because i scribble
Registered: 10/04/14 Posts: 140
5 for you
03/06/17 04:13 PM
Here ya go dude you got some good knowledge thanks for sharing and caring.
Registered: 12/28/15 Posts: 536 Loc: west/east WA
Ty for the cure link

Registered: 01/20/09 Posts: 124 Loc: Canada Last seen: 7 years, 5 months
12/05/15 05:47 PM
Invaluable resource, saved me such a pain in the ass making a new one! +5
Registered: 10/19/14 Posts: 565 Last seen: 8 years, 9 months
Chemical Addiction

Registered: 11/20/14 Posts: 1,683
L.E.D. recommendation
03/29/15 06:17 PM
really liking my xte ds 400,, haven't flowered with it yet but the vegging plants are a darker heathlier green. so far the only downside besides the initial price and it makes the plants smell more.
Registered: 11/28/12 Posts: 133 Last seen: 9 years, 1 month
helpful, valuable member!
01/24/15 06:16 PM
you're knowledgeable, and you're clear and consistent about how you word things, making it easy to follow along cheers
oeric mckenna
Pure Indica
Registered: 07/18/14 Posts: 758 Loc: Mars
You da mannn Thanks for keepin the place alive. I don't want it to lull out.. addicted to the grow!

Registered: 11/23/12 Posts: 5,935
For all the knowledgable posts and the awesome plants.
Registered: 11/18/13 Posts: 110
always has good info
02/03/14 07:01 AM
great moderator that always has helpful information. +5 for you

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 11,753 Loc: Nepal 
You're smart.
02/02/14 02:39 PM
And I hate dummies. So therefore I like you.

Registered: 01/31/12 Posts: 89
Stand up guy.
01/27/14 10:52 AM
Thank you for your help, much appreciated. Cheers,

Registered: 07/23/13 Posts: 927 Loc: Colorado 
drying and curing bud
01/13/14 08:22 AM
thanks for the help/advice about drying and curing. i'm really digging the boveda humidipacks. i was so happy to find out the 62% is actually MADE for marijuana. i love it! thanks again!
Registered: 06/22/13 Posts: 1,699 Loc: Babylon Last seen: 8 years, 2 months
Good dude!
01/08/14 02:44 PM
Man you always have great knowledge to share and your input on the H2O thread is really appreciated. Thanks for the help and your awesome just for the spongebob pic alone.
Are my eyes red?
Registered: 11/15/13 Posts: 706
For helping me awhile back, just got to 50 posts sorry its late 
Already rated you, wish I could twice.
Last Edited 05/11/14 07:58 AM
Registered: 11/28/12 Posts: 164 Last seen: 10 years, 9 months
Great knowledge
12/30/13 12:05 PM
Thanks for the help. Inputs completely steer me in new directions, for the better
Perscribing Mushrooms Is Fun

Registered: 03/28/10 Posts: 67 Last seen: 7 years, 5 months
Cool guy
01/23/13 04:32 PM
Thanks for all the help !! Good guy and very helpful !!
Coachella '13 KKOTY

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 4,182 Loc: State of Mind  Last seen: 1 year, 6 days
Excellent member
01/19/13 03:20 PM
He knows his stuff and communicates it in a clear way. If one in ten of our new members is this knowledgable, Growery will thrive.
Psychotic Hippie

Registered: 08/19/10 Posts: 1,241 Loc: Washington Last seen: 5 years, 1 month
You seem to be a pretty cool guy...
10/17/12 11:34 AM
But you do tend to go on and on about LED's to people who don't want them. lol
You've got GREAT information about them though, so I guess it kinda makes up for it... haha
Last Edited 10/17/12 11:34 AM
Guano Reefs

Registered: 04/13/12 Posts: 408 Last seen: 12 years, 2 months
Home improvement
08/16/12 09:37 AM
is a nice hobby
Free yourself from yourself

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 12,045 Loc: Carpal Tunnel
starting right!
03/26/11 11:55 AM
with a fiver! stick around!
