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Grow Marijuana

All about the cannabis growth cycle, optimal environmental conditions and how you can grow your own.


  • Breeding & Plant Gender
    Identify male and female plants and learn how to create your own seeds.

  • Grow FAQ
    Inspired by the classic Overgrow Grow FAQ.

  • Grow Methodology
    Techniques for caring for and boosting yield from your flowering female cannabis plants.

  • Grow Rooms & Grow Systems
    Planning your grow space and building your infrastructure.

  • Harvest
    • 2.33

    Reaping the rewards of your grow, how to properly harvest, trim and cure your buds.

  • Nutrients
    Understanding the building blocks required for optimum plant health.

  • Propagation
    How to sprout seeds and make clones (copies) of an existing plant.

  • Strain Guide
    The source for learning about different strains, their growth characteristics, and their unique effects when consumed.

  • Troubleshooting Plant Problems
    Visit this section for a review of common horticultural ailments and their associated treatments.


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