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Registered: 06/13/08
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To late to start outdoor grow?
#242200 - 06/23/09 12:56 AM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Is it to late to start an outdoor grow? I live in the upper midwest. I was thinking about planting some seeds outside. Any advice?
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#242214 - 06/23/09 08:37 AM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
It shouldn't be too late for outdoor growing. Solstice was last Sunday, Sunset@ 8:30pm Sunrise@ 5:40am(EST). It's just the farther north you are, the sooner harvest season comes, and sunset comes earlier. Equinox is on Sept. 26th for 12/12 light. It is still always better to sprout indoors, then move out, but you should be ok. I had to wait until weekend before last to transplant outdoors due to cold nights.
Good luck!
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: jwes420]
#242223 - 06/23/09 09:08 AM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
If you started them indoors right away than yeah I think you could pull it off. You'll probably be looking at frost at the end of september or the first couple weeks or october.

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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: FrozenReality]
#242226 - 06/23/09 09:21 AM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
nice pic Frozenreality. thats a bad ass bug lol
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Yungpunk]
#242247 - 06/23/09 11:47 AM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Its never to late to yeild something. Im a midwesterner aswell, If you do decide to start, give special attention to the heat. I find the plants do great when they are built up to temps of 95+ but if you threw a tray of seedlings outside where im at, theyd never make it.
So start them in a shaded area and let them get used to how intense it is outside right now.
Edited by WordsWorth (06/23/09 11:48 AM)

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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: WordsWorth]
#242253 - 06/23/09 12:41 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
ya thats what I was worried about as well haha right now the outside temps are 95 with a heat index of 105.
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#242267 - 06/23/09 01:34 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
My 2 tallest (probably male) plants have kicked the bucket do to high temps. But the rest of the girls are loving the extra love from the big HPS in the sky..
I encourage you start, the strong will survive and thrive.

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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: WordsWorth]
#242270 - 06/23/09 01:40 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Well see in the place where I'm starting the seedlings it will be close to 90 degrees anyway haha cuz of no air conditioner will that help them adjust to the heat when I put them outside?
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#242273 - 06/23/09 01:53 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
For sure. theyll be born into high enviromental heat, not born into high heat from an intense light. But i would try to get them outside ASAP. Start them in paper towels, once you see the root breaking the seed, plant one each in clear beer cups, (to monitor root growth) after 3-4 weeks in cups you should be ready to be grounded.
Honestly if you were to start late late, I would say to skip the ground and leave them in cups, but thats if you plants in august or something...

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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: WordsWorth]
#242275 - 06/23/09 01:58 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
So basically grow them inside for 3-4 weeks then put them outside? or plant them in cups and put the cups outside? If you meant grow them inside then how do I make sure when I put them outside that they wont die from the stress of the sunlight?
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#242290 - 06/23/09 02:37 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Go back in the archives of the grow journals and look for "From Seeds to Trees" It was my journal of outdoor last year. I germed my seeds on June 9th and 6-7 footers still at harvest and got 1.5 Lbs... Check it out for an idea of how long to grow them inside... I'd say up to 2 weeks should be fine! PM me if you have any other specific questions...
Where in Northern MW are you? I live in MN...
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Inverted]
#242292 - 06/23/09 02:39 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
I live in IA
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#242377 - 06/23/09 09:47 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Nice! My GF is from there, I think it was near Cedar Rapids??? Does that sound right? I'm thinking about going down there sometime this summer because her dad still lives there and I've never met him and have been dating his daughter for well over 2 years... I would try to get together with ya' if you didn't live to far from her... You can just tell me NW, N, NE, E, SE, S.... whatever I don't need an exact location but it would be cool to meet a fellow growerian? Hah
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Inverted]
#242380 - 06/23/09 09:54 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
I live in Texas.
Edited by triptonic (07/21/09 06:04 PM)
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#242383 - 06/23/09 09:58 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Hahah that's right, she is a hottie too! Trust me there's plenty of sexy women in MN, it's kinda known because of all the scandinavian ancestry... About how old are ya' broski, like I said i'm gonna be 24 next month
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Inverted]
#242384 - 06/23/09 10:01 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
lol ya most Midwestern women are pretty good looking, with a few exceptions to the rule (they eat to much). But ya I just turned 20 a few months ago.

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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#242426 - 06/24/09 12:37 AM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
So I got a few more questions about growing outdoors.
1.) Where should I plant them, I read that parks arent a good idea cuz of the foot traffic, but I cant just go out to some farmers feild and plant them cuz I'm sure they will be found there as well. Not to mention that it would look funny if I parked there for long.
2.) Do I just put them in the ground with some decent soil?
3.) Should they get full sun, Part sun, or shade?
4.) Will they grow faster outside?
5.) How do you guys get soil down to where you are growing? backpacks?
6.) Should I plant it somewhere where there is a stream so I can get water or should I not worry about water and just let nature do its thing?
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#242429 - 06/24/09 12:47 AM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Those are very good questions and I can answer all of them in good detail... but im fairly wasted right now and the GF wants to talk....LOL.
I'll try to get back to you on all of those Q's in the morning, eh fuckit, probably early afternoon. I want to help you as I feel as though I was in the exact situation as you 3 years ago... I'm glad I have someone to tutor as you seem to have a good understanding of how things work.
Talk to you tomorrow and you'll probably learn a few things...
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Inverted]
#242431 - 06/24/09 12:51 AM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
ha ha good luck with the "talk" and ya man tutor away. C ya tomorrow.
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#242514 - 06/24/09 02:07 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Heres my attempt to answer your Qs.
1.Depending on how many plants you plan on, plant anywhere you know the foilage goes unkept. empty lots, back of feilds along lot lines, etc.
2.I use fancy soil when there in the cups but once they go in the ground its just plain old dirt.
3. Full sun to part sun. Cannabis loves direct sun, but its always nice to give them a brake at some point of the day, i plant north to south along tree lines, so the sun only gets them direct for the ladder half day when the suns moving west.
4. Yes. Youll be amazed at the sizes outdoors can reach. Personally i belive its more potent as well. (stonger plants)
5. I use what the earth has givin me.
6. My plants are outside from the begining of May to mid October, i water them MAYBE 4 or 5 times. It rains atleast once evry few weeks. Cannabis is a weed, people will tend to care to much for it and kill it. Let it do its own thing, its been surviving in nature for thousands of years without people bringing it water. Besides i find Marijuana doesnts like "wet feet", and is very sensitive to root rot. Do water in exceptional droughts though.
7 1/2. I was saying do the cup thing to start with, once youve verafied your plant count get them in the ground. And try to get them outside as early as possible, start them outside in cups, in shade for aweek or so, then on you go.
On another note.....GO CornHuskers!!

