would be easily visible to the naked eye (Jupiter and Saturn are both visible to the naked eye, and are dimmer than Nibiru would be at their distances), and would be creating noticeable effects in the orbits of the outer planets. Some counter this by claiming that the object has been hiding behind the Sun for several years, though such a claim is geometrically impossible..... Lieder's assertions that the approach of Nibiru would cause the Earth's rotation to stop or its axis to shift violate the laws of physics. In his rebuttal of Immanuel Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision, which made the same claim that the Earth's rotation could be stopped and then restarted, Carl Sagan noted that, "the energy required to brake the Earth is not enough to melt it, although it would result in a noticeable increase in temperature: the oceans would [be] raised to the boiling point of water . . . [Also,] how does the Earth get started up again, rotating at approximately the same rate of spin? The Earth cannot do it by itself, because of the law of the conservation of angular momentum."
Jupiter has a massive, never ending storm known as the Red Dot or something like that. Since the 90's, it's been going around Jupiter the other way. This would be due to Niribu (Niribu passes Jupiter before Earth) so it comes as no surprise that Niribu could do something similar to Earth. After all, it is 5 times the size of Earth.
I have found no proof of this.
Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary proof; not conjecture, "alien contact," and psuedoscience.
By the way, everything I found. Provided from wikipedia.
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The Bridge Master

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Jesus christ are you still going on about this crap?!?!
Let me be the first to say you don't know the first thing about science, if you're serious of course.
But you do believe in the "law" of attraction so perhaps this kind of thinking is expected.
Edited by THEBats (02/17/11 08:17 AM)
The Feminizer

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: DungenessDank]
#528129 - 02/17/11 08:15 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
Ok, I'll say it I think bullshit.
NASA does not back up this story this is what they have to say about it
Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object could possibly collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists
Word of advice, don't go acting like you know things on topics you have no idea about. Just makes you look like a fucking retard is all
This is exactly what you are doing.
You kind of forgot to mention that the sun flips it's poles all the time and this is the second time since 2001 that this has happened. http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast15feb_1/
The Earth will be still for 3 days as Niribu passes.
Funny, I can't find one picture of this planet other then ones drawn by people. Don't even try and tell me that at 5 times the size of earth there isn't one single Hubble pic of it.
Niribu could make the Earth spin the other way. It's already expected to shift the Earth's poles about 40 degrees. Jupiter has a massive, never ending storm known as the Red Dot or something like that. Since the 90's, it's been going around Jupiter the other way. This would be due to Niribu (Niribu passes Jupiter before Earth) so it comes as no surprise that Niribu could do something similar to Earth. After all, it is 5 times the size of Earth.
Now with the numbers you give Jupiter is 80 times bigger then this so called Nibiru and just passing by Jupiter isn't gonna switch the poles.
Now i will tell you a little about my alien experiences.
First was in a mushie trip, second was in a San Pedro trip and third was in a dream.
We comunicated for ages. Tomorrow night they will hopefully take me to their planet or at least their space ship for a week.
I was actually planning on making a thread on aliens, Niribu and 2012 after my next trip (tomorrow night) because the aliens will fill me in on all the details then.
So Aliens came from over 10.5 light years away (that is the distance to the nearest sun with planets) and science has already proven nothing can go faster then the speed of light. In other words your saying aliens spent years getting here to and appear in the minds of people tripping on mushrooms, acid, and peyote. In other words they pick the people that nobody on earth will believe to expose themselves to? Why do they need to hide themselves when they are so much more advanced then us that we pose no threat whatsoever?
You need to change your video game selection cause whatever your playing now is getting to you. By the way are we suppose to take those video clips seriously?
The Mayan calendar ends in 2012 but the only people saying that this means the end of the world are people that have not studied Mayan culture. They make no prediction of the end of the world.
My calendar end Dec 31 this year on no the end is near. Oh shit wait, I had another calendar that ended last year. The end is late. HOld on a sec I have another calendar that ended the year before that I must be dead already.
One of your videos shows Nostradamus making a prediction. You realize 75% of his predictions don't come true right?
I would love to take this to my old Astronomy professor so he can laugh his ass of.
So if your gonna blow smoke up our asses you may want to include some real facts. When Stephen Hawking starts telling me to get ready for it then I'll worry. A bunch of trippers and one nutty lady and I'm kind of unconvinced like the rest of the scientific community is.
By the way I just started punching holes in this story there are others here smarter then me that can do a much better job of it.
I'm not saying you are full of shit but you may want to get together with Tom Cruse and exchange ideas.
Where is Harry_Ba11sach and his scientific brain when you need him. 
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#528130 - 02/17/11 08:17 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
and by the way can we put this thread back on the subject that it was originally intended for cause it's a much more serious and real problem then this 2012 bullshit.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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The Bridge Master

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#528134 - 02/17/11 08:25 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
About the speed of light thing, I know off topic but the gears are turning, quantum teleportation seems to be the way to go for long distances. Also this,
Ok now back on topic.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Spaced Pirate

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#528143 - 02/17/11 09:24 AM (14 years, 1 day ago) |
Magash said: and by the way can we put this thread back on the subject that it was originally intended for cause it's a much more serious and real problem then this 2012 bullshit.

20 years ago caught a preacher on video using a bull whip on his dog. Got played by local news. His church went to hell fast.
-------------------- Child of the 60's, Tripping ever sence.
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#528157 - 02/17/11 12:07 PM (14 years, 23 hours ago) |
Magash said: and by the way can we put this thread back on the subject that it was originally intended for cause it's a much more serious and real problem then this 2012 bullshit.
Also - I guess a lot of people feel like extreme (eye for an eye) justice should be served to people who abuse animals. The local news station is refusing to release the mans name and identity because there have been non-stop death threats since it was reported 
That restores my faith in people a little bit.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#528159 - 02/17/11 12:25 PM (14 years, 23 hours ago) |
RasJeph said: i would also choose to kill a person over an animal any day. people are smart enough to know right from wrong and have the ability to lie cheat and steal. i can understand murder in a lot of cases.
however, i have never met an animal that is inheritly bad. maybe high strung, maybe protective, etc.....but never just mean because it was born mean. theyre made that way by people.
do you eat meat? you make absolutely no sense you say you rather kill a human being over an animal, but wait... what type of animal? a dog? a cat? a cow? a pig? a chicken?
or do you choose a small group of animals that you seem to like best?
Dreams of Oceans

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: chicharron]
#528171 - 02/17/11 01:17 PM (14 years, 22 hours ago) |
I think all of this boils down to failed attempts to start a modern mythology that people can relate to. Unfortunately, science outpaced these myths and they are ineffective and will soon be disproven by the lack of anything remotely similar to their claims occurring.
Almost any time I hear about some new alien or planet story there is a moral or social lesson attached to it like: we must unite, love more, join in peace with other countries, adopt a new age religion, adopt socialism, distrust your government, etc...
-------------------- I am not a cannabis grower. I find the cannabis growers to be the most open to experimenting and sharing out of all of the different botany groups I enjoy. I frequently use the suggestions that I find to apply to own organic gardening and food production.
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: chicharron]
#528176 - 02/17/11 02:14 PM (14 years, 21 hours ago) |
chicharron said: do you eat meat? you make absolutely no sense
Unfortunately, I do. I try to only eat free-range stuff, but it gets pretty expensive. 
It really bothers me that I eat meat, trust...its something I'd like to work on, but I'm not sure I could give it up.
I certainly don't eat any KFC chicken or other terrible cruelty meats.
I could try to justify it by claiming that dogs and cats are more intelligent than chickens, so its different, but I know thats bogus. Although, I've never met a chicken with a personality.
I don't like any of my food to be tortured, if thats what you're asking.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#528180 - 02/17/11 02:18 PM (14 years, 21 hours ago) |
i dont see anything wrong with eating meat if the animals lived a good quality of life, and were slaughtered humanely. none of this factory farming shit, the way those people treat animals is disgusting.
King Koopa

