Acidic poly-Sided Di-slothamide

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 3,188 Loc: ainrofilac
it is unfortunate
01/21/11 02:53 AM
that i have to leave you this rating, you are a good guy who has obviously wound up on hard times. i guess it wasn't really a trade, but it was a loan in good faith. it has now been 5 months since my first inquiry about the loaned item and i have not received my item back, even after numerous times of attempting to and several PM's about the subject.
Free yourself from yourself

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 12,045 Loc: Carpal Tunnel
I didn't want to leave this either....
12/26/10 09:50 PM
I sent him $150 on a transaction a month ago. He messaged me stating he'd received the money and would be sending my item out the next day. Well I never heard from him again, nor has my product arrived. don't do business with this guy any time soon. Inverted, make good on your word and I'll change this.
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08 Posts: 13,834 Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Cool muafucka
10/28/10 01:30 PM
Did what he said he was going to do. Very generous.
trash hoarder

Registered: 04/24/08 Posts: 8,842 Loc: emerica Last seen: 7 years, 2 months
thanks for the christmas card from you and yours.

Registered: 10/06/08 Posts: 25,078 Loc: No where ville, USA
I really didn't want to leave this.
05/27/10 06:25 PM
First trade with this guy went smooth no issues. But this last trade where I sent him a 250 watt HPS is now months old and still no signs of payment. I'll update rating when I receive payment til then it shall stand.
Last Edited 12/27/10 12:12 PM
Crusty Ass Bastard
Pheno Hunting
Registered: 08/02/09 Posts: 786 Last seen: 14 years, 15 days
I forgot to leave this
03/17/10 02:24 PM
A long time ago. Well here it is.
Monster Plant Creator

Registered: 07/18/08 Posts: 1,082 Loc: Canada-ish.  Last seen: 8 years, 6 months
Great trader
02/08/10 09:32 AM
Fast shipping! Great guy!!!
The Chemist

Registered: 10/02/08 Posts: 739 Last seen: 14 years, 5 days
Cause your just yjis cool
01/18/10 04:57 PM
Good Vibes your way brah.
Spaced Pirate

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 5,615 Loc: Bright Side of the Sun Last seen: 1 year, 2 months
Good Trader
08/09/09 11:09 PM
Up held his end of the deal    