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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: WordsWorth]
#242516 - 06/24/09 02:15 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Boo corn huskers but thanks for the advice man.
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: WordsWorth]
#243207 - 06/26/09 11:07 AM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: jwes420]
#243246 - 06/26/09 03:42 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
new new new new new EDIT!
Edited by triptonic (07/21/09 06:03 PM)

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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: WordsWorth]
#243327 - 06/26/09 08:35 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Alright so another series of questions for you assholes.
1.) When should I move these ladies *fingers crossed* outside a couple weeks?
2.) I think I found a sweet spot that no one goes in cuz its just thick with stinging nettle and thorns. It is a feild that goes up to some woods I think it might be a nature reserve....does that sound like a good place. Im taking Wordsworth's advice and probably going to plant them north to south along the woodline.
3.) What do you guys do about males outside? I might want to do a seed run with one of the ladies but I dont want them all getting pollenized.
4.) So wordsworth just put them in cups out in the woods in the shade for a week or so and then move them into sun?
5.) How many times should I check on them?
6.) There are deer where I am planting them I know there are cuz I saw them haha, what do you do about the deer? Chicken wire?
Thanks for the help again guys I'm sure I will have more questions as I go along.
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#243435 - 06/27/09 10:20 AM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
I live in a deer heavy area. I use fishing line at 13-14" and@ 32" only around the 1 plant that seems to be at the head of the deer trail, and I PISS all around them! I haven't seen ANY tracks since then except going WAY around them
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: jwes420]
#243559 - 06/27/09 04:39 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
lol got any pics on how to hook up the fishing line?
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#243565 - 06/27/09 05:34 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Here's my set up. I wrapped some local flora around the fish line to disguise the shit. I get lost trying to find it sometimes. The line was wrapped around three natural posts, making a triangle, and was wrapped about 5-6 times making it very obvious so hence, the camo job. The deer come north to south. This is the furthest north of six plants at the trail head, in a med/heavy underbrush. Wild rose, raspberry, couple of bushes, and scattered locust trees. I piss heavy in this spot on the trail side, and scattered on the outsides of the rest. The future bambi dinners are going wide around it now.

Hope this gives you an idea!
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: jwes420]
#243566 - 06/27/09 05:38 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
They really avoid that shit man? if thats true I'm totally going to do that. You think they avoid it cuz of the line or cuz of the smell of you pissing everywhere?

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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#243587 - 06/27/09 08:41 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Do you think chickenwire would work?
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#243611 - 06/27/09 10:04 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
chicken wire will work. The line or fence just obstructs their path. Pissing will help avoid bambi eating your nuggets. If you can't piss enough, you can try using coyote piss from almost any hunting store. The deer LOVE to eat peoples harvests.
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: jwes420]
#243618 - 06/27/09 10:15 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
alright cuz i totally have already seen deer out there.
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#243806 - 06/28/09 06:04 PM (15 years, 7 months ago) |
Yeah I have used that method in the past and it works great... The line and the pissing! I just find some sturdy bush around the area and tie it up to make a circle around the plants somehow. They freak when they run into it b/c they can't see it and they just run off around it. The piss deters them from a greater distance. They will eat your shit if you don't take precautions. Chicken fence will work yes. It's just harder to hide.
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Inverted]
#404235 - 04/20/10 03:05 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Inverted said: I think it was near Cedar Rapids??? Does that sound right?
I live in Cedar Rapids.
Trip- Personally I wouldn't start with seeds.
Every year you learn something new and that was a biggie after my first year.
All that time breakin my back carrying water. All the money spent fertilizing and having some turn out to be male.
Start with clones. Must guarantee sex while growing outdoors to maximize efficiency.
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: DoPeYsMuRf]
#404269 - 04/20/10 04:16 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Good luck. i just had my one plant outdoor hopes get shot. it was a male. got 9 now sprouted outdoors in the florida area.... they are about 1 week old.. already an inch tall im thinkng of just transplant to a safer spot since i started them in my vegetable garden. hahah
good luck!!!!
-------------------- New To the Growery. Old to the shroomery. (same Account name) Beginning outdoor grow... Any advice is Loved!. Thanks!

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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: I8thesh400m]
#404381 - 04/20/10 08:39 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
lol this was almost a year ago.

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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Triptonic]
#404382 - 04/20/10 08:43 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
I'm glad it was a year ago, I cracked up at first when I thought this thread was brand new. I was like april isn't too late for anything
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Re: To late to start outdoor grow? [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#404393 - 04/20/10 09:15 PM (14 years, 9 months ago) |
Harry_Ba11sach said: I'm glad it was a year ago, I cracked up at first when I thought this thread was brand new. I was like april isn't too late for anything 
I was thinkin' the same thing. I didn't see the date.
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