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#528204 - 02/17/11 03:09 PM (14 years, 20 hours ago) |
RasJeph said:
Magash said: and by the way can we put this thread back on the subject that it was originally intended for cause it's a much more serious and real problem then this 2012 bullshit.
Also - I guess a lot of people feel like extreme (eye for an eye) justice should be served to people who abuse animals. The local news station is refusing to release the mans name and identity because there have been non-stop death threats since it was reported 
That restores my faith in people a little bit. 
lol. I can picture a mob of people chasing down a dog with sticks and chains. I mean because that's eye for an eye, not killing a man because he abused a dog.
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Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: King Koopa]
#528217 - 02/17/11 03:48 PM (14 years, 20 hours ago) |
Did any of you actually watch the vids before comenting? 
A few of you thought i was talking shit about Niribu. As i said, you'll be able to see it for yourselves soon. I'll give you a medal if you can convince yourself it doesn't exist after you've seen it.
I'll say this and you remember it: There will be more and more natural disasters with every increasing intensity. Hardcore shit, nothing "normal".
I won't talk about 2012 again in this thread. I've pissed off a few of you so i've done my job 
Kidding btw. I only started talking about it because TrippyStoner asked
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Edited by Sir Smokes A-Lot (02/17/11 03:51 PM)
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: King Koopa]
#528218 - 02/17/11 03:48 PM (14 years, 20 hours ago) |
............................................WE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But seriously, everyone has their theories, but none of it can be proven. If we're dead because of some crazy ass thing in 2012, then we're dead. If we're not, then we're still alive. I keep the faith in the man above we won't die, but if we do, then we do. So with that being said, .
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
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People thought we were going to see niburu in 2001, then it was 2009, now its 2012. 
ON TOPIC: I was going to ask you if you ate meat, but that other guy beat me to it. I understand what you mean though.
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner]
#528232 - 02/17/11 04:30 PM (14 years, 19 hours ago) |
iStoner said: I was going to ask you if you ate meat, but that other guy beat me to it.
I'm guessing this question is for me.
I eat a small amount of meat most days per week. I always balance it with fruit and veggies. I like to eat food that i've hunted or grown myself
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner]
#528244 - 02/17/11 04:53 PM (14 years, 19 hours ago) |
iStoner said: People thought we were going to see niburu in 2001, then it was 2009, now its 2012. 
Niribu could be seen in 2001, maybe even years before. Back then it could only be seen at certain times in certain places.
Currently, according to one source i found, southern parts of the world, such as Australia can see Niribu at all times. As the years go by, the rest of the world will be able to see Niribu at all times.
That vid i posted on Niribu explains all that i'm pretty sure
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
The Feminizer

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A few of you thought i was talking shit about Niribu. As i said, you'll be able to see it for yourselves soon. I'll give you a medal if you can convince yourself it doesn't exist after you've seen it.
Ok this is nothing against you as a person but this Niribu stuff is pure shit. Now if NASA can spot a meteor or a comet that is gonna pass close to earth in more then 25 years from now exactly why can't they spot a planet that is 5 times the size of the earth and will be here in less then 2 years? Are the aliens hiding it?
Yes I saw the videos and they are pure shit spewed by pure nutcases.
Now did you see the video Bats put up? You know the one with someone that is respected by the scientific community.
and once again why is it exactly that the so called aliens that you talk to (you may wanna lower your dose and I bet the aliens go away) only talk to people that are tripping on drugs? Do the aliens only plan to save the trippers?
Once again it's nothing against you but what you want us to believe is ridicules.
I won't talk about 2012 again in this thread. I've pissed off a few of you so i've done my job
From what I can see you haven't pissed off anybody. You have managed to make a few people think you may not be the brightest bulb in the box.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#528283 - 02/17/11 06:16 PM (14 years, 17 hours ago) |
-------------------- There is no human nature, only human behaviour. - Jacque Fresco

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#528311 - 02/17/11 09:18 PM (14 years, 14 hours ago) |
Magash said: I'm pretty bad when it comes to this issue. I've never been stabbed in the back by a animal or lied to or ripped off and any of the other things that come along with the human race.
I can say this, if someone were to tell me "ok here are your choices. You have to kill either the homeless man or the homeless dog or your daughter gets it" wellllllll lets just say I wouldn't want to be the homeless man in that situation.

i mean no disrespect but this statement is quite perverse. let's not forget or misconstrue the true hierarchy of all life on this earth. humans are the apex of creation and should never come second to any animal for any reason. human life ALWAYS takes value and precedence of any animal life; despite any level of evil acts a person may commit. thats exactly why SWAT/DEA forces train dogs to take bullets for human cops. the human trumps animal.
as for this thread, i detest the thought of animal cruelty. i raised a black lab and currently my wife and i have three cats, and i have and do love them all as if they were my children/friends, but i would still value any human life over their's.
(I wrote this completely baked. )
-------------------- Amsterdam Honeymoon
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Blazed as]
#528312 - 02/17/11 09:20 PM (14 years, 14 hours ago) |
Let's approach this from another angle. I challange you to answer the following questions iStoner.
1) If Niribu doesn't exist, then why did most if not all ancient cultures write about and draw it? The most fascinating example is the Summarian texts which are 6,000 years old. These are the first known writings 2) If the Annunaki (aliens from Niribu) don't exist, then why did most of not all ancient cultures write about and draw them? 3) If Niribu doesn't exist, then why did at least one ancient culture say that Venus is the latest planet in our solar system because they witnessed Niribu dragging it along? Modern-day scientists realised that Venus is the newest edition to our solar system hundreds if not thousands of years after at least one ancient culture did 4) Watch the first video i posted about how aliens have been here for hundreds of thousands of years. Explain to me how those ancient cultures, thousands of years old, had such advanced technology, some of which even today's scientists can not replicate 5) If aliens don't exist, then why are millions of people around the world, including myself experienceing them?

I think i mentioned this earlier but i'll say it again anyway. We're not told about Niribu for 2 reasons. Firsty, if everyone found out, society would grind to a halt since people would be preparing Secondly, the "elite" who rule the world want a global population reduction of 80 - 95%
So no shit they're not gonna tell us!
Besides, you said there is no proof. I remember seeing a Washington Post article were scientists said they know there is a large planet, the size of Jupiter close by due the disturbances it is causing. You can find this for yourself if you're interested. The acient texts, drawings and paintings also count as proof
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Btw, if you do manage to rationally answer all those questions, don't get cocky because I have plenty more
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
The Bridge Master

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: goldennic007]
#528320 - 02/17/11 10:04 PM (14 years, 13 hours ago) |
Yes because you are secure in your delusions. Nothing is going to convince you otherwise. Good job bro. Free thinker. Hardly.
goldennic007 said:
Magash said: I'm pretty bad when it comes to this issue. I've never been stabbed in the back by a animal or lied to or ripped off and any of the other things that come along with the human race.
I can say this, if someone were to tell me "ok here are your choices. You have to kill either the homeless man or the homeless dog or your daughter gets it" wellllllll lets just say I wouldn't want to be the homeless man in that situation.

i mean no disrespect but this statement is quite perverse. let's not forget or misconstrue the true hierarchy of all life on this earth. humans are the apex of creation and should never come second to any animal for any reason. human life ALWAYS takes value and precedence of any animal life; despite any level of evil acts a person may commit. thats exactly why SWAT/DEA forces train dogs to take bullets for human cops. the human trumps animal.
(I wrote this completely baked. )
Why is this so? Why are we more deserving? True hierarchy?
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
The Bridge Master

Registered: 04/20/08
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Sir Smokes A-Lot said:
iStoner said: People thought we were going to see niburu in 2001, then it was 2009, now its 2012. 
Niribu could be seen in 2001, maybe even years before. Back then it could only be seen at certain times in certain places.
Currently, according to one source i found, southern parts of the world, such as Australia can see Niribu at all times. As the years go by, the rest of the world will be able to see Niribu at all times.
That vid i posted on Niribu explains all that i'm pretty sure
Also proof???? If it could be seen then there's a photo surely?
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Blazed as

