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Fire Crackers

MMMMmmm. Peanut butter and Ganja.

Fire Crackers

Ever eat crackers with peanut butter on them? How about getting high at the same time?

Saltine Crackers
Peanut Butter (All Natural works best)
Aluminum Foil
Herb (The danker, the better)
Grinder (Or fingers)

Step 1:

    Break your herb up as fine as possible. Preheat the oven to 325F.

Step 2:
    Spread peanut butter on 1 side of 2 crackers.

Step 3:
    Two crackers will make one firecracker. Put about .5 grams of ganja on one side of this dank sandwich. Put the two sides together and wrap really tight with tin foil.

Step 4:
    Bake them at 325F for about 20-25 minutes.

Step 5:
    Enjoy, get baked. :bongload:

It takes a little bit longer for these to kick in, but you WILL get stoned if done right.


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