The Feminizer

Registered: 04/21/08 Posts: 6,634
Holy shit I never did this.....
03/24/17 07:41 PM
Greenhouse Technician

Registered: 01/15/13 Posts: 1,222 Loc: Bat Country 
Got no issue with you my man
04/17/16 08:54 AM
Wish the feeling was mutual..
Hydroponic Enthusiast
Registered: 09/20/15 Posts: 123
Accurate Responses
09/26/15 10:48 PM
Great Accurate Responses
H J Farnsworth

Registered: 09/22/14 Posts: 112 Loc: Colorado  Last seen: 8 years, 10 months
Registered: 11/28/12 Posts: 133 Last seen: 9 years, 20 days
for the advice over time
oeric mckenna
Pure Indica
Registered: 07/18/14 Posts: 758 Loc: Mars
high fives
08/30/14 01:31 AM
Consistently giving accurate information
Registered: 12/15/13 Posts: 466 Last seen: 9 years, 3 months
Great information
08/01/14 06:26 AM
This guy will always provide you with quality information in a timely mannor. He is a great resource for this forum to have.

Registered: 08/28/12 Posts: 8,703 Loc: █████
See ya in 14 yrs.
05/03/14 07:37 PM
BluntguY 207
That Guy

Registered: 09/19/13 Posts: 462 Loc: North East Coast  Last seen: 9 years, 7 months
smart mo fo
05/01/14 02:47 PM
When it comes to gardening you know your shit!
Always has positvie advice and points you in the right direction!
Seasoned Green Thumb

Registered: 03/14/14 Posts: 67 Loc: USA  Last seen: 10 years, 9 months
Righteous advice my brudda.
The Wind Fish
Registered: 01/29/14 Posts: 212
02/27/14 05:07 PM
Hawk's been maintaining impeccable patience with my dumb ass questions since I got here. This rating is overdue, but having just hit 50 posts, I bestow my mark of approval upon your online alter-ego posthaste.
Clouseau is on the case
Registered: 12/26/13 Posts: 55 Last seen: 10 years, 9 months
Helped my first grow come out spectacular so far. Would not have been where I am without is his help.

Registered: 01/31/12 Posts: 89
Stand up guy.
01/27/14 07:14 AM
Thank's for your wealth of information. Cheers mate.
seeker of enlightenment

Registered: 11/07/10 Posts: 201 Loc: its cold Last seen: 4 years, 1 month
thanks for all you insight
01/11/14 06:56 PM
Thank you for all the help talking me through things. You are valuable member of ther growery team. Thank you again
Are my eyes red?
Registered: 11/15/13 Posts: 706
For helping me awhile back, just got to 50 posts sorry its late
closed veil
'nother 'merican zombie

Registered: 01/17/11 Posts: 3,015 Loc: land of the dead Last seen: 8 years, 7 months
Last Edited 03/30/14 06:47 AM
Registered: 06/22/13 Posts: 1,699 Loc: Babylon Last seen: 8 years, 1 month
Good dude thats ready to help.
12/21/13 10:31 PM
You have always shared valuable information with me and answered any question a user may have about growing, even if it is dumb. lol. You have a dry sense of humor when it comes to your sarcasm, but that's awesome and you still get your point across thru it all. Thank you for all your help and your shared wisdom. Much love to you and yours. Jah Bless!

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 4,782
12/07/13 09:59 PM
shit stain
has trouble using his brain for anything other than a means to get high

Lost yer modship too asshat
Last Edited 12/19/13 06:07 PM
Hawksresurrection responded on 12/16/13 10:51 PM:
Gooood, goooood......Let the butthurt flow through you.
Registered: 11/28/12 Posts: 103 Last seen: 5 years, 8 months
Last Edited 10/12/13 01:02 PM
Just one more xanax

Registered: 03/30/09 Posts: 4,956 Loc: Gaybec Last seen: 7 years, 2 months
Is a good, intelligent dude, and a great moderator
Hawksresurrection responded on 09/29/13 07:20 PM:
Awwweee....yer gonna make me blush.