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#528331 - 02/17/11 10:37 PM (14 years, 13 hours ago) |
2) If the Annunaki (aliens from Niribu) don't exist, then why did most of not all ancient cultures write about and draw them?
Aborigines drew about giant fish that carved rivers through solid ground does that make them real?
-------------------- There is no human nature, only human behaviour. - Jacque Fresco
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Blazed as]
#528337 - 02/17/11 10:54 PM (14 years, 13 hours ago) |
Not necessarily.
However, most if not all cultures drew and wrote about the exact same thing in terms of aliens, space ships and Niribu. That's why it's worth looking into.
I only feel like talking to iStoner in this thread atm and not the 1000 other people who think I'm full of shit. This means I'll be waiting for him to post answering all my questions before I proceed.
Also, I'm not answering more questions because the vids I posted cover everything!
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
The Feminizer

Registered: 04/21/08
Posts: 6,634
i mean no disrespect but this statement is quite perverse. let's not forget or misconstrue the true hierarchy of all life on this earth. humans are the apex of creation and should never come second to any animal for any reason. human life ALWAYS takes value and precedence of any animal life; despite any level of evil acts a person may commit. thats exactly why SWAT/DEA forces train dogs to take bullets for human cops. the human trumps animal.
Exactly why is the life of a human more valuable then that a animal. Take Manson on death row and a police dog. Not only is the life of the dog more valuable the dog also contributes to society more then many humans do. In other words saying the life of any human is more valuable then the life of any animal is pure stupidity.
By the way that was not directed at you but at the comment made.
1) If Niribu doesn't exist, then why did most if not all ancient cultures write about and draw it?
Completely untrue.
2) If the Annunaki (aliens from Niribu) don't exist, then why did most of not all ancient cultures write about and draw them?
Also did not happen. Show examples if it did.
3) If Niribu doesn't exist, then why did at least one ancient culture say that Venus is the latest planet in our solar system because they witnessed Niribu dragging it along? Modern-day scientists realised that Venus is the newest edition to our solar system hundreds if not thousands of years after at least one ancient culture did
If you even took 1 day of 5th grade science you would have known this is impossible. If this so called planet had half the gravitational pull you claim it does then all life on that planet would be crushed like aluminum cans. Your funny.
4) Watch the first video i posted about how aliens have been here for hundreds of thousands of years. Explain to me how those ancient cultures, thousands of years old, had such advanced technology, some of which even today's scientists can not replicate
Ok, like what? Did I miss out on cavemen using jet packs or something?
5) If aliens don't exist, then why are millions of people around the world, including myself experienceing them?
Once again not only untrue but made up by you. Millions really, you'd have sounded more real saying a few hundred thousand but millions. By the way you never answered why they have to hide and show themselves to people who have to take a hallucinogenic drug to see them. I think it has to do with the drugs. Why do they need to hide when we pose no threat to them esp if they have the technology to get here in the first place. Kind of like me hiding with a loaded bazooka in my hands from a cripple with a slingshot.
Once again Ok this is nothing against you as a person but this Niribu stuff is pure shit. Now if NASA can spot a meteor or a comet that is gonna pass close to earth in more then 25 years from now exactly why can't they spot a planet that is 5 times the size of the earth and will be here in less then 2 years? Are the aliens hiding it?
Once again it's nothing against you but what you want us to believe is ridicules.
and unlike the videos you put up here is one from someone who has some respect in the scientific community. (Thank you THEBats)
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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The Bridge Master

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#528346 - 02/18/11 12:07 AM (14 years, 11 hours ago) |
It doesn't matter. Those qualified to dispel these myths are discredited in their minds, working with something greater to keep us in the dark, as he's previously said.
Nothing will convince otherwise, until of course 2013 and nothing significant happening. No different than the people who have predicted the end of the world previously, and have been incorrect multiple times. 2012 is hardly the first doomsday prophecy.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Edited by THEBats (02/18/11 12:09 AM)
The Feminizer

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#528354 - 02/18/11 12:22 AM (14 years, 11 hours ago) |
Yeah you ain't kidding. Y2K all over again. 
Funny thing is it's not even that original. Someone just twisted up Scientology a little.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Dead Dictator

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#528397 - 02/18/11 09:04 AM (14 years, 2 hours ago) |
THEBats said:
Sir Smokes A-Lot said:
iStoner said: People thought we were going to see niburu in 2001, then it was 2009, now its 2012. 
Niribu could be seen in 2001, maybe even years before. Back then it could only be seen at certain times in certain places.
Currently, according to one source i found, southern parts of the world, such as Australia can see Niribu at all times. As the years go by, the rest of the world will be able to see Niribu at all times.
That vid i posted on Niribu explains all that i'm pretty sure
Also proof???? If it could be seen then there's a photo surely?
My point exactly.
He says Australia can see it all the time, so lets have a member from there just look in the sky and look. If it's really the size of Jupiter it will easily be visible. Hell if it is so visible from there, there should be hundreds of photos.
1) If Niribu doesn't exist, then why did most if not all ancient cultures write about and draw it?
Provide proof of this. At this point you are making a claim without providing any of the examples.
2) If the Annunaki (aliens from Niribu) don't exist, then why did most of not all ancient cultures write about and draw them?
Refer to response 1
3) If Niribu doesn't exist, then why did at least one ancient culture say that Venus is the latest planet in our solar system because they witnessed Niribu dragging it along? Modern-day scientists realised that Venus is the newest edition to our solar system hundreds if not thousands of years after at least one ancient culture did
Refer to response 1
4) Watch the first video i posted about how aliens have been here for hundreds of thousands of years. Explain to me how those ancient cultures, thousands of years old, had such advanced technology, some of which even today's scientists can not replicate
You realize, just because there is a video about it doesn't make it true right? I could make a video and post it on youtube about how the boogie-man exists and how ancient cultures have had stories about a similar figure across the world, but that doesn't make it true. That just means I decided to talk about something I have no proof about.
5) If aliens don't exist, then why are millions of people around the world, including myself experienceing them?
Because you are tripping balls and having your brain trick you? Or you are delusional, or you are a giant troll. In no way shape or form do I view humanity to be having direct interaction with aliens. It's directly against the prime directive.
And beyond all of that, we are talking about mythology. To me saying that there has to be a source of all there mythological stories is insane, can you not believe some of these stories you are talking about may just be the creation of a crazy person, and then cross from culture to culture as they grow in popularity? How much reading have you even done on this subject. What books have you read, and what real scientific evidence do you have. Don't link a youtube video, link documents official websites, academic journals, or books.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#528404 - 02/18/11 11:23 AM (14 years, 36 minutes ago) |
Good thread topic. Bummer it got jacked.
-------------------- Child of the 60's, Tripping ever sence.
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: KaptKid]
#528463 - 02/18/11 06:26 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Yeah, definitely. Regardless of where this thread has gone, animal abuse is not cool at all. I would beat the living fuck out of anyone who hurt either one of my dogs. My cats too, even though they get on my nerves more than anything, but I don't have mice so I guess they're good for something One of the cats will actually beat up my pit bull.

