
Registered: 03/20/12 Posts: 7,529 Last seen: 18 hours, 37 minutes
Has been here for a while yet still helps out noobs like myself. Overall great addition to the site.
closed veil
'nother 'merican zombie

Registered: 01/17/11 Posts: 3,015 Loc: land of the dead Last seen: 8 years, 7 months
11/09/14 07:58 AM
Registered: 10/08/11 Posts: 17,891
+5 to you buddy 
Last Edited 11/14/14 09:07 PM
Guano Reefs

Registered: 04/13/12 Posts: 408 Last seen: 12 years, 2 months
So you like the name Alice, huh?
06/08/12 06:58 PM
Excuse me man, you need to talk to somebody confidential.
Last Edited 06/08/12 06:59 PM
Psycho Pete

Registered: 01/14/09 Posts: 11,657 Loc: Bumfuckt Egypt Last seen: 1 year, 3 months
<3 best growery member, and a great person.

Registered: 01/08/12 Posts: 977 Loc: Astana, Kazakhstan

Registered: 05/03/11 Posts: 7,128 Loc: Québecédelic Last seen: 4 days, 8 hours
01/31/12 05:59 PM
Thanks for the rating, I guess if you consider myself as a growerite now, than I am one fo real!

Great guy!!!
Last Edited 02/04/12 12:03 AM
Free yourself from yourself

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 12,045 Loc: Carpal Tunnel
What's this?
10/24/11 06:53 PM
no love for Still beLIEve? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! SB know's what's up. Stay out of trouble though. At least long enough for us to kick it sometime. Hit me up if you're ever in the N. cali and we'll party. mad respect!
and dazed
Registered: 02/02/09 Posts: 1,783
* * * * *
09/09/11 06:42 AM
high five
King Koopa

Registered: 06/25/08 Posts: 12,819 Last seen: 3 months, 15 days
still beLIEve said: probably not, lets be honest
USA Mind Controls You!

Registered: 01/18/11 Posts: 133 Loc: Oakland, CA USA  Last seen: 13 years, 10 months
Friends with Pedophile's
03/04/11 07:56 AM
His sig is "See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot. Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile? If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing? I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile. "
Just because you screw a 16 year old at 30 doesn't mean your cool. It means you are questing for power in the incorrect fashion. All who quest for power in this regard will be punished.
You think that it is a joke? Ok here is my fucking joke to you.
"What is an old person? A worthless, dead, disease which sucks resources from the system in order to benefit themselves. Instead of accepting God / being a man/woman they'd rather bankrupt the country so they can suffer indefinitely."
Haha it's a joke but not really. Don't have anything to contribute and you cost more then you provide? You should seriously consider for yourself letting go instead of making others suffer for you. But that will never happen.
Just like you'll never stop wanting to rape girls, which is the most immoral thing on the planet earth beside murder. You know damn well the fucking line bro. Spreading info like that above is like advertisement.
Last Edited 03/08/11 03:38 AM
Dreams of Oceans

Registered: 08/15/10 Posts: 588
honest talk
01/09/11 05:06 PM
You leveled Big Tiggy over his drug testing fuck up. I was going to say roughly the same thing.

Registered: 03/15/10 Posts: 4,920 Loc: Devils Marbles 
Back at ya
01/05/11 03:56 AM
Master of Mopery
Registered: 06/01/08 Posts: 4,662
hetty brah
12/01/10 11:58 AM
Very trustworthy. Item was exactly as described and arrived safely. Great packing job
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

Registered: 03/19/10 Posts: 6,838 Loc: Carcosa  Last seen: 7 years, 11 months
it's all good
11/11/10 01:46 PM
Last Edited 01/09/11 12:38 PM

Registered: 07/21/10 Posts: 1,162 Loc: Toothless acres . West Vi...
Good cat
08/25/10 10:44 PM
heres 5 for being good people
Lord of the Flies
Registered: 05/05/08 Posts: 9,372 Loc: PNW Last seen: 11 years, 8 months
juke adro
I hate fat vaginas

Registered: 07/01/08 Posts: 2,227 Loc: Québec
= window
CNC Machinist/Greenthumb

Registered: 06/01/08 Posts: 9,953 Loc: North Star 
Epic Trader
03/31/10 11:38 AM
'Nuff said, I'm speechless.

Registered: 09/08/09 Posts: 415
You're a fucking
03/10/10 02:31 PM
tolerance freak