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  • Posted by flush
    • 5.00

    Here is a closeup of my pipe ()

  • Posted by crazeelocoone
    Just A lil Group Of my peices.. hehe ()

  • Posted by paradox
    • 5.00

    meet paradox. about 7 inches long and the chamber is like 3-4 inches deep. hits like a binger, trust me. ()

  • Posted by HabitualHitter
    Her names Wanduh, hits fat as fuck and only cost me $40. She's beautiful. ()

  • Posted by canaana
    my friends pipe, named bart as it has a little picture of barts head in one of the beads ()

  • Posted by Acidic_Sloth
    my first pipe ever. mum got it for me for my 16th birfday. it's long gone now. friend took it and i'll never see it again. it had sparklez in it too. :( ()

  • Posted by bongbuster420
    Yellow Bong ()

  • Posted by fadedline
    Bluey with Red Dots. Wicked Hitta! Awesome pipe. It is blown with clear glass, and an inner shaft with color changing glass. Awesome find for $10! ()

  • Posted by MarleyMan2k5
    • 4.50

    Shit Gets Ya High! ()

  • Posted by Stick_E._Budz
    This is my favorite piece. His name is weeble because he wobbles but dosen't fall down. I picked him up on 420 in the WSP parking lot in Salem VA ()

  • Posted by fadedline
    Awesome coloration and patterns. The bowl is huge. And the peice is about 8in long, the main shaft of the peice is about 3/4in around and the actual resevior almost as big around as a soda can...and is about 2.5in tall! ()

  • Posted by asdfa
    my friend Francisco Gomez from Stroudsburg, PA owns this piece ()

  • Posted by FlusH
    These are my two glass pieces. They have served me quite well :) ()

  • Posted by budslide
    This is a bowl I've had for over two years... Its got some cool twists and such... and numero uno its thick and tough... I've dropped it on concert from a few feet up more than once... ()

  • Posted by ready2go
    Just 4 work! ()

  • Posted by budslide
    • 5.00

    My zong, 18 inches tall... Over 3.5 feet if it was straight... ()

  • Posted by fadedline
    This is an Ice Bong, With a curved "knotch" The blub on the bottom is about a 4.5" dia. The total height about 1ft 6in ()

  • Posted by Stick_E._Budz
    Close up of a flower on the back of JB ()

  • Posted by Mr. Indica
    50$ triple-blown glass pipe. Nice little pipe considering me and my girl traded it for a hat that took her a half hour to crochet. ()

  • Posted by onepointfive
    [one.5]{Anna}A short little pipe with a huge carb. It's like a miniature sherlock pipe with a big bowl and a bulging mouthpiece. ()

  • Posted by illusive.cru
    A nice blown glass metal vapor treated bong. Turns blue and green when smoked through ()

  • Posted by onepointfive
    [one.5]{Becky} This is one.5's first pipe ever. Has undergone massive color-changing and has a beautiful metallic look. A fine pipe. ()

  • Posted by PHYCHOTRON
    my first day at inside out, just fumed, i was impressed by the quality i got from it, this was the 4-6th try... ()

  • Posted by PHYCHOTRON
    some of dan's and phychotron's early work in this compiliation ()

  • Posted by PHYCHOTRON
    Dans early work ()

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