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our cat always gives our dogs a good slap once in a while.
lol worthy
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Shaggy420]
#528467 - 02/18/11 06:32 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |

Yeah, it is pretty funny to see like a 9 pound cat smack the shit out of a 65 lb pit bull and draw blood. The dog freaks out and gets all low and barks n shit, then runs outside
The Feminizer

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Ninja Cat
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
Join us at the Growery!
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#528484 - 02/18/11 07:20 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |

smacked the spit right out of the dog's mouth
Dead Dictator

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FarBeyondDriven said: Yeah, definitely. Regardless of where this thread has gone, animal abuse is not cool at all. I would beat the living fuck out of anyone who hurt either one of my dogs. My cats too, even though they get on my nerves more than anything, but I don't have mice so I guess they're good for something One of the cats will actually beat up my pit bull. 
One of my friends was abusive to his little terrier once and I put my hand around his throat while he was driving and told him to never do that in front of me again.
He like the dog though, he has some issues though. so I got it
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
Astral Beast

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My uncle kicks his dog for no reason sometimes, when i saw it, i went off on him.
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner]
#529188 - 02/20/11 06:41 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Woops, my mistake, Niribu doesn't exist. It's spelt Nibiru (which means "planet of crossing" in an ancient language) and I'm convinced it exists.
Those of you who asked for proof should either watch the videos I posted, do your own research or try to find this planet for yourselves. As it gets closer to earth it will be easier to find.
In the next few days, I'll go to telescope observatories and I'll ask the astronomers to find Nibiru for me (if it exists). I'll even try to get a photo of it and post it in a new thread. Not only that, but I'll ask the astronomer if I can film him saying something along the lines of "that's Nibiru and it's gonna come very close to earth and fuck shit up" and post it.
I'm not telling you what to think, just trying to help. Various sources, including aliens, have confirmed this info dats why I'm so sure of it.
I will never bring this up again until I've seen the planet for myself
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
The Bridge Master

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Sir Smokes A-Lot said:
In the next few days, I'll go to telescope observatories and I'll ask the astronomers to find Nibiru for me (if it exists). I'll even try to get a photo of it and post it in a new thread. Not only that, but I'll ask the astronomer if I can film him saying something along the lines of "that's Nibiru and it's gonna come very close to earth and fuck shit up" and post it.
Your videos use bogus sources and bad information. I've done my own research, and nibiru is bullshit. I've posted a video from an astrophysicist telling you nibiru is bullshit. Not qualified enough? Or wait, let me guess, there's an agenda.
I would love you to mention nibiru in front of any real astronomer. They would laugh. So in the next few days huh? Can you give us a time frame? I would love to see pictures.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Dead Dictator

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Sir Smokes A-Lot said: Woops, my mistake, Niribu doesn't exist. It's spelt Nibiru (which means "planet of crossing" in an ancient language) and I'm convinced it exists.
Those of you who asked for proof should either watch the videos I posted, do your own research or try to find this planet for yourselves. As it gets closer to earth it will be easier to find.
In the next few days, I'll go to telescope observatories and I'll ask the astronomers to find Nibiru for me (if it exists). I'll even try to get a photo of it and post it in a new thread. Not only that, but I'll ask the astronomer if I can film him saying something along the lines of "that's Nibiru and it's gonna come very close to earth and fuck shit up" and post it.
I'm not telling you what to think, just trying to help. Various sources, including aliens, have confirmed this info dats why I'm so sure of it.
I will never bring this up again until I've seen the planet for myself
well, I'm going to feel free to bring it back up in 2013 in case you are still posting then.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
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ɥɐɹq ɹǝqos

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph] 1
#529218 - 02/20/11 08:09 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
OP is most likely a meat-eating hypocrite. You dont care about animals, just the domesticated ones.
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Blazed as] 1
#529225 - 02/20/11 08:38 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Blazed as said:
The aliens will tell me everything tomorrow night. Hopefully i'll be able to spend a week with them
Right o'....
I've actually kicked the shit out of someone who kicked my dog, so I feel I've done my part against people who abuse animals.
holy fuck someone had the audacity to come up and kick ur dog while u were standing RIGHT THERE? lololololol ida fucked him up too, thats just asking for an ass whooping.. genuine lol from this

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Sir Smokes A-Lot said:
I'm not telling you what to think, just trying to help. Various sources, including aliens, have confirmed this info dats why I'm so sure of it.

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Shaggy420]
#529227 - 02/20/11 08:59 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
10 seconds after i posted that, a car exploded outside my house

some crazy shit hoing on.
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Shaggy420]
#529234 - 02/20/11 09:32 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Dude why are you guys arguing with smokes a lot lol? he has the most lol sources of all time and discredits ANY evidence against his beliefs as the government hiding it from us.
let me give u a couple things to mow over smokes a lot.. lets say the gov. IS trying to hide this from us... what about all the other countries around the world? they in on it too? everyone agreed to keep this quite and not 1 single reputable person ran to the nearest journalist after the "grand plan" meeting to spill the beans? i mean COME ON
i mean its not like the gov has cut website access or new stations or w/e... we would notice if info was being filtered... everyone cant be in on it man... you have no reputable people on your side :/
question for you.. are you living your day to day life as if you have ~2 years to go? If you whole heatedly believe this shit and think there is a 100% chance of this happening, as you've made it sound, you should be. you COULD be wrong dude... start taking some classes and plan for the future just incase you're wrong :S
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#529246 - 02/20/11 11:03 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
THEBats said:
Sir Smokes A-Lot said:
In the next few days, I'll go to telescope observatories and I'll ask the astronomers to find Nibiru for me (if it exists). I'll even try to get a photo of it and post it in a new thread. Not only that, but I'll ask the astronomer if I can film him saying something along the lines of "that's Nibiru and it's gonna come very close to earth and fuck shit up" and post it.
Your videos use bogus sources and bad information. I've done my own research, and nibiru is bullshit. I've posted a video from an astrophysicist telling you nibiru is bullshit. Not qualified enough? Or wait, let me guess, there's an agenda.
I would love you to mention nibiru in front of any real astronomer. They would laugh. So in the next few days huh? Can you give us a time frame? I would love to see pictures.
I haven't been able to watch that vid because I've been really busy lately.
I called up an observatory and will be able to come tonight. There will be two learned astronomers who I'll ask about Nibiru 
I hope I can get a camera or video camera for tonight!
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Psycho Pete

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My question is how does us being paranoid and worried about all of this shit make any difference? Its not that I don't believe some of what you're saying has the possibility of being true, I just couldn't give a fuck less.
Each and every one of us have completely meaningless lives. When you look at one human life on the grand scale of the universe and all the other billions of trillions of planets, what significance do we have that would make a bunch of aliens give a fuck about us? Our technology obviously sucks in comparison to theirs if they flew here to build pyramids and shit. They are very plainly superior to us in every way. So why bother fucking with us? Have the aliens forgotten to love? 
We're all going to die soon anyway. 100 years isn't shit in the great time line of existence. If we have to be taken out by some kind of huge space ship thats gonna fuck up shit with a laser beam, hell yeah. It'll be scary, but it will also be cool as hell to watch on our way out.
Fuck all that shit.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
Psycho Pete

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#529280 - 02/21/11 05:22 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Also - if the government is lying about all of this stuff (which is completely possible) what makes so many people believe that a bunch of basement dwellers have the skill and ability to get the missing information?
The government wouldn't be hiding clues on a dollar bill and stuff for us to come along and uncover their giant conspiracy.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#529281 - 02/21/11 05:53 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
RasJeph said: My question is how does us being paranoid and worried about all of this shit make any difference? Its not that I don't believe some of what you're saying has the possibility of being true, I just couldn't give a fuck less.
I'm not paranoid, just wanna research this since if it is true it would be wise to prepare.
Anyway, i talked to the astronomers and they said they had heard of the Planet X theory (not Niribu or the many ancient cultures which document it's passing of earth every 3,600 years). The conclusion was there is something is our solar system which is affecting our planets and making them do out-of-the-ordinary things but "no one knows" what it is. He told me how Neptune was observed doing unusual things a while back and a theory of there being another planet was developed which prompted the search for the potential planet. This led to the discovery of Pluto.
I'll search the sky for Niribu on a day which it is meant to be more easily visible. Might even buy a telescope
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

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Just did some research and found this website which has a lot of interesting information, particularly on Niribu and has a lot of Sumarian artifacts.
The most interesting thing I read from the link was this right at the end.
" Sooooo... Just a coincidence that these other cultures have a 2012 target? Hopi Predict a 25yr period of purification followed by End of Fourth World and beginning of the Fifth. Mayans Call it the 'end days' or the end of time as we know it. Maoris Say that as the veils dissolve there will be a merging of the physical & spiritual worlds. Zulu Believe that the whole world will be turned upside down. Hindus Kali Yuga (end time of man). The Coming of Kalki & critical mass of Enlightened Ones. Incas Call it the 'Age of Meeting Ourselves Again'. Aztec Call this the Time of the Sixth Sun. A time of transformation. Creation of new race. Dogon Say that the spaceship of the visitors, the Nommo, will return in the form of a blue star Pueblo Acknowledge it'll be the emergence into the Fifth World Cherokee Their ancient calendar ends exactly at 2012 as does the Mayan calendar. Tibetan Kalachakra teachings are prophesies left by Buddha predicting Coming of the Golden Age. Egypt According to the Great Pyramid (stone calendar), present time cycle ends in year 2012 AD "
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

