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Kraken Kratom Shop: Red Vein Kratom

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old school fool

Registered: 06/14/09
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Just remembered this story..
    #380998 - 03/09/10 09:40 PM (14 years, 2 months ago)


tsollost said:

This post reminded me.....and so I give you,
Moose Blotter
by ChillWillis

One tuesday night I got a sheet of the nicest white on white I've ever had before, it was super clean and visual... aaand my my roommate at the time is so all about eating acid all the time, anytime, no matter what.. Total space cadet, I mean he could put coaster to shame.

  Anyway on the hour drive back from where we got the dose he convinces me we should each eat a half tab to try out the doses.. Eventually I agree and we eat on the drive back. By the time we pulled up to where we were living I was just starting to feel funny, y'know?
  Well it was at this exact moment that the entire neighborhood was running together in one direction.. So we get out of the car (I with guitar in hand, sheet in pocket) and chase after everyone to see what's up. We round the corner of my neighbors house and there's a large clearing.. And then we see what everyone's all excited about.. There's a fucking moose not 30 yards from where we were staring! It was HUGE to say the least.. And incredibly hairy... So of course being tripping and all, we decided it was a good idea to follow the moose around because it was an absolutely beautiful creature. Don't get excited, this didn't last too long - moose are pretty fucking fast and it didn't really like any songs I could play on guitar while running.
(this was all cool, at the time I was living in a college town and a lot of the neighbors liked us because they hung out with space cadet.)

After the moose eluded us we had a long and fun time trying to navigate our way out of the woods at night and back to our home. When we finally got there I wanted to go to bed and so my friend gave me some ambien.. I think I took two or three, at the time I was taking them a couple times a week and really enjoyed the feeling of getting totally zonked out, plus its interesting to stay awake as long as you can and feel trippy from them.
Well needless to say they didn't put me to sleep but just kinda made me feel really fucked up on top of the 1/2 tab. So space cadet tells me we should probably just eat more acid.. For some reason I oblige. Through the night we were feeding on tabs whenever we pleased. In fact a couple friends wound up coming over randomly too and I dosed them out as well.  We wound up eating acid and ambien all night and the last tab we ate was at probably 10:30-11am the next morning. There was something like 48-50 tabs gone by bedtime wendsday night. What a fucking bender.
Oh well, you only live once I guess.

At some point during that night I guess I took a knife and carved FUCK into my left arm, and it's still there today if you look close.

My lessons:
Pro's: -Seeing a moose on acid is totally incredible
-Had a totally forgotten good time

Cons: Lost about 150$ worth of acid
-carved FUCK into my arm

I don't know man, I just don't know.

If this is at all legible to anyone, congratulations.. I don't think my mind is working tonight so many thoughts kinda just got slapped together haphazardly but I hope someone enjoyed my story.


It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom.

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Fear and Loathing
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Re: Just remembered this story.. [Re: ChillWillis]
    #381331 - 03/10/10 03:16 PM (14 years, 2 months ago)

haha that sounds like a fun night
too bad the moose didnt stick around to listen to the songs you were playing him


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Kraken Kratom Shop: Red Vein Kratom

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