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Found the best proof, so far, of the possibility of Nibiru's existence.
Using programs it can such as Googly Sky it can be found.
I found a Youtube vid of some finding the what may well be the planet using by using Google Sky. I would post the vid but since Youtbe is a separated from the internet on iPads (just like with iPhones) I can't get the site address to post the vid.
You can easily find it yourselves though. It's called NIRIBU - Find it on Google Sky.
If there's one thing on this topic I recomend you to check out it's this. It even gives the coordinates so I guess you can find it for yourselves using a telescope
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Dead Dictator

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Sir Smokes A-Lot said: It's called NIRIBU - Find it on Google Sky.
I took the time to link it.
What makes you think that is a valid source?
Do you even realize they don't EXPLAIN any of it?
like... I don't think im even going to try anymore.
Way to troll the entire smoke lounge though.
I found a great website showing why you are wrong though.
1. Nibiru is the size of Jupiter -- We have observed dwarf planets on the far edges of the solar system thousands of times smaller than Jupiter. If something as large as Jupiter was out there, it would be easily visible to amateur astronomers worldwide.
3. Nibiru will pass by us on December 21, 2012 -- In order for Nibiru to get to us in the next 4 years, it would have to be closer than the orbit of Saturn, making it easily visible in the sky.
6. Nibiru can't be seen right now because it's behind the Sun -- The Earth keeps moving around the Sun in our orbit. Anything that's behind the Sun now would be visible in a month. But the claims about Nibiru being hidden behind the Sun have continued for years.
By the way, the above point contradicts the thought that you can see it in the sky. (A point made in your video.
7. You can only see Nibiru from certain places on Earth -- All objects in the southern sky are visible everywhere in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, and in part of the northern hemisphere as well. Similarly, all objects in the northern sky are visible everywhere in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, and in part of the southern hemisphere.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
The Bridge Master

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Sir Smokes A-Lot said: Found the best proof, so far, of the possibility of Nibiru's existence.
Using programs it can such as Googly Sky it can be found.
I found a Youtube vid of some finding the what may well be the planet using by using Google Sky. I would post the vid but since Youtbe is a separated from the internet on iPads (just like with iPhones) I can't get the site address to post the vid.
You can easily find it yourselves though. It's called NIRIBU - Find it on Google Sky.
If there's one thing on this topic I recomend you to check out it's this. It even gives the coordinates so I guess you can find it for yourselves using a telescope
It's sad that someone would just believe whatever a youtube video tells them to. This is the image being purported to be planet x/ nibiru. It isn't though. More works of fiction.

Rather it is an unenhanced image of this.

You also posted a website that sites no actual sources itself. 
Also google sky is hardly a proper astronomy program.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Edited by THEBats (02/21/11 12:20 PM)

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#529328 - 02/21/11 12:14 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
im looking foward to all this nonsense being over with.
Astral Beast

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Shaggy420] 1
#529364 - 02/21/11 02:25 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Even if it is true, say that A planet will Colide with earth and fuck shit up. We are going to die from it. So whats the point in worrying? There isn't anything to prepare for.
Lord of the Flies

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner] 1
#529365 - 02/21/11 02:27 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
For real, if you want to go crazy survivalist you need to pick an endgame scenario where humans survive.
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: DungenessDank]
#529399 - 02/21/11 04:49 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
dude, animals, not wacko dumb shit
Dead Dictator

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats] 1
#529411 - 02/21/11 06:05 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
THEBats said:
Sir Smokes A-Lot said: Found the best proof, so far, of the possibility of Nibiru's existence.
Using programs it can such as Googly Sky it can be found.
I found a Youtube vid of some finding the what may well be the planet using by using Google Sky. I would post the vid but since Youtbe is a separated from the internet on iPads (just like with iPhones) I can't get the site address to post the vid.
You can easily find it yourselves though. It's called NIRIBU - Find it on Google Sky.
If there's one thing on this topic I recomend you to check out it's this. It even gives the coordinates so I guess you can find it for yourselves using a telescope
It's sad that someone would just believe whatever a youtube video tells them to. This is the image being purported to be planet x/ nibiru. It isn't though. More works of fiction.

Rather it is an unenhanced image of this.

You also posted a website that sites no actual sources itself. 
Also google sky is hardly a proper astronomy program.
Oh so it;s just a star?
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
Psycho Pete

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Very pretty if nothing else.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph] 1
#529416 - 02/21/11 06:28 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
i blame myself for this thread turning into a 2012 bullshit thread. i aksed someone whats happening in 2013, but i didnt realise they meant 2012, otherwise i wouldnt of asked 
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Shaggy420]
#529438 - 02/21/11 07:29 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
O WOW. This isn't exactly what I expected from the thread subject...
But here's my 2cents on topic: when I was in high school, I had this sadistic neighbor kid my age who'd assault stray cats, throw frogs in bonfires (sort of a country town, we all like a guud fyre). What sent me over the top was when he pissed on my dog. HE FUCKIN PISSED ON MY DOG. WTF. Still not over it. Needless to say he came from a fucked up family. Consequently, I pushed him off the top of a ladder and stole/rescued one of his family's pet cats, and just got a slap on the wrist. I love animals to death, seriously. But... if I'm starving, sorry Lassie. just kiddin ha!
As for this ridiculous shit: "Aliens" do exist. But they're not what you think. They're actually US! from the future when we have time travelling capabilities. That's why they don't make mass communications with us, duh! As for the other aliens, why'd they wanna talk to a species that wouldn't blink an eye to declare war on them and steal their technology? A species that is OBVIOUSLY spiritually IMMATURE. Look how we treat animals. You want legitimate info and expand/improve upon your conscious awareness? Stop supporting crackpots on youtube that're only counting hits and laughing at you when you believe them. You want real info? Put the pipe down long enough to find a [expletive] book. All I can do is reefer you to some names I have read up on and am more or less familiar with.
Robert Monroe Thomas Campbell José Argülleres Carlos Castaneda Paramhansa Yogananda
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Shaggy420] 1
#529451 - 02/21/11 08:04 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Edited by Sir Smokes A-Lot (02/21/11 08:18 PM)
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: budnectar]
#529460 - 02/21/11 08:55 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
budnectar said: As for this ridiculous shit: "Aliens" do exist. But they're not what you think. They're actually US! from the future when we have time travelling capabilities. That's why they don't make mass communications with us, duh!
budnectar said: As for the other aliens, why'd they wanna talk to a species that wouldn't blink an eye to declare war on them and steal their technology? A species that is OBVIOUSLY spiritually IMMATURE. Look how we treat animals. You want legitimate info and expand/improve upon your conscious awareness? Stop supporting crackpots on youtube that're only counting hits and laughing at you when you believe them. You want real info? Put the pipe down long enough to find a [expletive] book. All I can do is reefer you to some names I have read up on and am more or less familiar with.
Robert Monroe Thomas Campbell José Argülleres Carlos Castaneda Paramhansa Yogananda
You're right about most of us being "obviously spiritually immature" for aliens.That will change though. One of the many ancient Mayan calendars, written by their alien leader (see the first documentary I posted for undeniable evidence that aliens have been coming to earth for hundreds of thousands of years. This doco has even been on the History Channel ) is about the evolution of couciousness. Bla bla bla, we're meant to be the smartest ever by 2012 or something. The aliens are also putting "star children" (AKA "indigo children", "crystal children") on the earth which have extraordinary abilities to help the rest of us go to the next level of enlightenment or whatever. Do look this up as it is interesting and i'd be very surprised if any of you can find an excuse to say it's bullshit. Mary Rodwell has interviewed thousands of them and talks and writes books about them so she'd be the best source. Her new book called The New Human is all about it.
Thanks, I'll look up those people
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
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The Bridge Master

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History channel also entertains the idea of Nostradamus. Doesn't make it factual or credible.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Edited by THEBats (02/21/11 09:03 PM)
Astral Beast

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#529466 - 02/21/11 09:04 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
THEBats said: History channel also entertains the idea of Nostradamus. Doesn't make it factual or credible.
they like fear mongering. Nothing but doomsday and hell shows on there now.
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#529469 - 02/21/11 09:11 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
THEBats said: History channel also entertains the idea of Nostradamus. Doesn't make it factual or credible.
So what? What's wrong with researching Nostradamus or anything else outside our "cultural operating system"?
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
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The Bridge Master

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Did I say there's anything wrong researching it? LOL at cultural operating system.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats] 1
#529472 - 02/21/11 09:24 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
bahahaha this thread has potential now
Dead Dictator

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I know some aliens, they say nibiru is bullshit.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#529488 - 02/21/11 10:34 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
THEBats said: Did I say there's anything wrong researching it?
No but you implied it
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
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The Bridge Master

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My problem is the conclusion and the certainty in which some people put forth these arguments that are poorly formulated. The requirements for any other scientific claim you would bring forth are not being met, especially given the certainty expressed. Also it has been disputed by those qualified to do so but you rationalize around it. That's my problem.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#529510 - 02/22/11 12:08 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
I asked some qualified astronomers if another planet existed in our solar system. They didn't say no, as some of you are. They said "it's theoretical".
Some of you may have thought "If Niribu exists then why didn't Mr TV tell me about it?"
I've told you why but I'll tell you again. The "elite" families which rule the world from behind closed doors want a 80 - 95% global population reduction. So Niribu is a dream come true for them. Also, if Niribu exists and everyone found out about it, society would collapse as everyone would race to prepare themselves.
One other thng, you saw the Youtbue video called NIRIBU - Find it on Googly Sky, yer? What other reason can you think of for Google Sky and other programs to censor a section of space other than to hide Niribu?
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

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cuz like, it's the government man. They censor it, and then we're like whoa man you totally censored it and they're like yeah, we censored it and then you're just like kinda let down man cuz you wanted to see it you know
The Bridge Master

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Sir Smokes A-Lot said: I asked some qualified astronomers if another planet existed in our solar system. They didn't say no, as some of you are. They said "it's theoretical".
Some of you may have thought "If Niribu exists then why didn't Mr TV tell me about it?"
I've told you why but I'll tell you again. The "elite" families which rule the world from behind closed doors want a 80 - 95% global population reduction. So Niribu is a dream come true for them. Also, if Niribu exists and everyone found out about it, society would collapse as everyone would race to prepare themselves.
One other thng, you saw the Youtbue video called NIRIBU - Find it on Googly Sky, yer? What other reason can you think of for Google Sky and other programs to censor a section of space other than to hide Niribu?
Like who? And another planet is different than all the details of niribu.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Edited by THEBats (02/22/11 12:39 AM)
Planetary Citizen

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“To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.” i love that quote.
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#529523 - 02/22/11 03:12 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
THEBats said:
Sir Smokes A-Lot said: I asked some qualified astronomers if another planet existed in our solar system. They didn't say no, as some of you are. They said "it's theoretical".
Some of you may have thought "If Niribu exists then why didn't Mr TV tell me about it?"
I've told you why but I'll tell you again. The "elite" families which rule the world from behind closed doors want a 80 - 95% global population reduction. So Niribu is a dream come true for them. Also, if Niribu exists and everyone found out about it, society would collapse as everyone would race to prepare themselves.
One other thng, you saw the Youtbue video called NIRIBU - Find it on Googly Sky, yer? What other reason can you think of for Google Sky and other programs to censor a section of space other than to hide Niribu?
Like who? And another planet is different than all the details of niribu.
Who were the astronomers y'askin? Pretty sure they're husband and wife. Just some Aussies who like space. Idk their names. I doubt they're well-known anyway.
I don't see any reason why the theoretical Planet X couldn't be Niribu. It certainly would make a lot a sense!
Answer the question I asked before. It was for you Bats
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
The Feminizer

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Man this is starting to get stupid now.
I've told you why but I'll tell you again. The "elite" families which rule the world from behind closed doors want a 80 - 95% global population reduction. So Niribu is a dream come true for them. Also, if Niribu exists and everyone found out about it, society would collapse as everyone would race to prepare themselves.
Exactly would these so called elite families want a 80 to 95% reduction in the population? Without the population they have no power since there is nobody to control. There business go down cause there are no workers.
Now I love this
I asked some qualified astronomers if another planet existed in our solar system.
But when asked about the qualified astronomers it turns into this
Who were the astronomers y'askin? Pretty sure they're husband and wife. Just some Aussies who like space. Idk their names.
Not exactly qualified are they?
Now as has been stated you claim that this so called planet it 5 times the size of the earth. Now for that planet to be here in the time frame you give the planet would have to be closer to us then Saturn. How exactly are they hiding that from all the astronomers out there?
Now if this planet with it's happy little aliens comes by you claim some people are gonna get to go with them. Where exactly are they going to live cause it sure the hell isn't gonna be on this so called planet niribu cause according to you the planet has gravity strong enough so flip the poles of jupiter and tow the planet venus. Now on a planet traveling as fast as you claim and with gravity as strong as you claim the people on the planet would be crushed into the size of cans.
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#529539 - 02/22/11 08:27 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Didn't Heaven's Gate already go through this with Hail-bop?
Sorry smokes-a-lot, you missed your alien mothership.
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: DungenessDank]
#529635 - 02/22/11 05:25 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
DungenessDank said:
Sorry smokes-a-lot, you missed your alien mothership.
Dead Dictator

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Sir Smokes A-Lot said: I asked some qualified astronomers if another planet existed in our solar system. They didn't say no, as some of you are. They said "it's theoretical".
Some of you may have thought "If Niribu exists then why didn't Mr TV tell me about it?"
I've told you why but I'll tell you again. The "elite" families which rule the world from behind closed doors want a 80 - 95% global population reduction. So Niribu is a dream come true for them. Also, if Niribu exists and everyone found out about it, society would collapse as everyone would race to prepare themselves.
One other thng, you saw the Youtbue video called NIRIBU - Find it on Googly Sky, yer? What other reason can you think of for Google Sky and other programs to censor a section of space other than to hide Niribu?
who said it was censored? The reason that object showed up in the mode it did show up in was because of it's heat. It was is some area that didn't allow it to be seen in the normal visual spectrum, for one reason or another. Not something all that unusual.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
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Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#529805 - 02/23/11 01:28 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Magash said: Man this is starting to get stupid now.
I've told you why but I'll tell you again. The "elite" families which rule the world from behind closed doors want a 80 - 95% global population reduction. So Niribu is a dream come true for them. Also, if Niribu exists and everyone found out about it, society would collapse as everyone would race to prepare themselves.
Exactly would these so called elite families want a 80 to 95% reduction in the population? Without the population they have no power since there is nobody to control. There business go down cause there are no workers.
Now I love this
I asked some qualified astronomers if another planet existed in our solar system.
But when asked about the qualified astronomers it turns into this
Who were the astronomers y'askin? Pretty sure they're husband and wife. Just some Aussies who like space. Idk their names.
Not exactly qualified are they?
Now as has been stated you claim that this so called planet it 5 times the size of the earth. Now for that planet to be here in the time frame you give the planet would have to be closer to us then Saturn. How exactly are they hiding that from all the astronomers out there?
Now if this planet with it's happy little aliens comes by you claim some people are gonna get to go with them. Where exactly are they going to live cause it sure the hell isn't gonna be on this so called planet niribu cause according to you the planet has gravity strong enough so flip the poles of jupiter and tow the planet venus. Now on a planet traveling as fast as you claim and with gravity as strong as you claim the people on the planet would be crushed into the size of cans.
There's no way I'm explaining how "elite" families have been ruling the world by stealth for centuries! It's too much.
any excuse'll do ey? They most certainly were qualified. They were at least 65 years old and had dedicated their lives to astronomy.
Idk man. Just when so many ancient cultures talk about a big planet passing earth every 3,600 years, I find dat shit interesting and research it.
Maybe I'm just weird for wanting to learn new things Sure it's easy to be ignorant, but that ain't livin' I recon.
I watched a third of a presentation on Youtube which mentioned Niribu. The guy showed various newspaper articles on it and even said that scientists FOUND Niribu in the 80s or early 90s. He even showed the newspaper article to prove it.
I'm looking for the name of that presentation atm on my iPad. iPad is handy as for some things but a bitch for others. Making Youtube a separate thing from the internet is the biggest bitch. Hope I can find it soon
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Found it! 
It's called 2/13 Lucus at Brave New Books 1/27/2010: The Destroyer Star & The Future of Mankind.
He shows the newspaper articles straight away. So you can't make any excuses not to watch it :P
Feel free to post the video
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
King Koopa

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No one could hide Nibiru if it existed.
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Sir Smokes A-Lot said: Found it! 
It's called 2/13 Lucus at Brave New Books 1/27/2010: The Destroyer Star & The Future of Mankind.
He shows the newspaper articles straight away. So you can't make any excuses not to watch it :P
Feel free to post the video
uhhhh did u even read the article i posted?
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: TheProdigy]
#529815 - 02/23/11 02:40 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Sir Smokes A-Lot
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: TheProdigy]
#529816 - 02/23/11 02:49 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
TheProdigy said:
Sir Smokes A-Lot said: Found it! 
It's called 2/13 Lucus at Brave New Books 1/27/2010: The Destroyer Star & The Future of Mankind.
He shows the newspaper articles straight away. So you can't make any excuses not to watch it :P
Feel free to post the video
uhhhh did u even read the article i posted?
Yer. However, a lot of the posts you guys made I just skimmed thru since you're objective was to abuse me and not have an intelligent conversation.
Anyway, that presentation, Lucus at Brave New Books is fuuuuucking anwesome! Anyone who wants to live should watch it
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

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For those of you who, for whatever reason, will not watch the presentation and want proof of Nibiru's existence, click here.
What do you have to have to say TrippyStoner, Bats and iStoner?
If, for whatever reason, the link doesn't have sufficient evidence, then either watch the presentation
you may be thinking "that article is made up". If this is the case and you are serious about learning, then, you should go to a place where records of The Washington Post are kept and read it all for yourself.
You're running outta excuses fellas. There's nothing wrong with being proven wrong. I love being proven wrong because it means I learn something new. You should feel the same way
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
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-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
The Bridge Master

Registered: 04/20/08
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Since when is news always factual? Since when is the Washington post a reliable scientific source?
Listen, we've provided amble evidence and reason as to why Niribu doesn't exist. We have disputed your videos and have posted responses but all you care to do is rationalize and ignore us, claiming this is a personal attack.
The only one refusing to have an intelligent conversation is you. You've made it clear that you're going to ignore evidence contrary to your beliefs.
Here's more. It won't matter though, you're too far gone. You'll keep thinking that until after 2013, when you move onto some other conspiracy to obsess about.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Lord of the Flies

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#529832 - 02/23/11 05:27 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
If you are so willing to read shit about the worlds demise than why not read something to the contrary?
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: DungenessDank]
#529857 - 02/23/11 07:56 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
its funny man, you talk about intelligent conversations... you dismiss ANYTHING, wait not even dismiss, you dont even acknowledge anything that says that you could be wrong... rofl... the fact the my posts changed nothing proves you are set in your ways and are not willing to entertain the fact that you could be wrong.
dude go believe whatever you want but when you have such wild claims and you dont listen or acknowledge logical arguments it makes u sound crazy and i dont know how you can expect anything else... wait... im talking to sum1 who thinks aliens come scoop him up and take him on galactic road trips... you may want to look into a cat scan or an M.R.I. Planet Tyche sounds a lot like what you are talking about, but blindly accept your youtube videos like you will regardless.
its hilarious that we likely have an inaccurate date of the end of the Mayan calendar.
Aliens are not far fetched to me at all. A hidden "planet" isnt really that far fetched.. the end of earth being near isnt far fetched... there are things u claim are not far fetched but when u put em all together and ignore EVERYTHING ELSE.. its a sign ur brain isnt working correctly.
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: TheProdigy]
#529858 - 02/23/11 07:58 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
how has no one asked this...: how old are you?
Dead Dictator

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Sir Smokes A-Lot said: For those of you who, for whatever reason, will not watch the presentation and want proof of Nibiru's existence, click here.
What do you have to have to say TrippyStoner, Bats and iStoner?
You do notice that article doesn't even prove anything right? It shows that scientists found something in the sky, and couldn't figure out what it was (or even tell whether or not it was within our solar system.
What do you have to say about that?
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
Dead Dictator

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#529925 - 02/23/11 12:03 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
THEBats said: The only one refusing to have an intelligent conversation is you. You've made it clear that you're going to ignore evidence contrary to your beliefs.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
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did no one read that article on tyche i posted? really?
The Bridge Master

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: TheProdigy]
#529995 - 02/23/11 04:08 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
I did but it doesn't in any way fit the destructive properties of Niribu, no one here is arguing that an exo-planet may not exist. The theory behind the planet in your article, Nemesis also sometimes called, is that it causes a pattern of extinction via sending comets our way, but is not going to come close to earth itself.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Edited by THEBats (02/23/11 04:14 PM)
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
Posts: 297
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#530011 - 02/23/11 04:57 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Guess the only way you can be convinced is when you see it for yourselves.
Frankly, I was convinced from the fact that so many ancient cultures, all independent of each other, drew and wrote about it. These cultures had such incredible knowledge of space that it would take Westerners 100s if not 1000s of years to catch up. They also had no vested interest in making us believe something that's not true.
Also, historically, every 3,600 years there have been massive floods and extinctions on earth. Interestingly, most fossils are found in large groups by mountains. This suggests that a massive flood (caused by Nibiru ?) swept them all away and they piled-up at the foot of the mountain.
O and not to mention, the aliens did tell me they were coming in 2012.
If I find Nibiru I'll post it
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
have you already posted this?
The Bridge Master

Registered: 04/20/08
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Sir Smokes A-Lot said: Guess the only way you can be convinced is when you see it for yourselves.
Frankly, I was convinced from the fact that so many ancient cultures, all independent of each other, drew and wrote about it. These cultures had such incredible knowledge of space that it would take Westerners 100s if not 1000s of years to catch up. They also had no vested interest in making us believe something that's not true.
Also, historically, every 3,600 years there have been massive floods and extinctions on earth. Interestingly, most fossils are found in large groups by mountains. This suggests that a massive flood (caused by Nibiru ?) swept them all away and they piled-up at the foot of the mountain.
O and not to mention, the aliens did tell me they were coming in 2012.
If I find Nibiru I'll post it
The sad thing is, I don't even think the passing of 2012 will convince you otherwise. You'll just create a new date in your head to dwell on.
Also the image in that video istoner is V838.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Edited by THEBats (02/23/11 05:14 PM)
Dead Dictator

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#530024 - 02/23/11 05:28 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
You still have not responded to any of our points.
THEBats said:
Sir Smokes A-Lot said: Guess the only way you can be convinced is when you see it for yourselves.
Frankly, I was convinced from the fact that so many ancient cultures, all independent of each other, drew and wrote about it. These cultures had such incredible knowledge of space that it would take Westerners 100s if not 1000s of years to catch up. They also had no vested interest in making us believe something that's not true.
Also, historically, every 3,600 years there have been massive floods and extinctions on earth. Interestingly, most fossils are found in large groups by mountains. This suggests that a massive flood (caused by Nibiru ?) swept them all away and they piled-up at the foot of the mountain.
O and not to mention, the aliens did tell me they were coming in 2012.
If I find Nibiru I'll post it
The sad thing is, I don't even think the passing of 2012 will convince you otherwise. You'll just create a new date in your head to dwell on.
Also the image in that video istoner is V838.
I mainly feel that you are looking to deep into ancient cultures RELIGIOUS beleifs
I personally don't find it all that odd that multiple cultures said that their "creaters/gods/anunaki" came from another planet. (It kind of helps make the fact that you don't exactly run into these gods ever while they are living on the same planet). And you also realize that in these civilizations it was ruled often by a small elite group of people, (and these elite people kept their power very likely by claiming to being special/god blooded/prophets/chosen by the divine to rule). All of this also made it pretty easy for the elite group to be able to bull shit about their gods and keep the mostly peasant population all passive and accepting.
Using divinity to hold power is like totalitarian state 101.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
King Koopa

Registered: 06/25/08
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You guys are arguing with someone whos gets his information from youtube videos. He actually thinks ancient cultures' astrology knowledge is "hundreds if not thousands" of years ahead of us, that's false. I bet if pressured, he can not bring one piece of evidence to prove any of these ancient calenders are hinting towards a doomsday.
-------------------- Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
The Bridge Master

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: King Koopa]
#530050 - 02/23/11 06:18 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Oh he'll bring evidence, but it's validity and credibility is where he misses his mark.
Edited by THEBats (02/23/11 06:22 PM)
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats] 1
#530072 - 02/23/11 07:52 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Still arguing huh fellas? What's it been? Three, four, five days now? 
The Bridge Master

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 8,488
Last seen: 11 years, 7 months
Nothing else to post about on here.
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
Lord of the Flies

Registered: 05/05/08
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Pseudoscience is a novelty to entertain in your head when your baked, not something to base your living perspective off of.
I can guarantee about a million ways you are more likely to die by 2012 than a hidden planet speeding through our solar system at half the speed of light.
Registered: 02/17/11
Posts: 33
Last seen: 13 years, 9 months
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#530114 - 02/23/11 08:49 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
THEBats said: I did but it doesn't in any way fit the destructive properties of Niribu, no one here is arguing that an exo-planet may not exist. The theory behind the planet in your article, Nemesis also sometimes called, is that it causes a pattern of extinction via sending comets our way, but is not going to come close to earth itself.
rofl i dont think nibiru is real dude :S i've never talked about it as if it was... but some scientists obviously believe in a "planet x" type of planet. When smokes-a-lot talks about astronomers thinking nibiru could possibly be real he is confusing his "planet x" theory with this planet Tyche.
just thought the article was interesting.. hahahaha...
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
Posts: 13,834
Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: TheProdigy] 1
#530115 - 02/23/11 08:50 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
you guys are scaring the shit out of me man
Edited by FarBeyondDriven (02/23/11 08:55 PM)
Sir Smokes A-Lot
friend of the aliens

Registered: 09/16/10
Posts: 297
Last seen: 13 years, 10 months
Whatever. I'm full of shit.
Don't expect anymore posts from me in this thread
-------------------- "Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need"
Beatles song
King Koopa

Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 12,819
Last seen: 3 months, 23 days
-------------------- Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
The Feminizer

Registered: 04/21/08
Posts: 6,634
Sir Smokes A-Lot said:
Whatever. I'm full of shit.
Now I think you finally said something the experts can agree on.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
Join us at the Growery!
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#530446 - 02/24/11 09:17 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |

ahhh, the interwebz, gotta love it.
The Bridge Master

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 8,488
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-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.
trash hoarder

Registered: 04/24/08
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#530671 - 02/25/11 04:57 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |

see you in 2020.
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Psycho Pete

Registered: 01/14/09
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Loc: Bumfuckt Egypt
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: MFDoom666]
#530675 - 02/25/11 05:01 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Maybe we'll all get perfect vision by some kind of crazy fuckin aztec magic if we live through 2012 or 13 or whenever we're supposed to die now. I thought it was Feb. 4th for a while too.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
trash hoarder

Registered: 04/24/08
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Last seen: 7 years, 3 months
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#530677 - 02/25/11 05:03 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
that's not going to happen.
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Registered: 11/03/10
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#530785 - 02/25/11 09:40 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
One woman had a very disturbing story about Rader. There was no problem until after she got divorced and a new male friend came to live with her. Rader kept issuing citation after citation for among other things, items as trivial as having the wrong color garden hose. He didn't like the "inoperable vehicle" in the driveway the male friend was working on, and made it clear to the woman that if the man left the problems would cease. Rader started looking in her windows and one day was found examining a door that had been mysteriously broken. But it all culminated when Rader impounded her daughter's dog and had it put to sleep before anyone could reclaim it. The lady immediately moved out of Park City.
trash hoarder

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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: mixedup]
#530789 - 02/25/11 10:07 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
bind them, torture them, kill them.
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
Posts: 13,834
Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: THEBats]
#530811 - 02/25/11 10:42 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
THEBats said:

Boom, there ya go. We're livin fellas, let's have a party!
Mr. Mojo Risin
This is the end

Registered: 02/07/11
Posts: 40
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wow, can't believe i just read this thread. you guys are bat-shit crazy!
-------------------- Albino Penis Envy grow log
From the errors of others, a wise man corrects his own.
Publilius Syrus
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: MFDoom666]
#530980 - 02/26/11 03:46 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
RasJeph said: 2020.
Maybe we'll all get perfect vision by some kind of crazy fuckin aztec magic if we live through 2012 or 13 or whenever we're supposed to die now. I thought it was Feb. 4th for a while too.
MFDoom666 said: that's not going to happen.
Funny if it does happen though
-------------------- "I know that I know nothing"
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: DRAGON]
#531859 - 03/01/11 05:38 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
The Feminizer

Registered: 04/21/08
Posts: 6,634
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner]
#531983 - 03/01/11 08:55 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
The original thread by RasJeph was a good thread with a good subject then it was hijacked and now the best you can say is.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
Join us at the Growery!
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#531987 - 03/01/11 09:02 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
there was 3 dead baby dogs found by the dumpster outside my neighborhood today.
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
Posts: 13,834
Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner]
#531999 - 03/01/11 09:20 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
iStoner said: there was 3 dead baby dogs found by the dumpster outside my neighborhood today. 

Not cool, hope they find out what happened and prosecute whoever's responsible if there is someone responsible. How young were they? Like newborns? If so, that guy needs a good ass beating before jail.
trash hoarder

Registered: 04/24/08
Posts: 8,842
Loc: emerica
Last seen: 7 years, 3 months
maybe people should spay or neuter their goddamn pets.
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
FarBeyondDriven said:
iStoner said: there was 3 dead baby dogs found by the dumpster outside my neighborhood today. 

Not cool, hope they find out what happened and prosecute whoever's responsible if there is someone responsible. How young were they? Like newborns? If so, that guy needs a good ass beating before jail.
yeah newborns
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
Posts: 13,834
Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner]
#532009 - 03/01/11 09:36 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Not cool, somebody deserves a beating for sure.
Psycho Pete

Registered: 01/14/09
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Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Magash]
#532108 - 03/02/11 06:23 AM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
Magash said: The original thread by RasJeph was a good thread with a good subject then it was hijacked and now the best you can say is.
Well, this is the first thread I've posted here that made it to 9 pages and got the little fire symbol.
I'm not sure if thats good or bad .
And about the puppies, I'm gonna hope for the least likely scenario and think maybe they were stillborn...but still, "NEAR" a dumpster? Like, fuck, its not that hard to dig a hole for 3 newborn puppies...and even if you're lazy enough to just throw them away, "near a dumpster" makes me sick.
Fuck people.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: RasJeph]
#535941 - 03/11/11 02:22 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
The other night i was watching a video about niburu getting closer to the earth, and how it will cause problems. They said that this month their will be major earthquakes and natural disasters.
The Bridge Master

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 8,488
Last seen: 11 years, 7 months
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: iStoner]
#535942 - 03/11/11 02:26 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |
-------------------- kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 11,753
Loc: Nepal
Sir Smokes A-Lot said:
Blazed as said: I don't know, maybe. Just have to wait and see I guess.
Word of advice, don't go acting like you know things on topics you have no idea about. Just makes you look like a fucking retard is all
Pot. Kettle. Black. You're an idiot.
Free yourself from yourself

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 12,045
Loc: Carpal Tunnel
Re: fuck people who abuse animals [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#536069 - 03/11/11 06:51 PM (13 years, 11 months ago) |